Thursday, November 2, 2023

Understanding State Aid Formula

 BOE election: Please vote for fix the formula candidates Schubert, Morgenstern and Eisenbach Lakewood school board. They have made it their priority to work with the lawyers to zealously guard the public trust and make sure that we get it right for the parents and children of Lakewood.
Video of calculations 

"The power-brokers and elected officials of Lakewood need to know with detail how the state formula works.

I represent the public school students and parents of Lakewood and nonpublic school students and parents of Lakewood. In a way, I also represent the taxpayers because Judge Scarola allowed my petitioners to maintain standing as long as they still lived in Lakewood and paid taxes, even if their kids graduated by the time she heard the case in 2018.

Since the constituency of Lakewood elected officials is pretty much the same as my clients, it is incumbent upon them to cooperate with the lawyers so that the people of Lakewood speak with one voice and act in unison to further the public interest rather than undermine it. The state will try to limit state aid as much as possible if we do not do our homework and are caught asleep at the wheel If at any time in Lakewood history we need s'yata d'shmaya to act b'achdus, it is now. B'zcus ha'rabbim we will get it right.

Please vote for Schubert, Morgenstern and Eisenbach. They have made it their priority to work with the lawyers to zealously guard the public trust and make sure that we get it right for the parents and children of Lakewood."
A. Lang


  1. You find the second half of the video clip at:

    The full four minute clip is at:

    The formula is complicated enough, and that is not much, that no one in Lakewood that thinks they're in the know knows it.

    We need people who will put in the time to get it right. A little study and perhaps conversation with the lawyers today will pay off bit in the near future. I know its hard to be transparent and forthright, but I am one of the lawyers and that is what stakeholders do if they want to win. There are so many "what ifs" that our own communal discord and avaricious jealousy over turf, or whatever it is that makes us so bizzare, V'nahapoch Hu, to call for achdus and hakaros hatov when we really have been undermining one another, can cost the kids $50 million a year if we mess this up.

  2. Why do people like Lang and Hershkowitz sound like they're rambling instead of concise statements. It's hard to take them seriously even if they're right.

    1. It is because the formula is very complex and there is only three people in the state who have litigated the kind of case we are doing. But why do I have to even go to the people. I gave up on a political career before I cam to Lakewood. We won in court and that speaks for itself. The people and leaders should be helping rather than obstructing. Even time they go out and try to make a deal, I am concerned that the state will use it against us. If we worked together, we can get this done. It is like a lawyer and client not on the same page and working behind each other's back.

    2. Because they are not polished PR people, they are real humans, with the same public persona as private

  3. About time. Great vedio. Very clear.

  4. per the rav of Brisk 'Those who claim to be the greatest ohavim,are really the greatest son'im'
    When hearing those who loudly wrap themselves in the achdus mantle..

  5. everyone got to vote for Thomson

    the turnoutfor schnall is huge

    I went to early voting last night and I am really scared Schnall will win

  6. Schnall is not the issue here
    This is about the School Board, nothing to do with the State race.
