Thursday, November 30, 2023

Moetzes: Let us Focus on Limud HaTorah, Tefillah, and Tznius

 Agudath Israel of America, today, shared a statement from the Moetzes Gedolei HaTorah of America:
17 Kislev 5784

To our dear brothers and sisters:

We are all still in great shock and mourning over the loss of so many of our brethren in Eretz Yisroel. Hashem yinkom damam - may Hashem avenge their blood! We cry for their families, and for the many who suffered injury in the Shmini Atzeres Simchas Torah attack, may they have a complete and speedy recovery. We daven for the safety of all members of the Am Hakodesh in the Eretz Hakodesh, and particularly the soldiers who are in the front lines of the war, whether on the southern border of Eretz Yisroel or on the north. We feel the pain of the numerous individuals and families who have been displaced from their homes and suffered severe losses. And while we welcome the release of some of the

hostages, we can know no rest until every one of them is freed from the clutches of their barbaric captors.
Across the globe, we are horrified by the alarming explosion of antisemitism all across Europe and even in the Malchus Shel Chesed of the United States. Most of the targets of anti-Jewish hate are anshei shlomeinu, fellow members of the Torah community. And it is particularly troubling that so many of the younger generation, in college campuses across America, have embraced the agenda of our greatest enemies.

Clearly, Hakodosh Boruch Hu is sending us a message. We cannot be complacent in the face of so many tzoros. We must ask ourselves mah Hashem Elokeinu shoeil mei’imanu - What does Hashem want from us? Nachpeso drocheinu v’nachkora v’nashuva ad Hashem - We must make serious introspection of our ways and return to Hashem!

Let us focus on three broad areas: (1) Limud HaTorah, (2) Tefillah, and (3) Tznius.

1. Limud HaTorah: Chazal teach us that Torah is our protective shield against the murderous designs of our enemies. We need to strengthen our own Torah learning, both in quantity and quality, and increase our level of support for our yeshivos and Torah scholars.

2. Tefilah: The Rishonim explain that often-times the reason a tzorah is brought upon Klal Yisroel is to awaken us to reach out to Hakodosh Boruch Hu in fervent prayer. Let us now enhance our avodah she’bileiv, service of the heart, through greater kavanah, coming to shul on time for tefillah b’tzibur, refraining from talking during davening, and offering special tefilos on behalf of Acheinu kol bais Yisroel.

3. Tznius: The Torah hakedoshah singles out ervas davar, a lack of modesty, as the cause of Hashem removing His protective presence from our camp, Rachmana litzlan. Both men and women alike need to strengthen themselves and their families in the areas of tznius and kedushah.

May Hakodosh Boruch Hu extend the protective powers of Torah learning upon all of Klal Yisroel, may He hear our tefilos and deliver us from the hands of our enemies, may He look down upon our machaneh and see kedushah, and may we have bitachon in the fact that Hashem Ish Milchamah, He is the One who will do battle for us and bless us with sholom.

Moetzes Gedolei HaTorah of America


  1. How exactly r men suppose to be more carefully in their tznios?

    1. there are many ways.

    2. Don't worry. They didn't mean you. A שוטה is פטור and clearly you're at best a שוטה so just relax.

    3. It says Tznius and Kedushah. Tznius is not only in dress, it is also in behavior. All behavior should be with kedushah, vehamavin, yavin.

    4. 1. They should stop rolling up their sleeves, covering their arms until their knuckles.
      2. The suit pants that people wear shows off their legs. They should wear culottes and really baggy pants, so their form is not visible.
      3. The hats that people wear are really eye-catching, especially when the brim is bent up. They should pour dust over their hats and bend the brims down.
      4. Some of the glasses styles worn nowadays are very provocative, with gold and black intertwined. Only monochrome glasses should be allowed, and only on the side streets of town, not the main streets or in stores.
      5. When a white shirt is too clean, it shines and attracts attention. Men should not leave the house until their shirts are grubby enough not to attract the eye in the street.
      6. Some men have begun losing weight, cultivating a svelte attractive figure. This is quite goyish, men should frequent the restaurants in town, paying large tips, until they have grown their bellies sufficiently to be quite repulsive, or bedi'eved - unattractive.
      7. Haircuts are another source of tznius problems. People should not have haircuts more than once every six months, and those haircuts should not be done by experienced barbers.

    5. @ 4:35 so if you ask and ponder that many basic things are missing in the kol koire makes you a Letz ok . In anyway did I make light of what the moetzes requested is needed ? Did I attack them ? Or just wonder that certain things are left out . It seems it hit a nerve. Are you an elitist and this hits home and by calling me a letz u r doiche a toichocho that hit home. Also I am asking if Agudas convention is in that spirit. That makes me a letz I hear . What do you consider yourself a pious man or something like mischased see pele yoetz for explanation or maybe a simple robot or maybe member of a cult . In Catholicism you can’t question the pope or in different cults the cult leader . Questioning is not letzones

    6. I'm far from pious, but I try very hard to show כבוד for תלמידי חכמים and מרביצי תורה and גדולי ישראל even if my feeble mind doesn't always comprehend everything.
      What you did is classic letzonus and it's sad that you don't even know yourself anymore. They made a few points - that are unassailable. You, in your infinite wisdom, ignored it and rambled about things that have nothing to do with what they wrote and poked fun at them.
      זד יהיר לץ שמו!
      Your shtik is old. קרח already tried it.
      If you have a sincere question, go ask the Moetzes members what they meant. Virtually every single one of them is accessible. When I had a question on something that published, I went directly to the source. He explained their reasoning to me patiently. Posting ליצנות on this site is exactly what I called it.

  2. To 4:27 please see ב״ב דף כ״א if u need art scroll they have on ב״ב

  3. What an incredible. deep. insightful. letter. This justifies aguda's existence. I would know since this exact letter has been reprinted over the last few years again and again with only minor changes.

    1. As Chazal say Arbah devorim tzrichim chizhuk. How much did you change the past times similar letters were written? What about this time? I'm confident that it wasn't enough for you not to need the Moetzes to remind you again

  4. Honestly, and I hope Agudah sees this, I am more concerned that Agudah asked people to do hishtadlus by going online to their knowus website and writing to politicians.

    Agudah then sent a letter from the Moetzes on the exact same topic that makes no mention of this.

    Based on events of the past month, it is entirely possible that members of the Moetzes feel that it is counterproductive to lobby senators or that the website is not appropriate.

    I seriously ask: what are we to think?

    I ask as someone who will still donate to and support Agudas Yisroel.
