Saturday, November 4, 2023

Motzei Shabbos Vayera News Updates Lakewood

 Clocks fall back tonight at 2am as day light savings ends

- Lakewood Vaad leader in massive dispute to cease control over CHEMED has broken out among the power brokers of Lakewood as to the own FAA News has learned. Interestingly Roshei yeshiva did not issue an election  endorsement to the Lakewood vaad choice of candiates.

- Kumzitz in honor of Reb Shlomo's yarzeit at the Rothkopf shul starting soon at 10:30. Come with or without guitars or other music instruments. But come.

- AICU united fundraiser for Israel tonight in Lakewood with Gad Elbaz and friends at 105 Chestnut 

- Livestream tonight at the Torah Umesorah convention here

- Rav Shaul Alter scheduled in Lakewood shachris Sunday morning 7:30 am at B"M Pnei Menachem 13 Lucy Rd. Shiur Sunday night 7:00pm at Lakewood commons shul 44 Coles Way, Shachris Monday morning 7:00am at B"M Meor Chaim 7 Adams Lakewood 

-Lakewood elections: Residents receive Robo calls as Campaigns in final push with early voting tomorrow and elections this Tuesday

-Pirchei Agudas Yisrael boys melava malka in Bais Faiga charging $20 per kid

 - Asifas chizuk for the Spruce and Pine streets neighborhoods following recent tragedies on the passing of Mrs. Etty Friedman A"H and Mrs. Esther Sara Steinfeld A"H. for Ladies and girls high school age at Bais Kaila 9:15pm Divrei chizuk by the R"Y HaRav Dovid Schustal shlita and Rav Nosson Levine shlita of Somerset walk shul

- R' Shmuel Shapiro will be speaking tonight motzoei shabbs 9:30 p.m @ 828 Ridge Ave , Rabbi Hamburgers Shull. Additional parking across the st by the new Kaminetz Cheder. There will be an opportunity to donate to the Rosh Hakollel's mosdos before and after the droshah.

NYC Marathon tomorrow expect road closures in the city. Verazzano bridge will be closed on the lower level both ways from Staten Island and Brooklyn from 7am- 4pm


  1. This campaign has caused not only an increase of sinas yisroel in Ocean county by people who have been friendly to us but now has caused machlokes and sinas Chinom at the highest levels all across Lakewood.
    Gedolim and Rabbonim have been bullied and fooled with out real truths and information
    The threats the bullying and silencing of any opposing view all in the name of the almighty dollar.
    Chazal have very strong words of those who abuse a tzibbur those who are מטיל אימה

    1. The manhigim preferring their own family interests are a part of it

  2. There have been stories here, and FAA, saying that the good people in a shul harassed me. It is not true. What is true is that I verbally harassed the good people. They were gentlemen and I was wrong. I extend my apologies to them and their righteous rabbi. A Lang

    1. Aron you are an honest individual . Not many can publish what you just did. Hkbh should give you the strength to deal with all this. Keep your head high.

    2. If you did it, I am sure they had it coming.

  3. Kumzitz in honor of Reb Shlomo's yarzeit at the Rothkopf shul starting soon at 10:30. Come with or without guitars or other music instruments. But come.

  4. The עם חכם ונבון has lost its collected mind. Blinded by money that may never come we have put ourselves in a potential sakana raitzing uhn our local neighbors in a attempt to rule over them while thousands marched on Washington today against Israel and the Jews.
    Not one rav or gadol has addressed this or alleviated the fear and concern of this danger. They are all scared to speak their mind or are not told of what could happen in the streets of our communities or anywhere Hashem should watch over us

  5. Will kanarek schools lower the tuition when the relief comes if mashiach is still not here

    1. Why would he lower tuition when he makes even more money? As it is now he's making a profit and not lowering tuition? Back in the day when nonprofit meant no profit, The idea of tuition was the cost of educating your children, not anymore.... Now it's how much school is not embarrassed to ask for.

  6. CHEMED is a lot more than a medical facility.
    When they opened up, it was easy to open a facility like that. Others wished to, but they were threatened against it.
    Now, it is not a medical facility per se. It is a federal medical research facility. Every piece of data they have is shared with the federal government and used for research. I personally don't think it is a problem, but they get paid by the feds for this information. Even if you don't pay your co-pay, they have made money on your visit. Essentially, you are the product that is being sold, not medical knowledge and expertise.

  7. Obviously only a massive dispute because BMG has limited power over chemed legally ie they are losing. For if not those who oppose them would disappear from the board of chemed.....
