Wednesday, November 8, 2023

Wednesday November 8 Lakewood News Updates

 Weather: 53° Sun and clouds mixed. 

- A suspect has been taken into custody in last month’s killing of Detroit synagogue president Samantha Woll, Detroit Police said Wednesday. In a statement Police said details of the investigation will remain confidential at this time."

- More than 57% of registered voters in Lakewood did not come out to vote in the election. Lakewood has 58995 registered voters a total of  25,226 ballots were cast  that makes  42.8%  of registered voters who came out to vote  including a full week of early voting.  In 2021 the voter turnout was at 35%. with 57,491 registered voters

- Tuition relief was biggest motivator driving out the Lakewood vote. Residents are hoping by next year there will be free tuition

- Murphy said Tuesday  the midterms of his final term  was a “huge validation of our collective agenda.” “This is a big night for Democrats,” he told NJ PBS. The Legislature, which sits in Trenton, writes the state’s laws and passes the state budget. Keeping the majority means Democrats will continue to determine which bills come up for votes and help decide funding in the budget.

- Tenants of Prime Apartments have just served a Subpoena to Sterling National Bank seeking information regarding their landlords financial relationship with them, including loan applications, underwriting files, and personal guarantees. 

-Post election message from Hershel Herskowitz on his chat groups

- Democrats gained five seats in the legislature Beginning next session, the Senate will have 25 Democrats and 15 Republicans – the same as the current breakdown – while the Assembly will have 51 Democrats and 29 Republicans. 

- Sophisticated campaign some Lakewood residents got phone calls yesterday notifying them that they have not voted yet and should go out and vote 

- Ned Thompson campaign have not issued any post election statement. The Wall GOP posted a message to keep their heads high as they will regroup for 2025

- Agudath Israel of America extends its heartfelt congratulations to Rabbi Avi Schnall on his hard-fought victory in the race to represent New Jersey’s 30th Legislative District in the General Assembly.

- Schnall won just 14.7% of the vote in the six Monmouth County towns in the 30th district – Howell, Wall, Belmar, Avon, Farmingdale and Lake Como. 

- The new district would have gone for former President Donald Trump by around 35 points in 2020 and not a single town went for Democrats in the 2021 gubernatorial election. But Schnall’s victory is evidence of the axiom that “all politics is local.” (Politico)


  1. Who's replacing schnall as aguda director in Nj?

  2. Schnall let the cat out of the bag with his Victor speech last night by declaring that the 30th district is now part of the dem caucas majority. This is everyone's fears coming true he is associating all of Lakewood as democrats
    That is in stark contrast to what Reb Malkiel Kotler said it is not about the voting for the party but the person
    well now we see the true colors have come out

  3. The rabbis did not endorse the VAAD as they usually do but the sheeple are accustomed to obeying the vaad for so many years so they did anyways.

  4. Let Agudah stay OUT of Lakewood, nobody needs them

  5. The biggest loser last night was the bnei Torah of Lakewood as the Agudah has now put a foothold on Lakewood. They have no business getting involved here the chutzpah of Agudah to bully themselves and mix in to our local elections. They do not represent klal yisroel by forcing themselvs into frum neighborhoods without getting permission or voted in by their residents
    Legaly they must remain neutral

  6. Breaking down the numbers it was a bad election day for the establishment despite a million dollar campaign with threatening letters from the roshei yeshiva and offering free tuition.
    The Democrat voters for Schnall include the Hispanic black and senior votes too. A little over 25 percent of the frum vote heeded the call for schnall 75 percent of the frum population ignored didn't show up or voted against or didn't bother to register
    They blew it as the purpose was to show Trenton huge voting numbers that didn't happen
    Trump got the all time record voter turnout in Lakewood

  7. Schnalls vote is now meaningless to the dems to use as leverage since they picked up another 5 seats it will only count when they need a 2/3 majority
    Avi Schnall has one move to threaten Trenton that he will flip and put a R next to his name

  8. What is shocking is that 14% of others towns were willing to vote for Schnall.

  9. Alot of youngeleit live in Jackson and they could not vote for schnal because it is not in the district

  10. Don't be fooled this is just the beginning of the plan next election they will try to flip the other assembly seat. Their goal is to turn the frum velt into Democrat voters

    1. And why not. They will promise to alleviate traffic, lower property taxes. I'm just curiously watching how Schnall will spin his tuition relief.

  11. Lol, free tuition next year! I have a few bridges to sell you.

  12. There is a silver lining on all this, Save evolved people would complain that the reason why the paying tuition is because of the few unhappy people in town who didn't vote for the right man. now the onus is on the Mathers and with all probability they will get egg in the face or at best they'll have a token gain to show.....

  13. Thoughts of a local Rav:

    During the recent election for the 30th district Assembly seat of New Jersey, there were a select few in the community who voiced their opposition to Avi Schnall’s candidacy. These people were labeled by Schnall and his supporters as anti-Daas Torah, Machzik B’machlokes and ignorant. Even the Roshei Yeshiva, on the day before the election, felt compelled to sign a letter against Schnall’s critics where they wrote that those who opposed Schnall have no respect for the opinion of the Roshei Yeshiva and lack Kavod HaTorah.

    What’s fascinating is that the driving force behind the Schnall opposition was precisely the Daas Torah that had been drilled into them by Rabbonim for as long as they could remember. The Rabbonim who signed letters in support of Avi Schnall have always (up until now) preached, rightfully, that we as Yidden must be Tzanua, the streets of the world are Porutz and the world outside of our towns is extremely immoral. They’ve also called out a certain political party for being the cause of why society has sunken to such lows. In addition, they’ve taught us that the integrity of our Mesorah is more important than any financial or other benefits. Finally, they’ve reminded us that we are still in Golus and how important it is for us to lay low and not Chepper the non-Yidden around us.

    Those opposed to Shnall followed this Daas Torah and were uncomfortable with the idea that Daas Torah had suddenly changed without any explanation. They had a difficult time understanding how they were supposed to vote against what they always thought were the community’s values. They were also desperately hoping to reconcile the lessons taught to them throughout their lives with the instructions they were receiving now. Sadly, they were left without getting the clarification they wished for. They’ll now just have to get used to hearing how everything this new political movement and their beloved representative do or don’t do is a Kiddush Hashem and that anyone who questions them or any of their actions is creating a Chilul Hashem.

    1. I feel bad for the mispallelim of this so called “Rav”. No self respecting Rav would say anything like this.

    2. Agreed the rav was not harsh enough attacking schnall.
      This wasn't about going against the goyim, or the Republicans it was about supporting schnall a lobbyist who never fought against toevah and abortion. And gave token opposition to assisted suicide while actively undermining the campaign to fight against it.

      The biggest proof of the lack of caring about genuine Torah values is the fact that Kean was much worse than Thomson. Let's imagine schnall would have been a tzadik they should have opposed Kean who voted to teach toeva in schools NOT Thomson.

    3. What the Rov said describes how I felt and still feel very well. I'll stop here becuase I don't believe saying more will be beneficial but there really is a lot more that I'm holding back from saying

  14. I voted for Mr. Hershkowitz. I do not ever vote Democrat. I don't know if this town will ever change for the better. It just keeps getting worse. I've lived here over 50 years, so I know what I'm talking about. I guess we judt have to keep on trying

  15. Animal Farm
    Should it matter how Napoleon turns & twists his stories
    We are obligated to follow him like Boxer

  16. Agree. Sad

    (half communist) famous journalist I.F.Stone
    'The only kinds of fights worth fighting are those you're going to lose, because somebody has to fight them and lose and lose and lose until someday, somebody who believes as you do wins.'

    Lo alecha hamelacha ligmor,v'ee..
