Monday, November 13, 2023

Washington Rally Schedule

 Tentative program schedule for March on Washington NBC news reports The "March for Israel" protest in Washington, D.C. tomorrow has been elevated to SEAR 1 threat level by the Department of Homeland Security - requiring “significant coordination among federal, state, and local authorities and warrants pre-deployment of federal assets.”


  1. Why no kabolas ol malchus Shamayim or Mincha

    1. Kabbalas Ol Malchus Shamayim is done twice a day, Shacharis and Maariv. No need for more.

    2. גוט געזאגט!

  2. And this is a podium that some rabanim believe we should be part of?
    Did those rabanim know about this dais of such distinguished people?
    I'm pretty confident that reb yitzchok sorotzkin shlita was not aware of this because if he was he would not have needed to say the drasha last week that he did. This roster of those running the program doesn't leave any room for anyone with a functioning brain not to realize that the frum yid doesn't belong there.

  3. 100% Nisht fur unzera

  4. Shame on Agudah for encouraging its members to go

  5. What's wrong with the lineup?

  6. The roster makes no difference to the point of going. The frum olam is going to show congress support in large numbers and to pressure them to free the hostages the dais and speeches are meaningless

    Is dancing and fressing by adireinu also ok on a random night during the zman focus on the ikkur not the toful

    1. Foolish.
      What will be the the narrative in the aftermath?!
      We will barter away long term for possible near term benefit.Even if there is some good purpose.
      Those running the program & media will rush to portray convincely that everybody attending similarly subscribe to the same values-however depraved some will be. It will be harder afterwards to establish that we represent anything else.
      &,only the large bulk of the naive are unwilling to grasp that that is a part of the agenda

    2. pressure congress to free the hostages? how can congress free the hostages? do you ever think about anything for more than a second?

  7. Shame that agudah wasn't a cosponsor and therefore couldn't influence the lineup at all.

    1. That's exactly the point even if they work it corresponds sir they are too small and insignificant and their opinions are too Extreme for these organizations to compromise with...... We never focus on just the ikkar There's the big picture and it doesn't Is smell right.....

  8. As rabbi Twersky said at the last convention, aguda is on a path towards irrelevance. How can any frum yid be part of this. Not a single rabbi speaking, let alone from a Charedi community.

    1. I mamish don't chop. This is not a religious gathering. Its a political gathering. Why should a rabbi speak? And why shouldn't we go?

    2. why should we go? no one has been able to explain what the point of this is.

    3. Okay, so you don't understand politics. But why wouldn't someone who understands politics go? Who cares who speaks? Its not like its a Siyum Hashas or an Adireinu event, its a political rally to support Israel in its war against Hamas. What's wrong with going?

    4. what's right with going when the rally had no point. i see that you don't understand politics and aren't able to comprehend that this rally was pointless but why would anyone who understands politics go?

  9. I'm sure more people from Lakewood would go if there was a VIP section.

  10. Imagine if they would have a frum rov speak. It would cause so much machlokes. For the kanoim he would be the new enemy target number one , everything he says would be nitpicked in the effort to show how terrible he and what he said was blah, blah, blah And that is after screaming at him for sharing the dais and speaking to "those people"

  11. Why not make a massive yom tefila on the scale of the Siyum Hashas and Adrei Torah under the auspices of the gedolim?
