Thursday, November 23, 2023

Thursday November 23 News Updates Lakewood

Weather: 52° Some clouds  sunny skies for the afternoon. High 52F. 

- Watch live at 4pm Hilula of the Bas Ayin with R' Meilich BIdeman HERE 

- Hespedim for Harav Boruch Mordechai Ezrachi Zatzal tonight in BMG Beren hall 6:20pm Divrei Hesped by Rav Malkiel Kotler shlita Rav Reuven Hechster shlita mashgiach Mir Brachfeld

- Thanksgiving day govt offices, banks, mail closed. Target, Walmart,Walgreens closed.

- Tuscany Cafe and Pizza opening in Howell, NJ  located at 6471 Route 9 North (next to Joseph &David) under hashgocha of KCL and Tartikov.The store was recently designed the owner owns the Bravo pizza in Woodridge,NY. The store will have water service with a full cafe with a extensive pizza selection. The pizza shop is now open daily from 11am-8pm including motzei shabbos. The Cafe will open soon

 - Agra Dpirka Thanksgiving day learning program at Bais Medrash Kol Chaim 618 Caranetta Lakewood 10:30am with Rav Simcha Bunim Cohen ,Rav Avrohom Snyder Rav Chaim Eeg

- Bais Faiga no school today,in service day for teachers

- NJ State senator Joe Cryan tweets following news that lawyers for Rabbi Eiseman want case dismissed: "Rabbi started a school 4 special needs & clearly didn’t do this. @NewJerseyOAG show some leadership &  drop this travesty. then clean house at the unethical, at best , OPIA . ( Kugler, M O’Donnell, Rabbi, more?) Time to lead. time to clean house."

-Armor M'Pittsburg will be visiting Lakewood today kabolas panim at 269 Ridge Ave 7:00pm

- Kidnapped signs in Lakewood  spur click bate articles in local Lakewood media 

- Several young Lakewood rabbonim to make debut as speakers at the upcoming Agudah convention next week

- Whole turkey at bingo $2.99  a lb

- Yartzeit of the Bas Ayin this shabbos 

- Tax Dollars: LDC budget  includes salaries of $124,852 to Executive Director David Klein, $78,052 to Joann Wilkes, and $25,990 to Anita Doyle (who receives an additional salary from the Lakewood Industrial Commission), as well as benefits (i.e. health insurance) for these employees for a total of $113,000. (Attorney Sean Kean receives $10,000 as his slice of the pie, an additional $22,000 covers the audit). more  


  1. According to peshat, were Rachel and Leah ever in the know?

    1. That article and the whole website musings are apikorsus, please frum Jews dont read

  2. What type of chinuch message is it to Lakewood when a big girl's school gives off on Thanksgiving

    1. When would you prefer their in service day be? When some parents/grandparents have off from work, or when all parents don't have off?
      It is a chinuch in consideration, נושא בעול, etc to do it when at least some parents and grandparents have off.

    2. The Igros Moshe rejects the argument of "it's only because then the parents are off " for a school scheduling mid winter vacation for the end of December. In general in Lakewood today they are far more lenient about this issue. than they were even in the not yeshivish place I grew up.

    3. End of December is not today.

    4. i grew up in a "not yeshivish place" and went to a day school and we always had off for thanksgiving and dec. 25 and new years. not sure what not yeshivish place you grew up in but that's how it was in every day school in the 80s.

  3. Probably want to use all buses running for Cheder

  4. All other schools are open and managed to take care of their own busing nachlas parents chipped in for transportation
    No reason BF did away with school today it affected so many playgroup forcing parents to stay home and fathers to not go to yeshiva.
    What a shame

    1. So you are clearly anti in-service day in general? Unfortunately, I suspect all those complaining about celebrating thanksgiving are just "using" the torah/hashkafa for their benefit the same way they claimed you cant vote for schnall because of aiva or hakoras hatov etc...
      Most logical people realize we are not celebrating thanksgiving - (in fact very few people are - the vast majority are out shopping or watching football games)

  5. While war goes on in ey the olam in Lakewood is fressing with high level gashmiyus of a simple pie of pizza is not enough anymore it must be baked in a special oven for that extra crusty bite
    But the main thing is not to attend the rally in dc

    1. No, the main thing is not to slander your brother.

    2. But it was OK to call anyone who didn't vote for Avi Schnall and kinds of names including korach!

    3. Again, the main thing is not to slander our brothers.

      Mounting a public campaign to fight Torah leadership, with the intent to turn yourself into a leader instead, does not turn anyone's name into Korach. But it does seem to mimic what he did. Schnall's candidacy was simply the convenient stick for those who have a history of fighting Torah leadership.

      BTW, it's quite likely that some people were indeed mistreated several years ago, which led them to turn fighting Torah leadership into their life mission. Very sad.

      At this point though, the main thing is not to slander our brothers.

    4. Saying (opposing) Schnall's candidacy was simply the convenient stick for those who have a history of fighting Torah leadership isn't much different than calling those who didn't vote for him Korach.

    5. Those who opposed Shnall had very legitimate backing by gedolei Torah and Rabbonim including Reb Elya Ber who said specifically to a large group in Yiddish ich tzu tzurik the chasima. Yet what happened was unprecedented mafia like tactics bullying an entire community and forcing rabbonim to sign on and bashmutzibg anyone who dear speak up or oppose the shnall candidate. Big money and big pharma were all in with the Lakewood brought out media and the lap dogs watsapp status guys.
      Chutzpah of you to call them as mounting a public campaign to fight Torah leadership when they were guided by Torah leadership

    6. Korach fought against a Navi Hashem.
      Calling someone who argues with askanim 'Korach' makes a mockery of a Navi Hashem.

    7. i can't see any comparison between those who opposed schnall and the korach chevrah. Korach and every one of his followers opposed moshe rabenu because they wanted to be in charge. the people who opposed schnall never thought that they would be in charge if schnall loses. they clearly thought that they were doing the right thing and had nothing personal to gain from it. even if you think they were wrong, why would you compare them to a biblical figure that is not similar to them at all?

    8. The greatest Talmidei Chachamim in Lakewood, the ones to whom people turn when they need to understand a difficult Rambam or find a psak for a new Shaala, said nothing about the Schnall candidacy.

      Torah leadership means leadership of the greatest Talmidei Chachamim. No substitutes allowed.

    9. With Korach, only Korach was going to gain leadership. All the rest who were seduced by him were not going to be leaders, which is how Oin Ben Peles' wife was able to convince him to drop out of the fight.

    10. anon 5pm. i guess you aren't familiar with parshas korach. every one of the 250 men who put out his machtas thought that he was going to be the leader.

    11. Your knowledge of the duplicity of Lakewood leaders is just the tip of the iceberg. Perhaps the reason why they don't talk to me is because they don't want the people with whom they talk to here what is so pashut that a three-year-old would underdatnd.

      I emialed this to the Lakewood Press and Vaad on Wednesday:

      Dear Press and Leadership,

      As a result of having ZERO cooperation in our future taxation and education structure, when the Commissioner does her report, she will likely fault Lakewood taxpayers. The state has been saying this the whole time. Also, this is going on all over the state. See the recent Jersey City filing. It is the fault of local taxpayers. That has ALWAYS been the response of the state in any case of inadequate funding.

      Had the Vaad, Igud, Township, and our legislative delegation been on the same page, or even disagreed with a few points rather than all (even though the Township and BOE litigated the same case on their own), then they would have produced experts that show that Lakewood real estate prices are over-inflated.... Moreover, we would show that up to one-third of our income goes to education whereas typically it is less than nine percent in the state. Instead, all that money we spend on educating our kids is not counted.

      The state has already said in court that our tax rate is lower than any city. That is because our homes are over-inflated. We put ourselves into debt way above our means to live close to one another because of the nature of our religious way of life, protected by the FIRST AMENDMENT,

      This is a shame because the commissioner's report will be filed without allowing us to present witnesses or our own experts. However, the state, in its papers filed on Friday, said that it has been in consultation with the district. In other words, it is in the hands of the BOE to advocate for our homes and livelihood. I will not have access to the people making the report. Yet the people of Lakewood, for some odd reason, chose to keep people on the BOE whose only reply is that they oppose the litigation.

      The commissioner's report is a done deal. There is little chance that the Appellate Division will stop her with the new motion we filed. At most, they will give her a timetable. She ordered the report even when she ruled that the state IS providing T & E in Lakewood. So this whole argument of the BOE that they are providing T & E will not stop the process. Moreover, the state would be doing something, either closing us down and sending our students to outside districts at Lakewood expense, effectively terminating nonpublic bussing, or at least trying, to solve this unsustainable financial structure, had I not filed. Proof is in the fact that every time their papers are due in court, they consummate the loan. See the last three attachments that were filed on Friday.

      All of you are to blame. The Vaad for not letting me have a BOE that supports Lakewood and is to be blamed for sending someone to Trenton who opposes the case. As I said, it is a done deal. It will be only about who pays at this point and regular assemblymen have little say. It will be up to the leadership who is already asking, "How much for Lakewood?" It is not like the Senate which has senatorial courtesy for the local representative. Members of the NJ Assembly outside of the leadership have little power, no matter which party.

      The press is to blame for being complicit and focusing on an almost irrelevant elected seat and not on our financial collapse.

      I don't want to hear from anyone on the Vaad. They showed their duplicity when they met with the governor, and when they made a decision without allowing me to speak with them. If anyone in the press wants to justify their action, I am willing to hear it. Otherwise, I will continue to send papers to the press despite its avarice. A L

  6. Why are people still falling for dumb fake letters on poop and other media that have no value or substance

    1. Because that's we're they themselves are

  7. Love that recording about giving out flags!
    The guy is awesome!

    1. His idea that Reb Aaron has a 'milchama' against YU, but then he goes and says that Zionism is כחי ועצם ידי.
      Does he realize the contradiction?

    2. The Democrat puppeteers & Murphy had grasped frum Jews have influence all way out of proportion .They therefore operated accordingly.Eh,who is the groisse leaders directing Who?

      ..Ben Dworkin, director of the Institute for Public Policy and Citizenship at Rowan University, said Democrats’ night was “stunning, not just a surprise.”

  8. What is the hostage signs causing... Care to expound?

    1. Terrible antisemitism,
      Pritzus = andrilemusia

    2. Uncovered the social and religious levels of a local private business (school) owner.

    3. The antisemitism is in someone's imagination.
      The grenade has not been proven to have come from the outside, and I suspect that the reason it has left the news is because the person who left it there was one of our gebentchte kana'im who are fighting the good fight.
      The whole pritzus thing is nonsense. People who have a problem with a tiny smudged photograph of a young girl's shoulders, need urgent help.

    4. Jewish pride shouldn't allow to have the whole world perusing those photos
      Whatever happened with that ?
      Feeds the pro hamas protests.It's a form a sore loser whining

  9. New style, 10 years ago nobody heard of the Bad Ayen


    1. What's a difference if they knew or didn't know

  10. Why would anyone in Lakewood care about the Pittsburgh Rebbe coming to town??

  11. AnonymousNovember 23, 1:28 PM
    Complete shtus
    Many of those opposing Schnall have a longer experience of devotion to the klal' than all the those who backed him combined
    They have volumes of mesiras nefesh & vision
    It was davka for these that
    R Shnuer Kotler held that a group of klohr Bnei Torah have the din of Gadol Hador

    Assuming you aren't those multitudes preferring pretty euphemisms serving as a cover for partying for the klal' with frills of askan photos chesed throwing

  12. Anon November 23, 1:28 PM
    Complete shtus
    Many of those opposing Schnall have a longer experience of devotion to the klal' than the those who backed him combined
    They have volumes of mesiras nefesh & vision
    It was davka for these that
    R Shnuer Kotler held that a group of klohr Bnei Torah have the din of Gadol Hador
    Assuming you aren't those multitudes preferring pretty euphemisms serving as a cover for partying for the klal' with frills of askan photos chesed throwing
