Monday, November 27, 2023

Monday Nov 27 News Updates Lakewood

 Weather: Sunshine and a few clouds. High around 50F.

- Cyber Monday

- Sen. Robert Singer (R-Lakewood) wants the state attorney general’s office to carefully review its case against Osher Eisemann, a prominent Lakewood rabbi, and decide if it’s really in the public’s best interests to oppose the dismissal of the 2016 indictment. Singer noted that when federal prosecutors failed to win a conviction against U.S. Senator Bob Menendez in 2017, the Justice Department dropped the charges. “This has cost this man millions that people had to raise,” stated Singer.  “Does the state have unlimited, endless money?  I just don’t understand.” (NJ globe)

-Last day of right place suit clearance  sale 1364 River avenue open from 1:00p-m - 8:00 pm 

- NJ globe reports the NJ commissioner of education Angelica Allen-McMillan will depart in January

- Lakewood's new assemblyman Avi Schnall eyes education funding changes for 2024 NJ legislative session "We don’t have a plan yet but that is something that is important to us,” Schnall said when asked about school choice and vouchers. “Absolutely.” Senator Singer, who said he is ready to work with Schnall despite their party differences, believes he will have a difficult time getting school choice and some other issues handled as a Democrat “I think he’ll have a harder time only because the Democratic philosophy goes against a lot of things the community believes, whether it is abortion or their philosophy on what should be taught in public schools to a lot of other issues,” Singer said. “I support vouchers 100%. If he has a way of bringing vouchers, God bless him, I’m here. I would be curious to see how it would get done.” more 

- FAA report: The New Jersey Department of Education has alleged that the Lakewood School District's risk ratios for special education identification and placements were "significantly disproportionate." One category which is allegedly significantly disproportionate is the number of white students placed in separate education settings as compared to the number of total white students in the district overall. As a result, in accordance with federal guidelines, the state advised Lakewood that it would be required to allocate 15% of its IDEA funding - $1,442,938 - "to address the underlying causes of the disproportionality." More 

- Chasdei Hashem: Several yeshiva bochurim were involved in a car accident motzei shabbos on Cedarbridge ave near Airport rd  when they were hit from behind by a speeding passing car that caused  serious damage to their car they spun across the road  hatzolah took them for observation and BH all were released authorities told them they were lucky to be alive and that nothing  happened to them.  They will making a seuda hodaah

- Argentina's newly elected President Javier Milei visited the Ohel of Lubavitcher Rebbe in Queens.

- The New Jersey Senate Education committee will hear a bill today which would require school districts to allow students 5 absences a year for mental or behavioral health reasons, and would not count toward the 10% of days missed for a student to be considered “chronically absent”


  1. When you have a disproportionate amount of white students coming from all over the USA to access schi you will end up with disproportionate numbers…

  2. Keminhag ha'askanim, Aaron Lang will do the work, and askanim will take the credit.

    So far, askanim have ploidered and plapelled about tuition relief for years, yet the only one to do anything was Aaron Lang. And look how the askanim rewarded him? By yelling at him and refusing to help, even when they would be the ones to actually gain. Because someone else might take the credit.

    Reminds me of a story. Reb Yechezkel Sarna went to Me'aras Hamachpela shortly after it was liberated in the Six Day War. He saw Ben-Gurion there and he told him, "We all see the nissim Hashem made for us. We have to be thankful."
    Ben-Gurion answered him, "I don't care if you give the credit to Hashem, just don't give the credit to Levi Eshkol."

    1. Lang's case has nothing to do with tuition relief. It's about relief for the PUBLIC school district (which is funded by our tax dollars). This is about getting the state to proeprly fund its own PUBLIC schools.

    2. With Lang's win, we will have decent bussing.
      With Lang's win, we can have our Limudei Chol subsidized.
      With Lang's win, much of our other school expenses may be covered.

      The asskanim should be ashamed of themselves.

  3. Senator singer is curious like the rest of us, very very curious......

  4. So Schnall has no plan for tuition relief, and we voted for him because of his promises.

    Not only must he be voted out, but we should all know from now on that those who promoted him and his campaign are not to be trusted. Even when they quote Torah. Remember, the devil quotes scripture.

    1. Schnall never claimed he has a plan for tuition relief. He claimed that by having
      "a seat at the table" he would be able to work on one.

    2. No, he said his plan was the tuition credit plan that most Democrats already agreed to, as well as promises of a back door deal with the teacher's union.

    3. Maybe he did have a plan maybe he didn't have a plan.
      He ran on these grounds.
      Some might say it was just a 'Campaign Promise', like any not-so-truthful politicians. One on the list of many; traffic, rt. 9, rt.70, bussing, etc. etc..
      Some even knew exactly how and by when it would be effective.

      Now he has not more than two years to prove himself.
      If he succeeds, not many will be too upset, other than himself not too many years ago. AND ANYONE WHO WILL SEE OR FORSEES THE RESULTS HE PROJECTED.

  5. Bob Singer asks the AG's office to look into dropping Rabbi Eisemann's case:

  6. What a chutzpah from Schnall to talk about the funding formula while he made no mention of Aaron Lang during the campaign or in the interviews. Even bigger chutzpah with this ruling the Boe has egg on their face and should have helped Lang

    Politicians like taking credit for the work of others

  7. Did the Argentinian President-elect go to get a dollar from the Rebbuh? Argentina's economic situation these days is quite bad. I think he may want to adopt the dollar as their currency.

    1. Argentina did that about 20 years ago. Then some leftist government came in and canceled it.
      Some guy (a yid) in Livingston made tens of billions with a B buying their Argentina bonds denominated in US Dollars.

  8. Singer, Schnall, Lakewood BOE, they are all junior leaguers. Not only did the Lakewood BOE lose in the Appellate Division today, a much, much, MUCH bigger victory also came out of the Appellate Division today. Suffice it to say that now DOE 5, Lakewood BOE 0, on court victories. But that is misleading. These guys are not just 5 games behind, but 20 years! And people are still talking about Schnall. How petty. A L

  9. Bottom line, WE WON! (I am not supposed to be announcing it yet.) The Court granted our motion in aid of litigants' rights! They basically accepted jurisdiction again. The commissioner has until April 4, 2024, just four months to answer to the court. We could not have expected more. It is a huge victory for Lakewood.

  10. Quick, call Agudah to hire this Acting Education Secretary as a lobbyist. Before someone else gets her.

  11. We in Lakewood are not interested at all about who visits the Kever of the Lubavicher Rebbe

    1. The parents and children of public school students and parents and children of non public school students, an according to Judge Scarola, Lakewood taxpayers. Beat that!

    2. It is a giant Kiddush Lubavitch, PR bonanza for the Habad. They just need to have him say yechi for the cameras next time.

  12. I represent us Aderey Torah at BMG
