Sunday, February 28, 2021

Incident on Frontier Flight from Miami to NYC

What Happened Aboard Frontier Flight 2878 Last Night? Read full story on see videos below

OJPAC- Disturbing incident the last hour on a Frontier flight as staff told a Hasidic couple to get off because their 18 month old had no mask. Applause is heard as the couple started leaving. Travels say on camera that the applause came from staff who also cheered that “we did it.”

Oif Simchas י''ז אדר תשפ''א


Sunday Feb 28 News Updates Lakewood

 Weather: Cloudy with periods of rain. High around 45F Chance of rain 100%

-The Lakewood NAACP leader called for a meeting with Jewish leaders after children celebrating Purim wore blackface and Black Lives Matter garb. The lakewood Vaad released a statement condemning the wearing of blackface calling it offensive and inappropriate.

-5 new covid cases in Lakewood totals 12373/279

- TRUMP: on running again“Who knows, I may even decide to beat them for a third time.”

-Trump: TRUMP: “Biden said just a few days ago that when he got here, meaning the White House, there was no vaccine…Now I don’t think he said that frankly in a malicious way, I really don’t. I actually believe he said that because he didn’t really know what the he.. was happening.”

-Donald Trump will speak today at CPAC first public speech since leaving office is expecting to make announcement about his future with the GOP speaking at 3:40 pm watch live stream Here
-Uncle Moishy in Lakewood today at Judaica plaza from 11:30- 300 pm and at Judaica Square  at Seagull Square 3:30 
- Moadim Lsimcha Pesach order deadline today here
-Chometz drop off locations open at 311 8th street bet Madison & Clifton and 2 Brisk lane in Westgate
-Shushan Purim in Yerushalayim thousands of people, including chareidi families with children, were forced to walk to the city as police halted public transit and group transit from Motzai Shabbos until tomorrow.
-Daf Yomi begins the perek of ערבי פסחים today
- Golds Gym on route 9 in Howell will be closing its doors permanently on March 25th, 2021 after 6 months of forced govt shutdown due to covid the company said in a statement it is no longer sustainable to keep it open.
-At the Zoning board tomorrow an appeal for  33 townhomes at Larson office complex see more here
- Jackson A township man has been charged after a pair of dirt bikers told police he held them at gunpoint Friday afternoon while they were trying to find their way out of the woods near Werko Place, authorities

Saturday, February 27, 2021

Motzei Shabbos Shushan Purim 5781 Updates

 -95 new covid cases in Lakewood over last 2 days (44 Thursday 51 Friday) totals 12368/280

-seudas Purim Melava Malka בתופים ומחולות with Admir Kosson of Lakewood at Tashbar 9:45 pm
- Tish at Skulen 10:15 pm
-Moadim Lesimcha Pesach order deadline is tomorrow
- purim in Yerushalayim the Corona cabinet has put a stop on all organized transportation to the city both public and private starting motzei shabbos through midnight on Sunday
- U.S. House voted to approve $1.9T coronavirus relief package stimulus checks coming  $1400 per person in the family
- Purim in Lakewood unlike the usual there was almost no traffic on Friday, no groups were visible going around, lots if shuls had a festive kabolas shabbos as well as late minyanim for maariv for those who were pores mappa.

Friday, February 26, 2021

פורים תשפ''א עש''ק פרשת תצוה לייקוואד Updates

Friday, February 26, 2021 / י״ד אדר תשפ״א ערב שבת פרשת תצוה פורים
-Chatzos 12:09 pm
-Candle lighting 5:27 pm shkia/Sunset 5:45pm
-Gourmet Glatt south open until 12:30 pm
- Reminder empty  pockets from money before shabbos
-  Bikur Cholim is having a covid Megilla laining outside 10:30am 93 prospect in the back warehouse.
- Weather shabbos night Rain low 35, day-Cloudy with rain ending in the afternoon. High 57F. Chance of rain 90%. 
- Rechnitz Purim Tzedaka request email here

Thursday, February 25, 2021

Purim News Lakewood 5781

Make Purim Great Again

(כל המועדים עתידין ליבטל וימי הפורים אינן בטלים לעולם (ילקוט שמעוני, משלי, רמז תתקמד

By Achash virus

Food distribution
In honor of Purim a local vendor has quietly slipped in some recreational marijuana in the boxes פחות מכשיעור. The olam without even knowing it got high on the borei olam
-Dr. Fauci said that it looks like the food boxes are here to stay at least until the year 202020  or if they widen route 9 whichever comes first. The food items will also be masked. some items may be chometz shavar alav hapesach a few times over
-.Purim shtick OTL will be giving the bnos melech box and Gelbsteins will be distributing fresh bread in honor of purim. A local rav paskened that you can be yoitzee shalach manos with the box but only with the allowable portions
-Yungerman wins record for picking up most boxes in the shortest amount of time another wins the record for hoarding

Sourdough Matzos Joining the  craze
A local Matza bakery in the five towns  is adding a special run of sourdough matzos for this coming pesach the price is steep at $54 a pound but well worth the price for those who are health conscious and can't let a shabbos seuda go by without a sourdough challah. The bakery is under the hashgacha of the vaad amei haratzos matzah is Glatt shmurah and under 18 minutes.

What Purim used to be
As the Vaad linyonei inyanim has shut down Purim and continues to make life miserable, several old timers remembered what purim used to be in the true sense of Venahapoch hu Mishlaoch manos was actually given on purim day not the week before or weekly boxes, People wore masks only on Purim, Yeshiva bochurim learned all year and drank on purim now it looks like the other way around. Groups went looking for gevirim now gevirim are look for collectors. Traffic in Lakewood was Purim day only, shalach manos used to be a hamantash and a orange now it's a pineapple with a case of milk.

New meaning for Govoha 

As Lakewood gets high and goes to pot with dispensaries coming to town. The mayor said it will also become a sanctuary city for all yeshiva bochurim who are caught sniffing some shmek tabak in the dormitories'. "If the Mashgiak catches you no worry just come to Lakewood and continue shteiging to a higher level" he said

Lakewood Vaad auctions off rights to ba called Admor D'Lakewood

With the increase of chasidishe communities it is bound for a rebbe to call himself admor of Lakewood but who decided on who will get the coveted titlle? The Vaad has teamed up with the international star registry and will auction the title to the highest bidder. They reserved admor mlakewood 45 and 48 for the eventual split

Proxy chasunas system now set up

 A new service for corona weddings a wedding hall announced they will supply the entire wedding including a packed crowd that will dance and eat for you while you watch on zoom the chosson can use a bitcoin if the kallah is social distancing.

Group of kollel guys formed to give medical advice
 A group of Talmidei chachomim will give  medical advice and treatments on complex infectious disease issues, after other formed groups gave conflicting messages. "we are no different that the current set up with dentists optometrists and random askanim giving their advice on issues beyond their expetise" said the forman for the group reb Gamani Mitztaref 

Lakewood township will conduct all meetings in under 5 minutes.

Officials are happy to anounce that all board meetings will be over in 5 minutes tere is no reason to sit through hours of testimony when all applications are approved. The new system will have the committee vote straight up on the the applications.

Detroit Baltimore communities welcome yeshiva bochurim to collect on Purim.

After LA Lakewood, Chicago and other communities who  consider themselves wealthy banned yeshiva bochurim from collecting using corona as an excuse not to give tzedaka on Purim, residents of Detroit and Baltimore announced they will be accepting the collectors  with open arms "we may not have much to give said one resident but  it is a bargain where else can you  get a group of bochurim come to your house for $5 and they give you change!!  something that was missing in pre covid days. Simchas purim 

Aivah task force set up called זוננו

Concerned menahlim and rebbeim upset with the Aiva coming from all gashmiyus thrown at the lakewood torah community such as meatboards at kiddushim  they worry on what type of influence it has over the innocent bochurim and children. It creates aiva between us and it is sort of class warfare. They came up wth a solution by forming the Zuneinu organization were volunteer balei batim and rebbeim will ascend on all kidushim around town and eat as much as they can off the platters before the waiters have time to put the food down on the table. This way the bochurim will not be exposed to such high gashmiyus and will fill their bellies with cholent and kugel

Lakewood residents can now vote in Orlando

In order to give everyone an opportunity to vote, Lakewood residents can now vote in Orlando were they are spending most of the year in quarantine they can vote twice for NJ and Florida


-Mir upends Lakewood freezer by keeping bochurim in eretz yisrael over pesach 
-Porch weddings the new in, after the great success of the infamous porch minyanim it will now be used to make porch weddings as there appears to be a lack of wedding halls weight limit lifted due to covid
 -Toms River family plan chol hamoed trip to Lakewood will meet with old lakewooder who never went past the lake 
- Trump plans to become a Lakewood committeeman because he will  have no opposition and he can rig the election his way
-Following the death of Rush Limbaugh youngeleit are adjusting  from spending  bein hasdorim in the cars to spending more time with the kids at home
-Geshmakeh ball habus front door purim sign Who needs Pfizer or Moderna come in and get as many shots as you want
-Trying to avoid a 4th election, Israeli Prime minister Netanyahu asked the Lakewood Vaad for an endorsement 
-Breaking news first exclusive report: the sun has set over beautiful lake carasaljo photo taken with a kosher flip phone
-Joe Biden wishes everyone a happy Pesach 
-Submit your rayzeit joke in the comment section 
-Lakewood gevirim will conduct large underground purim party to see full list click HERE (try again)

 Bill proposed to limit the amount  press release and photo ops of askanim.

 NJ Legislature:  Citing trust anti trust laws  a NJ assemblyman said its not fair practice that certain individuals and organizations are hogging the space on media outlets. Sometimes its 5- 6 news items in one day all about the same people promoting themselves in different ways or posing in  different photos. There are thousands of people in a community but its always the same few people  that always have their picture or name mentioned or somehow inject themselves in any news story. We got to give others a chance. The new rules will limit content to once a week and there will be an option to block or filter the photos. They also must disclose all financials and transactions used to promote

Potato kugel kiddush flipper course:

  PCS will now have a course for bochurim and gaboim how to master the art of flipping over the kugel into the trays without all of it falling on the floor. Since many shuls dont allow kiddush prep before the end of davening the kiddush and kugel has to be brought out within five minutes or the olam will leave and move on to the next kissush. The challenge and pressure to get it out quickly is daunting, in some shuls the kugels ends up on the floor and quietly put back onto the trays. This course will teach all the kiddush club machers how to do it quickly and efficiently, works with all kugels potato,  lukshin (not yerushalmi cause people like it flipped out) but only under the hashgocha of the KCL

 א פרייליכן פורים

Rabbinical Council of Bergen County Purim Guidelines

As seen on social media

 February 2021
Dear Friends,
In response to our recent letter about Purim and Pesach during the pandemic, many of you have asked for more detailed guidelines about how to safely fulfill the various mitzvos of Purim this year. Please see below for additional parameters, and please direct any questions to your local Orthodox rabbi in a
masked, socially distanced fashion. We empathize with the general feelings of “Covid-19 fatigue.” However, we have been informed that a new, more virulent Galitzianer strain has been spreading in
our community. As such, this is not the time to let our guard down.

Purim Pulls The Persian Rug out from Under Netanyahu's Feat

“On the eve of Purim, I would like to say to Iran and its proxies in the Middle East that 2,500 years ago, another Persian villain tried to destroy the Jewish people, and just as he failed then, so, too, will you fail today, “We will not allow your extremist and aggressive regime to attain nuclear weapons”. Someone must have had a few drinks prior to the festive yom tov that is upon us, ad dlo yoda. - the rosh memshala hasn't a clue about the significance of the 14th and 15th day of Adar. Purim's message is that the Borel olam runs this world not Tzahal or anybody else. The shushan divine turnabout upends Mr. Netanyahu's delusions about Jewish continuity. 

There is no question that Teheran is a tyrannical rouge state bent on mayhem and destruction. Having said that the Talmud Yuma [10a] maintains that Iran will be a major player in theater in a struggle against Edom. Obviously no one will knock them out of commission "We will not allow"! is a fictional narrative if the RBSO decides otherwise, than F35's and German nuclear submarines become obsolete and  irrelevant

Thursday Feb 25 Taanis Esther News updates Lakewood 5781

Thursday, February 25, 2021 / י״ג אדר תשפ״א תענית אסתר 
weather: Plentiful sunshine. High 46F 
-Shkia 5:44 pm fast is over 6:25 pm it is customary to extend the fast untill after קריאת המגילה
65 new covid cases in Lakewood totals 12273/280
-R' Shlomo Yehuda echnitz sets up email for purim to make tzedaka requests  just for this Purim. The address is see full guidelines at

-The Minhag is to give מחצית השקל, by Mincha תחנון and אבינו מלכנו is not said.
      סגולה גדולה לקרוא פרק כב' בתהילים ולבקש בזכות מרדכי ואסתר המלכה את כל מה שרוצים     
-Reminder to do shabbos shopping as some stores will be closed others with short hours on purim day
-Gourmet Glatt open today till 5:30 both locations on Purim only south location open 8:30-12:30 pm
- Vinyard will be open past shkia
Minyanim for Mincha  in Satmar kol shimshon /Sanz oak and Vine

Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Oif Simchas י''ג אדר תשפ''א


Lakewood BOE Meeting Today

 Lakewood BOE virtual meeting today 7:30 pm

Watch livestream Here
See Agenda Here
-Replace and install vinyl tile flooring at the Ella G. Clarke auditorium at a cost of $57,497.81 

מרבין בשמחה

Daily simchas Purim with R' Hillel Yarmove

Wednesday Feb 24 News Updates Lakewood

 Weather: Partly cloudy skies. High 55F  (fast begins tomorrow morning at 5:15 am)

-101 new covid cases in Lakewood totals 12208/279

Food  distribution:
- Bnos Melech 8:00 pm-10:00 pm 550 James Shabbos R&S box and weekday box
-Tehilas Chaya Sara 7 day "Food Box" for all children under 18 who are not receiving school meals, at 7:30 pm. 1115 Cross Street 
- Belz school on Chestnut 5:45 pm
-Bnos Yaaakov box distribution at Pine park 2:00 pm 
-Gelbsteins 2:45pm - 5:15 pm at Middle School & Clifton Ave Grade School 
- Heavy traffic in Cedarbridge and other areas possibly from school shalach manos with parents picking up kids.

-LPD: RT 88 is one way only east bound from Park to the Railroad for the remainder of the day due to an emergency. Please void area if possible.
-A emotionally disturbed individual was caught outside the home of Rav Chaim Kanievsky holding a knife according to reports he tried breaking into the home to deliver a message as he was upset that Rav Chaim supports vaccinating against covid and that he was not supporting the prime minister.
- Purim Book Recommendations from The Guy Behind The Counter see HERE 
-BDE: A young 7 year old  boy was tragically struck and killed in Williamsburg by a hit and run driver a MTA bus driver found the boy lying in the street The incident occurred on Hooper Street and South 5th. The victim was identified as Shimon Zev Fried a'h ben Rav Aaron Hersh shlita 
-A bill to improve oversight of the school bus industry,  was introduced in the state Assembly by Ronald Dancer on Tuesday. A publicly available database would empower the school bus coordinator, parents of school-aged children and the public to play a role in scrutinizing their child's school transportation system.
- United Hatzalah in Israel Suspends All Unvaccinated EMTs Volunteers who decide not to receive the vaccine will be suspended from all duties, and after a grace period removed from the organization altogether.  As medical personnel and first responders, we are at risk, and we can endanger others if we aren’t vaccinated. 
- Johnson & Johnson’s single-dose vaccine protects against COVID19, according to an analysis by U.S. regulators Wednesday that sets the stage for a final decision on a new and easier-to-use shot to help tame the pandemic.

Tuesday, February 23, 2021

Oif Simchas י''ב אדר תשפ''א


Achdus the Toms River Magazine

 Achdus magazine a new weekly publication geared to the Toms River Jewish community launched this January and delivered by mail to the residents.

 The magazine focuses on uniting the local frum community  with interviews of Rabbonim from Toms River, focusing on local chesed orgs such as Chaveirim of TR and featuring businesses that service the community from the greater Lakewood area.

Rabbi Yisroel Reisman - Laws Of Seudas Purim Erev Shabbos

Laws Of Seudas Purim Erev Shabbos by Rav Yisroel Reisman shlita Watch below on Torahanytime or call in to listen to the shiur 718-298-2077

Tuesday Feb 23 News Updates Lakewood

 Weather: Generally cloudy. High near 45F. Purim forecast sunny high of 46

-59 new covid cases in Lakewood totals/12107/277

-Food Distribution:
Bnos Esther Malka purim/Shabbos box distribution today at 5:45 pm
- OTL box at SCHI with special mishloach manis treats for children 7:00 pm center 7:00 pm
Israel’s corona cabinet will impose a purim curfew from Thursday through shabbos between 8:30PM and 5AM, in a bid to prevent public gatherings.
- A warm welcome home at Bikur Cholim HQ for Lakewood residents who drove to Texas to deliver Shabbos food for their residents who had no electricity (LNN)

- Murphy's budget: Borrowed 5 billion that will have to be paid back. proposing to raise the income threshold to qualify for the child and dependent care credit to $150,000. That change would make 80,000 households newly eligible for the tax credit. Expand medicaid for one year post partum.

-Gas prices shoot up due to the storm in Texas with refineries having to shut down, average in Lakewood is $2.75 a gallon some places are over $3
- Pot hole alert as weather warms up after the snow storms roads in Lakewood are full of opening pot holes causing flats and tire damage
- Lakewood has not restricted Marijuana sales in the township as other municipalities in Ocean county have done, making it possible for weed sales in the town.
- Dr. Anthony Fauci:  Those vaccinated twice should avoid restaurants and movie theaters. places where people congregate. That’s because of the safety of society.” “Because the burden of virus in society will be very high “We are still at an unacceptably high baseline level,”  which it is right now, “We hope that when the data comes in, it’s going to show that the virus level is quite low and you’re not transmitting it: “We don’t know that now.
 -Nonprofit hospitals in NJ will retain their tax-exempt status but will make “community
 service” payments to help cover the police, fire and other local services under a new law Gov. Phil Murphy signed Monday. The new law requires non-profit hospitals to pay the municipality in which they are located $3 per day for each hospital bed and $300 per day for each satellite emergency care facility

Video Helpful for Today's Daf Yomi

The following video will be helpful for todays’s Daf Yomi pesachim צד. Start at minute mark 19:35-23:00

Monday, February 22, 2021

Oif Simchas י''א אדר תשפ''א


When Purim Falls on Friday What Time is the Purim Seuda?

 For informational purposes only for Halacha and Minhagim speak your LOR.

Written by Rabbis Eli Gersten, Yaakov Luban, and Moshe Zywica of the Orthodox Union

The Rema (Shulchan Aruch OC 695:2) writes that when Purim is on erev Shabbos, it is preferable to begin the Purim seuda in the morning (before chatzos) so as not to detract from the honor of Shabbos.

The Mishnah Berurah (695:10) cites the Yad Efrayim who writes that if this will be difficult, one may l’chat’chila postpone the seuda up until three hours before Shabbos Bedieved (after the fact), if one is unable to begin the seuda until later, one must still eat the seuda up until Shabbos. If one is still in the middle of the Purim seuda at shkia (sunset), when Shabbat begins, one can be  “Poress Mappa”, in which the Purim Seuda and Shabbos evening meal are essentially combined into one. According to this approach, the Purim Seuda begins late in the day on Friday. In the minutes leading up to sunset, one is to cover the challah/lechem mishna which is on the table and one then be mekabel shabbos with the recitation of Kiddush. (If one drank more than a Reviis wine ny the purim seuda he does not make a bracha of borei pri hagefen by kiddush only vayechulu and asher kideshanu) After Kiddush has been recited one simply eats a kzayis of bread and continues with one’s meal which has now been transformed into the Shabbos evening meal. Maariv is done after the meal. The Mishnah Berurah writes that if this were to happen, one would recite Retzei in bentching, but not al hanissim. One cannot recite both retzei and al hanissim, since this would be a contradiction. Since we are required to recite retzei, this indicates that it is Shabbat and Purim is over. Therefore, one can no longer recite al hanissim. (

Monday Feb 22 News Updates Lakewood

 -Weather: Periods of rain. High 42F. Chance of rain 100%. Rainfall near a half an inch.

-14 new covid cases in Lakewood totals 12048/276
-Food Distribution: OTL Box at Mekor Hatorah 180 Sims 6:30 pm Tashbar 82 Oak 6:30 pm
-Link for Klausenberg BOX delivery HERE

- Just in time for Purim Effective immediately Murphy anounces, houses of worship and religious services can operate at 50% capacity in NJ masks required and members from different households must be six feet apart
-Recreational marijuana now legal in NJ starting 180 days from today; Murphy signed bills to Legalize adult-use cannabis, Decriminalize marijuana possession in small amounts, Limit the use of previous marijuana convictions. Create a regulated cannabis marketplace. Starting immediately, those who had been subject to an arrest for petty marijuana possession will be able to get relief and move forward.

-White House PressSec says President Biden is ordering flags at half-staff for five days in memory of the 500,000 Americans lost to the pandemic.

-10:45 am snowing in Lakewood but not sticking turned to rain

-Food distribution: OTL In order to minimize chometz with Pesach approaching, starting after Purim the weekly boxes will have less frozen chometz items and more shabbos products for the next 3 weeks every box will have a challa, kugel, dip and other shabbos items.
 -Chesed of Lakewood arranging volunteers to lein megilla for those that are homebound if you can help please call  at 732-901-0482 ext 4, or email
-(CBS) Police are investigating a homicide in Lakewood New Jersey. Authorities say a 20 year old man from little Egg Harbor was shot to death Sunday night in Coventry sq off E Kennedy blvd, (Misaskim services were not needed). Ocean county prosecutors say there appears to be no danger to the public.
- Supreme Court allows release of Trump tax returns to NY prosecutor

Sunday, February 21, 2021

Oif Simchas י' אדר תשפ''א


Sunday Feb 21 News Updates Lakewood

 Weather high of 35. Forecast for purim shows a sunny day high of 39 Shabbos possible snow/rain 

- 44 new covid cases in Lakewood totals 12031/274  Toms River deaths at 288 

-Shooting outside coventry square development this evening 1 person killed misaskim services not needed

-Dr. Anthony Fauci said on Sunday that it is possible Americans will still be wearing masks in 2022, but that measures to stop the spread of COVID-19 would be increasingly relaxed as more vaccines are administered.
- Beloved BBA Ref Collapses at Game in Lakewood, Passes Away Matzav
-NPGS purim extravaganza balloons from 11-5 pm raffle for electric scooter in each store 1 ticket with every $20 spent
-Evergreen purim tent setup with many specials
-Glatt Bite: all purim orders should be in by Monday Feb 23
-A group of nedivim  have put together a fund to distribute an additional monthly kollel check for talmidim in Lakewood yeshiva  that are there for a  longer period of time. This stipend will continue as long as there is funding available
-New Jersey and its municipalities would receive an estimated $9.4 billion from the stimulus bill to pay the salaries of first responders, school teachers and other public employees Lakewood would receive $25 million Jackson $10.6 million, Toms River $9 million, Howell $9.6 million, Brick$7 million
 -Chesed of Lakewood arranging volunteers to lein megilla for those that are homebound if you can help please call  at 732-901-0482 ext 4, or email

-CBSNY- Bikur Cholim of Lakewood is sending food for the Sabbath.Yehudah Kaszirer told CBS2’s Ali Bauman. Kaszirer says the food on their trucks will serve more than 1,000 people. Two volunteers drove all night to get there. “One guy drove, one guy slept, one guy drove, one guy slept, and 24 hours later, they made it there,” he said.

Mir Rosh Yeshiva Calls bochurim To stay in EY For Pesach

 Hamodia- Hagaon Harav Eliezer Yehuda Finkel, shlita, Rosh Yeshivah, Yeshivas Mir in Yerushalayim, released a letter on Sunday, in which he calls on the bachurim of the yeshivah from abroad to stay in Eretz Yisrael over the Pesach bein hazmanim period, due to the current situation in which it is unknown if they will be able to return after Pesach due to the closed airports across the world, especially in Israel.The yeshivah will tend to all that is needed for the bachurim, and we hope we will be able to celebrate the Seder and the days of Pesach and bein hazmanim properly in the holy yeshivah.” See letter below

Saturday, February 20, 2021

Motzei Shabbos Teruma 5781 News Updates

- 50 New covid cases in Lakewood totals 11987/276

- Johns Hopkins Dr. Marty Makary says the U.S. may hit COVID herd immunity "by April" "At the current trajectory, I expect Covid will be mostly gone by April, allowing Americans to resume normal life" -WSJ

- Yeshiva Bochurim in full swing with purim Campaigns in lieu of collecting purim day reaching out to family and friends to raise funds for the yeshivos by sponsoring learning seder on Purim.

-State officials announce $1.2 billion in federal COVID-19 relief funds for school districts to address student educational and mental health needs. Lakewood Public Schools will receive $51 million.

-Vaad Rabbonim Linyonei Corona: excerpts from letter dated 6 Adar - Numbers of cases have increased recently to numbers not seen since Tishrei. The virus is having negative impacts on  young and pregnant woman. It is vital for them to test right away if they feel they have covid. If they are positive they should contact bikur cholim to see if they can be treated with monoclonal antibodies.  There is no need or value to panic and this development does not represent any direct sakana to them or their children. There is no need to avoid regular daily activities such as work and shopping..however it is irresponsible to (look away) and not take precautionary measures or attend large gatherings like chasunas    The primary drivers of the spread have been large gatherings specifically chasunas  There is no reason that a person who has any safek that they may have covid should be attending any of these gatherings nor should any person who is high risk. With purim approaching households that have anyone with high risk young or old should be careful and not host or attend large seudos.

-Bingo open tonight untill 1:00 am


Friday, February 19, 2021

Lakewood Zmanim עש''ק פרשת תרומה - זכור

 Friday, February 19, 2021 / ז׳ אדר תשפ״א ערב שבת פרשת תרומה פרשת זכור

-Candle lighting 5:19 pm
-Shkia/sunset 5:37 pm
-Weather: Friday night  Low 19F,  shabbos day: Sunny, then becoming mostly cloudy  High 34F.
- שבת זכור שחל בפרשת תרומה In a regular year - not a leap year, שבת פרשת תצוה is always שבת זכור - except for this year when it will be פרשת תרומה instead. While this has no practical ramifications, it is nevertheless an extremely rare occurrence.
ראחמסטריווקא: הגה"צ ר' בערל טווערסקי שליט"א בן כ"ק אדמו"ר מראחמיסטריווקא שליט"א איז צוגאסט אויף דעם שבת אין לעיקוואד בקרב חסידי ראחמיסטריווקא, און וועט אפרעכטן די תפילות און שבת אחים אין ביהמ"ד ראחמיסטריווקא אין שטאט

Shiur on Parshas Zachor by Reb Yankel Cohen ZT"L

Shiur on Parshas Zachor by Reb Yankel Cohen ZT"L. He gave this shiur 2 years ago.

Welcome to the Neighborhood Find your own School

Who has the achrayus on schooling once someone moves into a  town? everyone has a right to move to wherever they want. The simple option would be to open more schools.

The igud hamosdos of Lakewood put ads in various publications both Yiddish and English. To all those seeking to relocate to Lakewood, Toms River, Jackson, Howell to Please ensure proper school placement before you finalize your move there is currently a severe shortage of space in our local mosdos we can not guarantee that any school will accommodate auditions to the current enrollment.

Friday Feb 19 News Updates Lakewood

Candle lighting 5:19 pm Shkia/Sunset 5:37 pm parshas zachor

-63 New Covid cases in Lakewood totals 11937/276

-NJ assembly Marijuana bill: Underage drinking or marijuana use will be subject to written warnings for anyone under 21. Underage drinking is currently a petty disorderly persons offense 
-AOC calls for a full investigation into the Cuomo administration’s handling of nursing homes. 
-Bikur Cholim Van arrived in Dallas with 1000 meals for shabbos

Weather: A wintry mix this morning will transition to some snow showers for the afternoon. Temps nearly steady in the low to mid 30s. Chance of precip 80%. 1 to 3 inches of snow and ice expected.

-Regular school transportation expect weather related delays.
-LPD: Drive carefully if you are traveling this morning. Roads may be icy
-Glaze of ice on cars, to remove dont scrape but chop at it, or roll down window and push out wall of ice.

- Rayze it purim campaigns go live "Instead of raising funds for our yeshiva, we will be sitting and raising z'chusim by learning a seder Purim night, followed by a mesibah in the yeshiva. "Instead of you allowing us into your homes, we ask you to please allow us into your hearts."

-New Jersey State Trooper Pulls Over a Long Lost Friend. Rabbi Shloime Greenwald of Crown Heights was driving back from  Delaware on Wednesday when he was pulled over by a NJ State trooper who recognized him  they indeed had learned together as children in the Hebrew Academy Orange County in Huntington Beach, California. Greenwald marveled at the divine providence of their meeting and immediately dialed his father Rabbi Peretz Greenwald who was their teacher in the Long Beach school. "It’s good to hear from you,” Kohn was heard telling his teacher. “A freilichen Purim!”

Lev Rochel Bikur Cholim Feeds Dallas Jewish Community Over Shabbos more here

Thursday, February 18, 2021

Oif Simchas ז' אדר תשפ''א


Rav Chaim Kanievsky Gives Bracha to Groups Collecting on Purim

 The heads of TAT keren chasanim from Several Israeli yeshivos gathered at the home of Rav Chaim Kanievsky they asked for hatzlocha in this years purim collecting campaign due to limitations because of Corona. Rav Chaim gave a Bracha they should make a lot of Money and those that donate will get Gan Eden and money. 

Video: Lakewood Bikur Cholim sends Shabbos Food to Dallas

 With power outages across Texas. Lakewood volunteers drive to Dallas delivering 250 Shabbos meals to the Jewish community. (Video courtesy of Belaaz)

Covid19 Compliant Minyanim in Lakewood

 Revised Updated Minyan  List

Marbin Besimcha

 Video: Reb Hillel Yarmove Marbin B'Simcha

Lakewood Township Committee/ BOH Virtual Meeting- Tax Abatements

 Lakewood township committee virtual meeting today February 18 at 5:30 pm. The meeting will start off first as a board of health meeting by the committee members followed by the township committee meeting

watch live stream Here
See Agenda Here and below 
-Granting Abatement Of Local Property Taxes To River Avenue Properties LLC For Facilities Located At Block 1070, Lot 1.01(Chestnut/rt9)
-Granting Abatement Of Local Property Taxes To Airport Road Investments LLC For Facilities Located At Block 1160.01, Lot 242.05 

Thursday Feb 18 News Updates Lakewood

-81 new covid cases in Lakewood totals 11874/275
- Lakewood Township Board of Health formally suspended the Township's noise decibel level prohibition on Purim night from 2:00am to 7:00am. The Township Board of Health generally prohibits noise above 55 decibels between the hours of 11:00pm and 7:00am. (reporter Moshe Zeines on twitter)
-Trump on Biden: “I saw that he said there was no vaccine before he came into office and yet he got a shot before he came into office,” .“So either he’s not telling the truth or he’s mentally gone. One or the other,” he added.

-2:45 pm  currently stopped snowing, light sleet and freezing rain will resume this evening into Friday
-12:45 pm  Changeover to sleet 
-11:45 am heavy snow in Lakewood a few inches fell
-Food distribution: Bnos Yaakov box at 12:00pm  in Pine Park. The park is plowed
-Third shot may be needed to combat new coronavirus variants, Bill Gates says
 -Trump said his team was still exploring its options for returning to social media and "negotiating with a number of people," but suggested he may build his own platform "We're looking at a lot of different things," he said.

-10:45 am sleet pellets coming down with the snow
-FAA: Reliable sources are reporting to us that over the last two weeks an alarming number of women in Lakewood, some diagnosed as covid19 positive, have suffered late term miscarriages and that doctors are trying to determine why (Faa)
-10:20 am snowing lightly route 9 clear other roads messy,  forecast South Jersey: 1-4 inches with icy conditions Central Jersey: 4-8 inches with potential accumulations of ice North Jersey: 4-8 inches
-Several boys elementary will have school with a late start and early dismissal at 1:00 pm. Mesivtas are open with regular schedule
-Lakewood askanim set up online donation page for mosdos to collect money on Purim this year The project is facilitated by Keren "Supporters of Torah" apply HERE 70 mosdos have signed up
-8:15 Girls schools cancelled, Lakewood cheder boys no school
-8:00 am snow coming down hard in Lakewood no decision yet on school openings
-LSTA bussing is cancelled for both the morning and afternoon runs. Schools may be open as they will update on the snow number.
-LPD: Drive carefully if you are traveling this morning. Roads may be icy.
-NWS: One to 4 inches of snow and as much as a tenth of an inch of ice are expected  Snow will briefly be heavy this morning before precipitation change to sleet and freezing rain Thursday afternoon. Light precipitation will continue into Friday.
-Mesivta/boys school no shachris 
-Lakewood school district is closed today
-Pfizer and Moderna vaccines have reduced effectiveness against South African variant, new studies show

 -Bobov-45 Rebbe paid a visit to the new neighborhood being established by his chasidim in Union, New Jersey

Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Oif Simchas ו' אדר תשפ''א

Bingo open to 1:00 am
Costume closeouts open -9:00 pm Near Target rt 9 Howell
Kiddush Levana

Wednesday Feb 17 News Updates Lakewood

Weather:  cold 26 in the morning Sunshine and clouds mixed. High 33F
Updated schedule changes: Food distribution:
- Bnos Melech on James will take place tonight 8-10 pm
- Bnos Esther Malka Shabbos box distribution today, Wednesday at 7:00 pm 488 Whitesville
-Tehilas Chaya Sara 7 day "Food Box" for all children under 18 who are not receiving school meals, TONIGHT at 8:00PM. 1115 Cross Street 
-Belz on Chestnut 5:45 pm
OTL box at SCHI 7:00 pm Center Prospect st 6:45 
-Gelbsteins 2:45pm - 5:15 pm at Middle School & Clifton Ave Grade School 

-104 new covid cases in Lakewood totals 11793/274
-NWS updates advisory for Ocean County: Winter weather advisory effective from 4 a.m. Thursday through 10 a.m. Friday. Forecasters are expecting 1 to 3 inches of snow, but the snow is expected to change to sleet and freezing rain by Thursday afternoon.
- Bingo will have extended purim hours starting tonight will be open untill 1am
- NPGS: orders for Thursday & Friday  2/17-2/18 May be delayed due to snow
- FOREVER YOUNG An appreciation of Rav Sheftel Neuberger  By Rabbi Yissocher Frand Mishpacha
- Hannity to present an interview with former President Trump tonight at 9:00PM to discuss the life and legacy of Rush Limbaugh.
-Firat Chicago, now Lakewood askanim set up online donation page for mosdos to collect money on Purim this year .The project is facilitated by Keren "Supporters of Torah" apply HERE
-NY Gov Cuomo says summer camps "can plan" on reopening. "We hope the current trajectory stays until June.
- President Trump on the death of Rush Limbaugh: “He would just talk for two hours and three hours. Just talk. And that's not an easy thing to do.” “People, whether they loved him or not, they respected him.”
-Rush Limbaugh,  conservative American Radio Host, Dies at 70 from Lung cancer He died Wednesday morning at his home in Palm Beach, Florida
-NYT article on the  coronavirus devastating Israel’s ultra-Orthodox communities. with a interactive look inside an insular culture that has often flouted antivirus protocols. here

-In Chicago, a special fund is being set up for individuals to contribute to, and after Purim the funds will be distributed to the yeshivos that have regularly come to the community in the past.(Matzav)
-Russia has been mediating a prisoner swap between Israel and Syria  after a young Jewish woman from Kiryat Sefer mistakenly crossed the border to Syria and was arrested. Israel is releasing two Syrian prisoners from the Golan heights region.
-Snow storm starting early Thursday morning through Friday noon with heavy, wet snow and the potential for dangerous ice,  Ocean county Jersey shore area 3-4 inches Jackson and areas west could get 4-6 NWS predicting 6 to 8 inches for the northern half of NJ and AccuWeather calling for up to 1 foot of accumulation. the storm looks as if it might track further south and east, which would increase snow totals along the Interstate 95 corridor and move the snow/mixed precipitation line closer to the Jersey Shore.
-Bonei Olam Lakewood raised over $1.5 million in recent charidy campaign
 -Two masks now required to enter Manhattan federal court buildings You are required to wear either: (i) one disposable mask underneath a cloth mask with the edges of the inner mask pushed against your face; or  a properly fitted, FDA-authorized KN95 or N95 mask.”.
-Name change: Lakewood township will be changing the name of a portion of Zinfandel Road To North Zinfandel Changing The Name Of A Portion Of Parkview Avenue To Kiryas Sanz Avenue and a portion of Edgecomb Avenue To Shefa Chaim Avenue
-9:00 am Trump Plaza implosion in Atlantic City: Watch live nowump Plaza implosion in Atlantic City: Watch live here
- Snow falling in Eretz Yisrael

Videos: Snow in Yerushalayim

 About 4 inches of snow is expected to fall in Yerushalayim as snow storms move across Israel

Vaad HaRabbonim of Baltimore: Purim Protocols and Guidance

Vaad HaRabbonim of Baltimore: Purim Protocols and Guidance

Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Live: Kosher Market Sweep for Chesed 24/7

Kosher Market Sweep for Chesed 24/7. Donate HERE

Oif Simchas ה׳ אדר תשפ׳׳א


Lakewood Planning Board Meeting

 Lakewood planning board virtual meeting today Feb 16 at 6:00 pm

Watch livestream Here
See Agenda Here

Tuesday Feb 16 News Updates Lakewood

Weather: Rain showers this morning with some sunshine during the afternoon high of 55F  Chance of rain 90%.

-President Trump Releases Statement Slamming Mitch McConnell Vows to back America First primary candidates

- Purim mukdam: The Lakewood cheder school will be having all younger grades come to school dressed up with their costumes and bring shalach manos to their rebbe on Sunday 9 Adar instead of going purim day.  There will be a purim program for each class.

-Food distribution: Sanz Klausenberg ordering link active now sign up HERE

-100 new Covid cases in Lakewood totals 11689/272 (OCHD readjusted deaths +7)

-Tehillim: Please daven for Rav Dovid Cohen Rav of Gevul Yaavetz in Flatbush  who had a stroke and is in need of a refuah name is Dovid ben esther malka.

-Snow storm this Thursday across NJ The weather service says 2 to 3 inches will pile up in South Jersey, 4 to 6 inches will drop in Central Jersey and 6 to 8 inches will accumulate in North Jersey. It will clear out by Friday morning.

- Temple Beth Or a conservative synagogue and its 4.6-acre in Brick, NJ on the corner of Rt 70 and Van Zile road is under contract with a group in Lakewood closing date at the end of February or beginning of March, the temple is downsizing after a shrinking congregation looking to relocate.(Jerseyshore OL)

-Satmar Rockwell finished construction of their new Mikvah in the shul in their Shul . The Mikvah will be in use starting today (LNN).

-Only 165 patients have been hospitalized with the flu in the US since October. Last season, there were 400k hospitalizations

-NJ Town's Average Property Tax Bill In New 2021 Lakewood $7,435, jackson $7,778, Howell $8,192, Brick $6,819, Toms River $6,673 full list

-Volunteers will be needed to lein megillah this year on Purim for the homebound elderly and those in quarantine. 

Monday, February 15, 2021

Bonei Olam Lakewood

Watch live stream 7:00 pm evening of hope musical and drama show

Oif Simchas ד׳ אדר תשפ׳׳א

 Kiddush Levana (Raining)

Monday Feb 15 News Updates Lakewood

Weather: Off and on rain showers during the afternoon hours. Areas of freezing rain possible. Temps nearly steady in the mid 30s.  Chance of rain 40%. 

-Message From L.A. Rabbonim: Don’t Come From Out Of Town Collecting This Purim  same applies for Loc bochurim. They call on the community to increase support to Mosdos of Torah and chessed.

-Bonei Olam Lakewood live stream charidy event HERE 7:00 pm

-FOOD Distribution Tonight. Due to pending ice storm .OTL box at Tashbar 6:45, Mekor Hatorah 180 Sims 6:30 pm

-4 new covid cases in Lakewood, deaths revised down by 6 totals 11589/265

-Director of HR at CHEMED Friday morning, over 150 pregnant women showed up another 100 received the shots at on Sunday. some of the obstetricians were still not completely sold, but over the last three weeks, there's been a significant increase of risks [of COVID-19 infection] we feel are possible, based on the new strands [of the virus].” over the last two weeks, the obstetricians who were not necessarily pushing the patients to do it, have changed that message and really have been pushing their patients to get vaccinated,” he added. “Is hesitancy higher or lower among Orthodox patients? I don’t see it,” he told Haaretz. “Anecdotally, we have not found that our Hispanic patients are (Haaretz

-For the first time in 80 years, Beth Medrash Govoha, the rabbinical college at the heart of Lakewood, won't host Purim festivities, rabbi Aaron Kotler, the school's CEO and president, told the Press (App)

--BDE: Petirah of rebbetzin Galupkin  the wife of Rav Eliyahu Nechemia Galupkin zt”l, mashgiach of Telshe Yeshiva in Cleveland. The levayah will be held at 4:30 p.m. at the Telshe Yeshiva Dining Room in Wickliffe, Ohio. Listen to the levayah by calling 202.926.4500 and enter passcode 4846273. (Matzav)

-The Mir Rosh yeshiva Rav Lazer Yudel Finkel shlita held a emergency meeting in the main bais medrash he spoke strongly about the dangers of the internet and smartphones. He made a takana any talmid bochur or youngerman that owns a device that is not kosher is considered a gazlan if he has any bennefit from the yeshiva, LIkewise, even kosher devices will be banned inside the yeshiva hall. The rosh yeshiva appointed talmidim to act as enforcers to the new takanos.

- Food distribution Sanz Kleusenberg home delivery option not open yet for orders this week check back again HERE

- Winter weather advisory in effect from 1:00pm Monday-2:00am Tuesday for central and southern New Jersey  Freezing rain expected. Total ice accumulations of up to one tenth of an inch 
-Today is presidents day township offices closed no USPS most banks are closed TD bank is open, School district is closed.
-Hamodia- Lakewood Roshei Yeshiva and Rabbonim Purim Guidelines read here

-APP: Lakewood groups are canceling Purim festivities fearing a repeat of last year's COVID-spreading events, and the deaths and illnesses that followed. "For the first time in 80 years, Beth Medrash Govoha, the rabbinical college at the heart of Lakewood, won't host Purim festivities, rabbi Aaron Kotler, the school's CEO and president, told the Press.  The biggest statement possible is that we're not scheduling any celebrations (at BMG)," Kotler said. "... The physicians and the rabbis and community activists continue to caution folks to be extremely careful on whatever activities are taking place or being done in a far more careful fashion."APP

קול קורא Purim Recommendations from ועד לעניני קורונה

See translation below for Purim Guidelines 

Sunday, February 14, 2021

Oif Simchas ג' אדר תשפ''א


Hasc Concert Live broadcast A time for Music 34

Free streaming of virtual HASC concert this year 7:00 pm to donate click HERE

תורה תורה חגרי שק

WATCH LIVE, 2:30 PM: Levayah for Sefer Torah Destroyed in Yeshiva Chayei Olam Fire You can watch the levayah via Zoom HERE. Enter passcode 510077, webinar ID 847 6215 5667

Sunday Feb 14 News Updates Lakewood

 -Weather: Generally cloudy. High 38F.

-26 new covid cases in Lakewood +2 deaths totals 11585/271. Toms River 8000/272

- Mega sales on Purim shalach manos items at Lakewood supermarkets today.
 -Rite Aid in Lakewood E kennedy blvd, Jackson New prospect, have covid vaccine can register with NJ state HERE but doses are limited starting at 100 per store per week
-Analysis of 1.2 million Israelis, half vaccinated by Pfizer, reveals a 94%  efficacy in preventing symptomatic disease. 92% drop in severe disease. Analysis done by Clalit Health

-Costume closeouts open In Howell near Target on rt 9 at former Barnes and Noble location.

-Pesach Travel advisory at this time there is no certainty that student visa holders will be permitted to return to Israel immediately after Pesach. Furthermore,  there is a possibility that vaccinated/recovered patients will have priority in returning to Israel. This would require vaccination and recovery documented in Israel. However, they point out that there is no confirmation of this. (Matzav)

- Weather advisory issued untill 10:00 am Freezing Drizzle. could see ice accumulations of a light glaze.Treacherous travel conditions will continue due to icy roadways. Sidewalks and other untreated surfaces will also be slippery through at least mid morning.

- Some Bus transportation canceled for Sunday morning route by most companies, schools are open parents expected to drive

-To quickly remove ice from car windshield fill up a spray bottle with water and two parts rubbing alcohol or 3 parts Vinegar with a drop of soap turn on defogger and spray the solution let it sit for 30 seconds and it will start melting immediately. Let it sit for a minute, then use your scraper to wipe off the ice. Another tip it should first be chopped and broken apart before scraping so it comes off in blocks.

-Levaya and kinus of Sefer Torah that got burned laat week R"L at yeshiva Chayei Olam will take place today 2:30 pm at the chapel on 7th street with social distancing and masking.

-Bde: Petira of Mrs. Raizel Hoffman a"h 74, The levaya will be Sunday morning at 10:00 am at the Lakewood Chapel 613 Ramsey off 7th street. Kevura in Beth Moses cematery west Babolon, NY..Zoom link for Levaya HERE pw 410721

Saturday, February 13, 2021

Video: When Coronavirus was First Mentioned Last Year in Lakewood

Concerns of coronavirus were first brought up at the township meeting last year on February 6, 2020  11 shevat 5780 and followed up again  a month later a week before purim on the 9th of Adar at the time officials said it is not life threatening  has a low mortality rate and  is like the common cold.

Hatzolah Auction live

Hatzolah Auction below

Motzei Shabbos Feb 13 News Updates Lakewod

-NWS: Winter Weather Advisory expanded to include much of the tri-state. Up to 1" of snow/sleet, with a glaze of ice possible. 
- LPD: Roadways are extremely dangerous due to icy conditions. STAY OFF OF THE ROADWAYS!
- Four people in Oregon who received both doses of vaccine test positive for coronavirus 14 days after receiving both doses (NBC)
-Hatzolah auction: "looking back it was the right thing to do to shut down shuls and yeshivos" 
- bde: Mrs Temimah Genendel Frimet Lunger A”h was nifteres from covid over shabbos within the month if losing her husband R’ Yoel Usher U”h 70 daughter Zisel Halpert A"h 43, and her husband R' Dovid Halpert A"H , 49 to the virus R"L.
- Vaad Harobonim Linyonei Corona issue Purim Guidelines, due to current covid situation and gov restrictions. Purim should be spent Mishpacha umishpacha with people you usually interact with and refrain from holding large mesibos. Bochurim should avoid door to door collecting Yeshivos and shuls should add sidrei limud and can make private mesibos, balei batim should increase matanos levyonim by sponsor the learning.
- Ice storm to continue thru Sunday 7:00 pm with more ice accumulation  roads and paved surfaces are a sheet of ice as freezing rain hits the cold surface Salt trucks are out but roads are icy and slippery cars skidding all over
 -LPD: Use caution while outside or driving; roads and walkways are becoming very slippery

-70 new covid cases in Lakewood totals 11559/269

-Senate acquits Trump on second impeachment trial 57 voted to convict including 7 republicans but 67 is needed to convict 43 voted to acquit. The 7 Republicans voted with the Democrats to find Trump guilty are Burr, Collins, Cassidy, Murkowski, Romney, Sasse, Toomey.

-Yeshiva Tiferes Baruch of Springfield Melava Malka dinner at Fountain ballroom 8:15 pm

-Levaya of Sefer Torah that was burned last week at yeshiva Chayei Olam will take place Sunday afternoon 2:30 pm at the Lakewood chapel on 7th street with social distancing
-Hatzolah of Central Jersey Auction 8:30 pm at  also live on Radio Kol Berama or call 732-432-3407
-Trump thanks senators who cleared him in ‘sad’ impeachment trial, talks of ‘work ahead of us’ and said This has been another phase in the greatest witch-hunt in history”.
- White House Deputy Press Secretary TJ Ducklo has resigned, a day after being suspended without pay for threatening a Politico reporter.

Friday, February 12, 2021

Video: קידוש - Malchus Choir

Akiva Grohman, Malchis Choir & Friends meet up once again! Kiddish was filmed in the old Beis Kneses "Ohel Yitzchok" on Baal Hatanya Street, that was built with almost 150 years ago

Lakewood Zmanim עש''ק פרשת משפטים פרשת שקלים שבת ראש חודש אדר תשפ''א

 Friday, February 12, 2021 / ל׳ שבט תשפ״א ערב שבת פרשת משפטים ראש חודש אדר
מחצית השקל

-Candle lighting 5:11 pm shkia 5:29 pm
-Weather Shabbos: Night low of 22 day  Overcast. High 29F

 מפטירין הפטרת פרשת שקלים מנהג הישיבה נוהגיים לומר יוצרות  אחר חזרת הש''ץ לפני קדיש תתקבל  וכשחל ר''ח בשבת   אומרים היוצרות לפני הלל
, בתפלת מוסף אומרים באמצע חזרת הש''ץ          . ספר נהג בחכמה

Friday Rosh Chodesh Adar News Updates Lakewood

 Weather: Overcast. High 28F 
Candle lighting 5:11  shkiah/sunset 5:29 pm Shabbos Rosh Chodesh Parshas Shekalim-3 sifreiTorah

-120 new covid cases in Lakewood totals 11489/268. Manchester, NJ has 277 covid deaths, Toms River 262
- Sidney Powell has hired Lakewood, NJ resident and attorney Howard Kleinhendler to defend her in Dominion's $1.3 billion defamation suit. (Shlomo Schorr/Belaaz)

- Murphy: I will sign an Executive Order to allow a limited number of parents and guardians to attend indoor and outdoor high school and other youth sporting events – effective immediately.
-Trump attorney: ‘There is Significant Reason’ to Believe Democrats ‘Manipulated Evidence’
-White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki doesn’t give straight answer on whether Biden has confidence in Governor Cuomo.
- Chemed  offering  vaccine walk-in clinic today from 9AM-12PM for pregnant women only.
-Potential ice storm for Sunday chance for power outages
-Schools in Williamsburg will be giving matzos with the food box distribution before Pesach
-Republicans call for investigation into Gov. Cuomo following report the Cuomo administration withheld nursing home death numbers for fear they would be used by federal prosecutors investigating deaths in aged care facilities..
-Nikki Haley breaks with Trump: . “He went down a path he shouldn’t have, and we shouldn’t have followed him, and we shouldn’t have listened to him. And we can’t let that ever happen again.”Steve Bannon responds "Nikki Haley will never be President of the United States"
-Admor Viznitz Lakewood/ Yerushalayim Rav Lazer Hager shlita will spend shabbos at YTT 873 Vine street Friday night tish 9:45 pm

Thursday, February 11, 2021

Oif Simchas/Shiurim/Farrbrengen א' ראש חודש אדר תשפ''א

 משמיה דהגר"ח קנייבסקי שליט"א (ס' דרך שיחה) מטו, דמרבים בשמחה הוא מיום ב' דר"ח דהיינו א' אדר, מפני שיום א' דר"ח  אינו חודש אדר עדיין , בשם ר"א נבנצאל שליט"א (ביצחק יקרא) כתבו, שמרבים בשמחה אולי כבר משבת מברכים אדר, דמאז מתחילה ההארה של החודש

News Photos/ Video

Satmar Rosh Yeshiva of Bnei Brak  Rav Cham Meisels visiting  Rav Malkiel Kotler

Mesivta Acceptance Process

 Mesivtos in Lakewood  Take in More Bochurim to Accommodate Growth a few new mesivtos opened up for a record number of applicants of boys going to Mesivta for next year. There are still some bochurim who didn't get in yet but the process for everyone involved all around is not an easy one as there is no system.

Letter about the Mesivta acceptance printed in TVOL 3 years ago Feb issue

Lakewood ער'ח אדר תשפ''א Minyanim for Yom Kippur Koton

   Please post additional minyanim or corrections in the comments section
Rosh Chodesh is Friday and Shabbos 

BMG will have minyanim at 1:30 and 1:45 in all botei medrashim

-Satmar Forest ave 12:40, 1:30, 2:30, 3:30, 4:30

Thursday Erev Rosh Chodesh Adar 5781 News Updates

 weather: Snow during the morning will taper off and give way to cloudy skies during the afternoon. Temps in the low to mid 30s. Chance of snow 90%. Snow accumulations less than one inch.

Food distributions: schedules may change due to weather
-Bnos Melech weekly Bgan Box and R&S Shabbos box 7:00- 9:00 pm must be pre-registered (Email
-Update delivery only today (Mosdos Sanz Klausenburg "Shabbos Box" distribution 5:00-7:00 behind evergreen preregister here)
-Bnos Yaakov at Pine Park 2PM.
-Bnos Esther Malka box  5:45 pm bigger box  must fill form on location 488 Whitseville

-97 new covid cases in Lakewood totals 11369/269
- Chemed will be giving covid vaccines tomorrow 9-12 for pregnant patients only no appt necessary walk in at the tent.
- Mir yerushalyim Hanhalas hayeshiva strongly recommends that everyone traveling to vaccinate for covid19 in order to be able to return next zman
- Project Veritas permanently suspended by Twitter.
-  President Trump playing golf at his West Palm Beach golf club in Florida as impeachment trial proceeds in the Senate 

-Admor M'Viznitz Lakewood Rav Lazer hager shlita  will spend shabbos in the Oak and Vine area and conduct tish at YTT on Vine street
-Frum trump Attorney David Schoen was wary of wearing his yarmulka on the Senate floor on the first day of the impeachment trial he was worried it was not “appropriate,” that it was “awkward” and that it might offend someone. He had been seen entering the Capitol wearing the kippah. On Wednesday, Schoen opted to wear the kippah on the floor.
-Roshei yeshiva of Slabodka  Rav Moshe hillel Hirsh shlita said it is a Chiyuv for the talmidei hayeshiva to get vaccinated

- 7:30 am Regular LSTA busing today expect delays. No Jackson busing today
-Lakewo byod Industrial commission proposing to  ban  all on street parking in the Industrial park to accommodate buisneses. They will be building a park and ride to accommodate vehicles. No word about sidewalks for pedestrian safety.
- CDC confirms that double-masking significantly helps prevent the spread of COVID-19 more than wearing just one mask. The CDC also reports that a tight mask fit is important and significantly protects the wearer from contracting COVID-19.
- MK Moshe Gafni in an interview with Kol chai radio  said he does not like that fact that  every word of gedolei yisrael is video recorded and broadcasted he feels it is not with the approval of the rabbonim
-New Jersey Gov Murphy is voluntarily quarantining after a family member tested positive for Covid-19. The Governor tested negative.
-Lakewood Township will install picnic area with BBQ grills at the Lakewood airport for the public to view and enjoy.


Wednesday, February 10, 2021

Oif Simchas /Drashos כ''ט שבט תשפ''א


Moetzes: Addresses Flaunting Gashmiyus Lifestyle, Ads in Papers , call for yom Kippur Koton and half day Taanis

 Moetzes Gedolei HaTorah issues Kol Korei “Ki Am Kadosh,” and calls for participation in Yom Kippur Katan tefillos this Thursday and those who are able to accept upon themselves to fast at least half the day, or to accept a taanis dibbur,
"There are amongst us people who, notwithstanding their care with mitzvos, pursue fine foods and expensive vacations; they boast of their clothing and furniture; they are swayed by the triviality and bad of unfiltered smartphones and internet. Those who are engaged in these pursuits have turned from the lifestyle that was always a characteristic sign of the chareidi Jew: a modest life centered around Torah, service to Hashem, and kindness to others

“Spring has passed and summer is over – we have not yet been saved.” (Yirmiyah 8:20) Thousands of our fellow Jews, among them Torah giants and tzaddikim, have been afflicted with the terrible COVID-19 disease, and – may Hashem help us! – many of those have passed away. The pandemic has greatly diminished the Torah learning in our yeshivos, Bais Yaakovs, and shuls; it has curtailed our Yomim Tovim and celebrations.

It is clear that there is upon our nation an appeal from Heaven to correct our ways. Every person must examine his behavior and strengthen whatever may be lacking. But, in addition to that, the public – as a tzibbur – must examine its collective actions and lifestyle. We therefore feel it important to bring up a fundamental and broad point on which the public should now focus.

Lakewood Property Taxes go up

Lakewood residents received a post card with the 2021 property tax assessment. In Lakewood, the average taxpayer paid $7,435 in property tax in 2020; a 5.5% increase over 2019. In Jackson, the average was $7,778 (+1.4%) and in Toms River, the average was $6,673 (+5.1%).Taxes went up across the board this year in Lakewood from municipal, BOE and Fire  taxes all voted on budget increases. The municipal and BOE portion went up  $300 - $500 annually. and fire went up from $35 -$75 annually. The county tax portion went down.

 According to new figures released by the state Department of Community Affairs, the average 2020 property taxes paid in New Jersey rose above $9,000 for the first time, with the average homeowner paying a property tax bill of $9,112, up nearly $160.00, or 1.8%, compared to 2019.

Wednesday Feb 10 News Updates Lakewood

 Weather: Partly cloudy. High near 35F 
- Snow this evening from 7:00 pm -12 pm tomorrow 1-3 inches expected
-Lakewood has 64 new cases of covid totals 11272/268
- Manchester has now surpassed lakewoods corona death toll at 270

- The Igud Hamosdos of the Lakewood area put out a statement notifying all those moving to the area that due to the severe shortage of space in schools, they should make arrangements prior to relocating.
 -New York City is dismissing fines on more than two dozen shuls cited for violating state restrictions while in red and orange zones, Councilman Kalman Yeger told Hamodia on Wednesday afternoon
- Flu activity is unusually low in New Jersey, Judith Persichilli said, lower than other parts of the country. This is probably due to the steps we are taking to slow the spread of COVID. T
- In an effort to increase vaccinations in Bnei Brak, clinics are staying open until midnight Thursday and will offer cholent and snacks

-Food distribution:
-Tehilas Chaya Sara will be distributing a 7 day "Food Box" tonight at 8:00 PM  1115 Cross Street Eligible to all children under 18 not receiving school lunches. 
-Belz on Chestnut 5:45 pm
-Gelbsteins 2:45pm - 5:15 pm at Middle School & Clifton Ave Grade School 
-OTL box at SCHI 7:00 pm Center Prospect st 6:45 
- Divrei hisoirerus for the Lakewood community tonight erev Rosh chodesh  by Harav Yitzchok Sorotzkin shlita on Chayeinu phone line tehillim 10:30 pm followed by dasha 10:45. Call 732-301-4043 option 9
-LIC meeting 11:30 am Agenda here livestream here
 -The Senate voted 56-44 to proceed with its trial of the former president, rejecting his defense lawyers’ argument that a president cannot face trial after leaving the White House.
-conservative analysts Trump lost a GOP Senator today over how bad his defense team bombed.
- Lakewood DPW patching up potholes on local roads. to report a pothole whatsapp to LNN at 732-903-5017 the LNN team will forward it to the crews on the road
-Lakewood phone directory was distributed free of charge to residents. The Lakewood cheder published the directory as a fundraiser. As technology advances the paper phone book is more obsolete and people rely more on  digital formats such as the smart list. Previously it was sold in stores

Tuesday, February 9, 2021

BDE: Harav Sheftel Halevi Neuberger ZT'L Nasi Yeshivas Ner YIsrael Baltimore

The levaya will be at 1:00 pm in the Bais Medrash of the yeshiva. No outsiders of the yeshiva bubble will be allowed inside the BM. 
There will be space for guests in the Dining Room with socially distant seating.
Live Stream of the Levaya. Video: or watch below. 
Phone: 301-715-8592 ID: 824 6010 6228  Passcode: 551184
Baltimore, MD - Feb. 9, 2021 - BDE: We regret to inform you of the Petirah of Harav Sheftel Neuberger, ZT'L, Sheftel Meir ben Naftoli Halevi, President of Yeshivas Ner Yisroel. Levaya and Shiva details to follow (BJL)

-Matzav reports Rav Sheftel took over for his father as president of Ner Yisroel upon Rav Naftali’s passing in 2005. Rav Sheftel was supremely devoted to the yeshiva, guiding it and sacrificing to ensure its vitality and growth. He was also renowned as an outstanding baal tefillah, whose tefillos inspired thousands of the years. He was a baal tefillah during the Yomim Noraim at Ner Yisroel, and his nusach has been used and replicated by baalei tefillah the world over.
Rav Sheftel is survived by his rebbetzin and their family. He is also survived by his siblings, Rav Shraga Neuberger, Reb Yaakov Neuberger, Reb Yitzchok Neuberger, and Rav Ezra Neuberger. Read more at
livestream video of Levaya below at 1:00 pm

Oif Simchas כ''ח שבט תשפ''א


Tuesday Feb 9 News Updates Lakewood

Weather: Rain likely. High 41F.  Chance of rain 80%

- 7:50 pm Power has been restored  to most affected areas
 -Food distribution OTL box at Mekor Hatorah 180 Sims 6:30 pm, Tashbar 6:30 pm
-Costume closeouts open untill 9:00 pm at Old Barnes and Noble near Target in Howell
-Crews are investigating at the station on Faraday Avenue.
-6:20 pm Blackout and power outages in Lakewood/Jackson over 11,000 customers affected along Central avenue New England Village, Regent Hollywood Westgate  Prospect square,James  Cross areas , Chateau park rt 9 by Eveegreen, Spruce, estimated restoration by JCP&L 9:30 pm. 

-149 new covid cases in Lakewood +2 deàths totals 11208/268

-Hespedim  tonight in Yeshiva ktana for HaRav Dovid Soloveitzik ZT”L will be live on the Chayeinu hotline 732-301-4043 option 9 at 9:30 pm

-Frum trump attorney David Shoen makes a bracha and covers his head while sipping water while speaking during impeachment trial. Social media explodes with memes trying to figure it out. 
-Facebook removes group of Rabbi Amnon Yitzchak for spreading misinformation ob covid vaccine

- Gedolim in America call for a yom Tefilah with Yom Kippur koton this Thursday Erev Rosh Chodesh Adar
-A Brooklyn judge issued a permanent injunction against NY Governor Andrew Cuomo’s restrictions on shuls and other houses of worship
-Several schools move PTA to phone appointments only while some give an option for in person
-Trump Impeachment Trial begins today at 1:00 pm 
-Some snow models showing 6-8 inches for the Jersey shore Thursday- Friday storm 
-Democrats in Congress considering lowering the income eligibility threshold for the third round of stimulus payments of $1,400 from $75,000 to $50,000 for individuals and from $150,000 for married couples to $100,000, The stimulus checks would be based on taxpayers’ 2019 or 2020 income returns, according to a summary of the proposal. (cnbc)
-Gateways Organization Pesach will be  in sunny Lake Conroe, Houston, Texas! instead of Orlando, FL

Hespedim For Rav Dovid Soleveitchik ZT"L By Close Talmidim

Hespedim  tonight in Yeshiva ktana for HaRav Dovid Soloveitzik ZT”L will be live on the Chayeinu hotline 732-301-4043 option 9 at 9:30 pm
Atzeres hisoirerus and hespedim at the close of shiva for Rosh Yeshivas Brisk Harav Meshulam Dovid Halevi Soloveitchik Zatzal will take place Tuesday night Mishpatim in Lakewood at Yeshiva Ktana hall 120 second street. Talmidim muvhakim of the Rosh Yeshiva will deliver divrei Hesped. Harav Yehuda Fisher shlita R"M in Riverdale yeshiva, Harav Shmuel Shlesinger shlita R"M Yeshiva Torah Temima, Harav Avrohom Brog shlita R"M Peekskill yeshiva, Divrei Pesicha by Rav Moshe menachem Klohr shlita Rosh Chabura BMG. The atzeres will start with Maariv at 9:30 pm

Agudah Guidelines for Purim 5781

 Purim 5781: A Time for Mindfulness and Care

As we prepare for this upcoming Purim, we can remind ourselves how this past year might have been different had we only known last Purim what we know now. We now do know, however, that Purim has the potential to be a “super-spreader” of the terrible pandemic, and are required to think of our neighbors’ and family members’ health and safety with great gravity and concern, especially as more highly infectious strains of the COVID-19 virus are proliferating.  We are, by now, all well-schooled in proper safety guidelines; in case anyone needs a reminder, please see here for the latest CDC guidance.

 Based on consultation with our rabbinic leadership and medical specialists, the Agudah is providing the following recommended guidelines for the upcoming Purim. Specific areas that require mindfulness and care this year include:

Letter from 25 Roshei Kollel to Vaccinate

A letter signed by 25 Roshei kollel in Eretz Yisrael call on all the avreichim in their institutions to hurry up and vaccinate against the coronavirus for protection of the body and soul and with this they can get back to a normal routine and learn without any worries. 
Additionally Kollel network Ateres shlomo has notified the  youngeleit that starting after pesach  if anyone will miss due to covid or quarantine it will be deducted from their stipends if they have not vaccinated 

Monday, February 8, 2021

Oif Simchas כ''ז שבט תשפ''א


Monday Feb 8 News Updates Lakewood

 Weather: Sunny. High 31F. 

-46 new covid cases in Lakewood totals 11059/266

-Food Distribution dSanz Klausenberg now offering home delivery with pre registration HERE

-Trump attorney David Schoen withdraws his request for a pause in the Senate impeachment trial so he can observe the Jewish sabbath:  I will not participate during the Sabbath; but the role I would have played will be fully covered to the satisfaction of the defense team."

-Tehillim Please daven for Adina Aidel bas Sheina Mindel - has covid and pneumonia and is undergoing an emergency c-section. Critical condition

- 3 more winter storms may head toward NJ this week; up to 5 inches of snow possible Tuesday in North jersey. Central Jersey and some areas in the south should see an inch or less, Next storm in Thursday to Friday with 2-4 inches followed by another one early next week

-- 31 cases of more contagious COVID variant found in 11 N.J. counties 12 are in Ocean county

-El Al will have 2 emergency flights to and from the US  to bring people stuck back to Israel or NY the flights will leave Feb 9 from TLV and back from JFK Feb 13. $600 per one way ticket 

-Murphy: Today, we’ve crossed a great barrier with one million vaccinations ..We’re going to keep at it until we reach our goal of 4.7 million vaccinated adults by the end of June
.-The April 20th School and Fire Districts Elections and May 11th Municipal Elections will be in-person
-Bde: Petirah of Mrs. Yehudis Brisk a”h, wife of Rav Shlomo Brisk of Bensonhurst, She was niftar following an illness. She was in her 60s. Mrs. Brisk was a daughter of Rav Binyomin Zeilberger zt”l, rosh yeshiva of Yeshiva Bais Hatalmud in Bensonhurst. (Matzav)
-Lakewood regular school schedule with transportation some secondary roads are icy
-Jackson, Howell, Toms River will have schools virtual classes only no Jackson busing
-LPD: SAFELY SHOVEL SNOW•Dress appropriately.•Never use a shovel that is too heavy or too long. •Clear snow early and often. It’s easier to remove a light covering of snow.•Push snow instead of lifting it.
- Lakewood got 3.5 inches according to NWS trained spotter

Democrats to Announce $3,000-Per-Child Benefit

 - (The Washington Post) -Senior Democrats on Monday will unveil legislation to provide $3,000 per child to tens of millions of American families, aiming to make a major dent in child poverty as part of President Joe Biden’s $1.9 trillion economic relief package.

The 22-page bill to dramatically expand direct cash benefits to American families was obtained by The Washington Post ahead of its release.

Under the proposal, the Internal Revenue Service would provide $3,600 over the course of the year per child under the age of 6, as well as $3,000 per child of ages 6 to 17. The size of the benefit would diminish for Americans earning more than $75,000 per year, as well as for couples jointly earning more than $150,000 per year. The payments would be sent monthly beginning in July, a delay intended to give the IRS time to prepare for the massive new initiative.

Sunday, February 7, 2021

Oif Simchas כ''ו שבט תשפ''א


Orthodox women afraid to take the COVID Vaccine

 Mixed information on Covid vaccine for younger orthodox women for fears of infertility and pregnancy related issues.

JTA-For much of the last year, the young mothers of Lakewood, New Jersey, have experienced the pandemic as much as a nuisance as a matter of life and death. That’s not to say the community hasn’t experienced its share of outbreaks; it has. Or that families haven’t lost loved ones; they have. But to hear the young mothers of the large Orthodox community tell it, the crisis part of the pandemic had passed. Most people recovered from the virus, they thought, and only the elderly and high-risk needed to continue staying home. And to watch the Instagram videos of the frequent indoor weddings held in the town, where few if any guests wear masks, the dark days of last March have nearly been forgotten. 

Sunday Feb 7 News Updates Lakewood

 -Weather: Rain and snow this morning turning to all snow for the afternoon. High 38F. Winds NNE at 10 to 15 mph. Chance of precip 100%. 1 to 3 inches of snow expected.

-Tonight on Chayeinu Hotline 7 PM: Hespedim for HaRav Dovid Soloveitzik ZT”L and HaRav Yitzchok Scheiner ZT”L Given by: HaRav Uri Deutch Shlita, HaRav Eli Meir Keller Shlita, and HaRav Menachum Savitz Shlita Live on Chayeinu Hotline: 732-301-4043 option 9

-Another potential storm next week sunday morning: For most of New Jersey, Connecticut, and eastern New York. The storm is forecast to drop 6-10 inches in that period of time.

-Lev Rochel Bikur Cholim: monoclonal antibody therapy for covid19 is now avaiable at monmouth medical center for pregnant women who test  positive for the virus. Call bikur cholim to arrange 

Low of 16 degrees tonight in Lakewood area 
-3 pm: 5 inches of heavy thick snow fell sobfat
- 76 new covid cases in Lakewood totals 11013/265 

-Admor M'Viznitz shikun Monsey will be in Lakewood through Wednesday at 1002 W Kennedy blvd

-Senior Democrats on Monday will unveil legislation to provide $3,000 per child to tens of millions of American families, as part of President Biden’s $1.9 trillion economic relief package. Under the proposal, the Internal Revenue Service would provide $3,600 over the course of the year per child under the age of 6, as well as $3,000 per child of ages 6 to 17. The size of the benefit would diminish for Americans earning more than $75,000 per year, as well as for couples jointly earning more than $150,000 per year. The payments would be sent monthly beginning in July (Wapost)

-1:00 pm LPD: Use caution when traveling due to snow conditions. Roads are becoming snow covered and very slippery 
-12:30 pm  2 inches of snow has fallen and it is coming down at a rate of 4 inches an hour,the roads are covered and slippery some schools are dismissing early
- BD”E: Hagaon Harav Chaim Wosner, Zt”l, Rav of Zichron Meir, Bnei Brak, father of Rav Moshe Shimon shlita Rav in Chateu park Lakewood  watch live HERE at 2 pm
-10:30am Snow coming down heavy in Lakewood not sticking yet to the blacktop 
-A fire broke out early morning 3am at yeshiva mesivta Chayei Olam on Faraday Avenue in Lakewood. The building has been fully engulfed no report of injuries unfortunately the sefer Torah and sefrei kodesj could not be saved R"L click HERE to donate
-Trump's lead defense attorney for the impeachment trial, David Schoen,  an Orthodox Jew has requested from Senate leaders that impeachment trial be suspended from sundown on Friday until Sunday due to his Sabbath observance. Senator Chuck Schumer promised the trial will not take place on Shabbos. 
-Gas prices increase in NJ average is $2.58 a gallon 
- Chaveirim responded to over 18000 calls during last week snow storm. 
-Israel death toll from corona now at 5074. The gov extends the travel ban and closure of flights in and out of the country to February 20.