Tuesday, February 23, 2021

Achdus the Toms River Magazine

 Achdus magazine a new weekly publication geared to the Toms River Jewish community launched this January and delivered by mail to the residents.

 The magazine focuses on uniting the local frum community  with interviews of Rabbonim from Toms River, focusing on local chesed orgs such as Chaveirim of TR and featuring businesses that service the community from the greater Lakewood area.


  1. How about some achdus with lakewood

    1. Our honorable president said that he stands for Unity
      But his true colors were shown soon after

  2. The Question what is True Achdus ? Some people mistake Achdus as Compromising in Yiddishkeit and Growth in Yiddishkeit to have "Achdus" and lower everyone's standards to the Lower Elements and Weaker Individuals all in the name of "Achdus"

  3. Achdus means mutual respect not that you dictate your opinions or hashkafos to others

  4. No its not about lowering your standars gosh your comment shows tht we sorely lack achdus unfortunately. I think we r so focused on our frumkiet that we just be forgetting one of the foundations of yiddishkeit loving our fellow jew and not judging boxing and not accepting other. N this goes both ways less yeshivish or frum and the more yeshivish everyones gotta realize we may be diff but we still part of same nation and we gotta live each other no matter what and not try to change ppl. You do you but love everyone even those not like you!!


  5. as per rav of Brisk 'Those who claim to be the greatest ohavim,are really the greatest son'im'
    When hearing those who loudly wrap themselves in the achdus mantle,that should be born in mind

    1. The Rov would say about those that comes to talk about ahavas Yisroel
      "I know three things about them:
      זיי האבען פיינט די תורה
      זיי הבען פיינט ערליכע יידען
      און זיי האבען פיינט דער אייבישטער

  6. It means that psak halacha pertaining to lakwwood should be left to poskei lakewood who are the ziknei haposkim in town and not come from others who use a platform to promote ans push an agenda

    1. Yes it is not proper for TR to issue guidelines on drinking in the name of hatzolah to the lakewood community no one asked for it we have our own rabbonim

  7. True achdus will only be achieved with communism.

  8. achdus means by definition a binding of hashem , torah & yisroel. shemiras hamitzvos is extremly detailed , as crucial the " heart" is to avodas hashem the halachic intrecacies cannot be ignored . lighting shabbos candles a minute too late is the diff between a precious mitzva & chas veshalom chilul shabbos , saying nishmas in the woods with a guitar at noon is lofty & spiritual but cant be instead of saying krias shma bizamanah
    whats between the lines in the above comments - is a disappointment in fellow yidden when their level of observance on the easy items is less than with what they were raised . the need for radical acceptance by couples that have slipped from their families is a sore point on rosh hashana we say eem kebonim eem kaavodim.. its not our place to "JUDGE" yet you are the sum total of your actions and there are consequences beolam hazeh ubebah

    1. Seems like all you guys are having a hard time defining Achdus. Simply put, Achdus means that one group comes together as one to achieve the same purpose. It has nothing to do with your standards vs. other standards. Yes it is better if everyone is of the same opinion, but at the same time Achdus can be achieved even if there’s a difference of opinion. Two things can be true at once. The reason is very simple; once we realize we’re all here for a common cause, that is to exalt Hashem’s name through our actions, that’s when we achieve the ultimate Achdus. It has nothing to do w/ Chumros or Frumkeit. For example, take a large family of 10 with children of all ages and stages, some are working full-time while some are learning, some are wealthy and some are not. Some live in Lakewood and some live elsewhere. Same Hashkafos? Nooo! Achdus? Yes! The reason? They are all one unit and share a common purpose albeit their many differences. It’s as simple as that. If you can’t get this then I feel sorry for you

    2. על דעת המקום ועל דעת הבריות אנו מתירים להתפלל עם העברינים

    3. Anon 8:55,

      Presuming that if & is more than usual lip service

  9. Amazing how much machlokes and comments a magazine can get for merely having the nerve to call themselves Achdus magazine.

    Of course the post below this one which is just a fifteen minute shiur on making a (Purim) Suedoh Erev Shabbos doesn't get a single heora.

    How do the great Talmedey Chachimon on hefkervelt answer Rabbi Reisman's questions?

  10. Achdus means not hiring lawyers to stop Shuls from being built.

    1. Or maybe achdus means not building a shul to accommodate your particular shnit and just daven with existing shuls without stepping on your neighbors toes and walking an extra mile for shalom .
      If it`s gonna be all about you then you will never have achdus


    2. On Target

      RDF z"l said that precisely

    3. Who’s RDF z”l?

  11. שאלו את הגרי"ל דיסקין על חברה חדשה 'אחוה' אשר תכליתה קיום מצות ואהבת לרעך כמוך בהידור
    ענה ואמר, "יקיימו היטב את ה'ברור לו מיתה יפה'", ודפח"ח

    1. Is that why they learn in the Achva shul ?

  12. Maybe they should start an achdus magazine in WG.

  13. No, achdus means communicating with your neighbors, hearing and understanding their concerns and reaching an agreement. It does not mean going on blogs calling them all kinds of horrible names. It also does not mean the “rov” of that shul giving a speech calling other yidden mizera amalek. This is based on old comments I’ve seen here and from what I picked up is going on there.

    1. Wow you must be a genius to remember tens of thousands of comments on this blog.
      Ohh!! you just remember the comments that hit you in the right bone.

    2. Were you there when the Rav (and yes, their Rav is a erliche, chashuve person very worthy of the title “Rav”) made the comment about mizerah amalek? Are you sure you’re quoting it in the context that it was said? I was there and it’s not at all how you portray it.

  14. It will need the approval of the meyasdim who believe that they are still in control even if they all moved out. They left their puppet as a proxy.

  15. Not to reiterate old stuff, but for those who need reminding. There was a year of negotiations and the matter was settled in beus din but was objected to in arkaos.

  16. For those that don’t know there were no negotiations and yes the “rov” of that shul called anyone opposed to his building plans mizera amalek. It’s been confirmed by many that were there and it is not being quoted out of context. The truth hurts.

  17. The meyasdim who moved out? What are you talking about? And their puppet is who? The rov of WG?

  18. Wow Bh the kelmwoods kvetchers are back and as usual hv posting all their comments and ignoring any objective comments. HV claims to be A voice for the Tzibbur by the Tzibbur. Are they really? I don’t think so. They censor comments just like TLS and the rest.

    1. If you look objectively you’ll see that all the (objectionable) comments against B”M of KW have been posted. And yes, their Ruv (who they don’t hold on par with the janitor) was quoted out of context as has been confirmed by many people who were actually there.

  19. It’s hard to argue with people who lie and will continue to make up whatever stories are necessary as they go along. For the record it’s been confirmed by multiple sources who were there (loyal supporters) that their “rov” said it and he was not taken out of context.

  20. That is an out and out lie

  21. If your own rov calls other yidden mizera amalek and you have called them all kinds of names like mushchasim, nazis etc you don’t have much trust by any objective outsider so I don’t believe your story is as you say it.

  22. If the cap fits wear it. If there was no truth to the names, you wouldn’t feel the need to react every time it comes up. As the saying goes oif a ganev brent a hittel

  23. I’m not one of them so the names were not directed at me. You did inadvertently admit though that you and your rov said those names about your neighbors. Case closed.

  24. I am also not one of them. I’m someone who doesn’t even know the parties concerned. I’m just saying that if people get up upsetAbout being called names then it usually means they feel guilty. Case closed

  25. Who said anyone’s upset about being called names? All I said is as an outsider watching babies fighting I can’t trust people who call other yidden such names. I don’t know that they feel guilty or that it bothers them what you say.

    1. So you’re just adding your two cents to fan the flames of sinah! Nice!!

  26. There’s only one side that hates here

    1. Yup! The side that takes things (already approved by Bais Din) to arkaos and hires a lawyer to stop a shul being built. Correct - one sided hate!

  27. No it’s the side that calls other yidden nazis and mizera amalek. How do you Daven in a shul where the rov talks like that?

  28. The bottom line is you guys lost. Stop being sore losers. Enjoy the space you have and move on, that’s what I would do if I were you. I can’t imagine davening in a shul like that though where we call other yidden names.

    1. And what about when other people call their Ruv a janitor? And slap people in public when they express a view opposing their own? Or does it only count if you’re a Halberg supporter?

    2. For any of the less learned commenters here their Rav was quoting the Ohr Gedalyahu when he made the comment about mizerah amalek - it wasn’t his own random comment

  29. There is nothing wrong with having a different opinion than that of the KW crew. That doesn’t make you a nazi, mushchas etc and no it doesn’t mean you are mizera amalek.

    1. The person who got slapped in public was someone who does not daven in Köln Woods but said that he felt they were right. The person who slapped him in public was from the other shul.

  30. Again you have no chezkas kashrus so whatever stories you make up won’t matter. The public opinion is not with you. You lost, now move on!

    1. How can you speak for “the public”? Speak for yourself - obviously there are major feelings of guilt that fuel the need to constantly respond to any references made to the hiring of a lawyer etc. People without guilt are able to ignore references if they feel that they were correct in what they did.

  31. I don’t think those involved felt guilty nor should they. They did the right thing.

    1. How do you know it was the right thing? Are you the RBS”O?

    2. If it was so obviously the right thing why are some of the perpetrators and their wives mortified that they were caught on video talking to the lawyer at the hearing? If it’s the right thing being done 100% leshaym shamayim then what are they embarrassed about?

  32. It’s common sense

    1. Through age and experience I’ve come to realize that common sense is no longer so common

  33. It may be your age that’s the problem.

  34. I Stam don’t get the whole fight here. From what I’ve heard there is a lot of room in kw. Besides people have been leaving there in droves so it should be getting better and better as more people leave and no new members join.

    1. If you’re prepared to comment on a public forum just on hearsay you’ve got to be a total lunatic. At least check out the real facts. Don’t make people think you’re a bigger idiot than you actually are.

  35. Please enlighten us with what you claim are the facts

    1. Please first explain exactly where your “facts” are coming from - apparently from someone with above superior intelligence.

  36. The man with the yellow hat

  37. It’s not hearsay. It doesn’t make sense that there shouldn’t be enough room there. It’s not a big attraction.

    1. To you it may not be a big attraction, but for those that fit a certain “schnitt” it is extremely attractive. It’s also very attractive for people who appreciate a Rabbi who doesn’t blow with the wind or let himself be bullied. Don’t forget it takes all sorts to make the world go round.

  38. Right their rabbi doesn’t blow with the wind. If you disagree with him he will call you mizera amalek and blame it on the ohr gedalyahu. Indeed attractive.

  39. But insinuating that he’s not a real Ruv is perfectly fine as long as you don’t actually call anyone names. Two faced hypocrite.

  40. Where’s the hypocrisy? I’m not a rov. Anyone that calls people names like that is not a real rov. He decided to open a shul in his basement and tried becoming the rov of WG, nobody asked him and nobody would.

    1. First of all get your facts right. Rabbi Halberg never tried to become Ruv of WG. He never “decided to open a shul in his basement”, and just because you can’t/won’t/don’t show him any respect doesn’t mean no one else does. As for the shnit why don’t you go check out which people daven there and then your questions will be answered.

  41. Anyway what’s the “shnitt” that finds it attractive?

  42. Anyone who is in denial that Rabbi Helberg shlita has a beautiful makom Torah utefilla is obviously a farbissene mentsch who can’t fargin another person. Grow up and get real. His kehilla exists and is B”H going strong. Get your head out the sand and accept it.

  43. It's funny you say that because most independent people say it's the few KW people who are farbissen and can't stop kvetching about their dream being shattered when they found out it's illegal. From what I've heard that kehila is far from growing, many have left I heard.

    1. Wow you still keep up with the goings on even though you are not there
      dont you have more important things to care about
      why are you so obsessed with this as an "outsider"
      You hear lots if things can you clue us in from what you heard

  44. It’s not true that he decided on his own to open a shul in his basement? Who asked him? I remember hearing that in the beginning when he opened he used to beg people to come daven by him. This was his own project (together with his shutaf who is the real boss).

    1. Who is the shutaf? Anyone we know? I’ve been following the story since the hearings but this is the first I’ve heard of a shutaf.

    2. Other people from other shuls used to beg borrow and steal for their minyan and still others used to threaten people who were thinking of davening at a different shul. There’s all sorts of nice people in Westgate. The achdus is seriously unparalleled.

  45. His brother duh

  46. Why were you by the hearings? Oh so you’re no outsider, you must be from the few that still daven there.

    1. I wasn’t by the hearing. I said I’ve been following the story SINCE the hearing. If I would daven there I would of known who the shutaf is.

  47. Perhaps you are the shutaf?

  48. I’m only obsessed with it because I get a kick out of hearing the ridiculous tainos you guys come up with. It is truly entertaining to watch you guys kvetch about such a non issue and call your neighbors such names and then blame them for the lack of achdus in WG.

    1. What did Rabbi Halberg or his brother ever do to you that you have such hate against them? So they wanted to build a shul? There’s room for more than one. What’s the big deal? Why do you keep slinging dirt on them and denouncing them on a public forum? You get upset when people do this against your Ruv and your shul. Sorry but I don’t get it. Please enlighten me what I’m missing here that makes it ok for some and not ok for others. I’m genuinely curious.

  49. They did nothing to me, I don’t know them. I also did not denounce them on a public forum. It’s not my shul and my rov that you called names. I have nothing to do with this personally, I don’t live there and don’t know the characters involved.
