Tuesday, February 9, 2021

Letter from 25 Roshei Kollel to Vaccinate

A letter signed by 25 Roshei kollel in Eretz Yisrael call on all the avreichim in their institutions to hurry up and vaccinate against the coronavirus for protection of the body and soul and with this they can get back to a normal routine and learn without any worries. 
Additionally Kollel network Ateres shlomo has notified the  youngeleit that starting after pesach  if anyone will miss due to covid or quarantine it will be deducted from their stipends if they have not vaccinated 



  1. Its About time such a letter came out. Long overdue.....

    1. It's not about time. I live in israel, It only just became availible for everyone, it wasn't nogea for most people in kollelim, and the older people didn't need such a letter. STOP SPEWING.

    2. He is genuine
      Picking on wrong agenda

  2. I will keep in mind not to donate to them.

    1. lol do you usually donate to them?

  3. Until the next "variant" comes out

  4. Rabbi's who are 100% against the vaccine: Harav Benayahu Shmueli (Rosh Yeshivah Yeshivat Hamekubalim), Rabbi Dovid Meir Shmueli, Harav Moshe Tzadka, Harav Shiknazi Yakov, Harav Yakov Adas, Harav Dov kook, Harav Menashe Amon, Harav Amos Gweta, Harav Meir Eliyahu, Harav Uri Micahel Sofer, Harav Moshe Mordechai Karp, Rabbi Yosef Binyamin Halevi Wosner, Rav Yosef Binyamin Halevi Vazner, Rabbi Meiri Chananel , Sassover Rebbe, Brisker Rebbe – Rabbi Avrohom Yehoshua Soloveitchik, Rabbi Aharon Ros (Bikur Cholim), Rabbi Yaakov Hopfer (Vaad Harabbonim of Baltimore), Rav Aryeh Malkiel Kotler (Rosh Yeshiva of Lakewood), Rav Shmuel Meir Katz (Lakewood), Rabbi Binyamin Halpern (Lakewood), Rabbi Shlomo Pollack (Lakewood), Rabbi Raphael Szmerla (Lakewood), Rav Shmuel Kamenetsky (Rosh Yeshiva of Philadelphia), Harav Eliyahu Dov Wachtfogel, Amshinover Rebbe (Israel), Harav (Prof) Yoav Alon, Rav Moshe Ze'ev Zarger (Satmar), Rav Tzvi Friedman (Av Beit Din Masoret), Harav Yehoshua Asher Rabinowitz (Mishkanot Ha'roim), Rav Chaim Rabinowitz (Mishkanot Ha'roim Rebbe), Harav Shimon Shapiro (Breslev), Harav Zvi Aryeh Zarger (Eda Hacharedit), Harav Menachem Mendel Sabovitch (Av Beit Din Beit Shemesh), Rav David Michael Shmidel (Atra Kadisha), Harav Chaim Ze'ev Schnider (Mir Yeshiva), Rav Yehoshua Atik, Harav Yissachar Dov Rokeach (Belz Rebbe), Harav Yisroel Hager (Vizhnitz Rebbe), Harav Yuval Asherov Hakoen, Harav Mordechai Sheinberger, Harav Amnon Yitzchak, Rabbi Dov Berkowitz,
    Rabbi Eldad Shmueli, Rav Zion Boaron, Rabbi Daniel Asor, Rabbi Mordechai Gottlieb, Harav Aharon Stern, Rabbi Yuval Ovadia, Rabbi Menachem Edri, Rabbi Natan Kofsitz, (Belz Rebbe), Rabbi Ravid Nagar, Harav Yitzchak Kohen, Rabbi Yosef Asyag, Rabbi Michoel Green, Rabbi Eliyahu Shiri, Rabbi Yitzchok David Smith, Rav Moshe Shternbuch

    1. and all these rabbonim signed a letter or gave you permission to issue blanket psakim in their name?
      I know some of these rabbanim and I dont believe you that their position is "100% against". This is sheker.

    2. Very nice, There's more of these names here in Israel, the list goes on with more than 90% of them affiliated with EITZ or Chasidim or no one ever heard of, So if your an eitznik... than don't vaccinate but since we know that more than 95% of frum yidden vote here, comes out Ruba Deruba of people here don't follow these Rabanim, Rather Rav Chaim Rav Gershon Rav Moshe Hilell ... (NAMES WE ALL KNOW AND TAKE ON THE ACHRAYIS OF KLAL YISROEL DAY IN DAY OUT)They should all vaccinate, and that's why (once again) MOST of us will vaccinate, (By the way one of the incentive's are that your'e called MARAN on all the pakshivilim). As a side note Rav Shmuel Kamenetzky put out a letter about this that he never paskened on this, RATHER YOU SHOULD ASK YOUR DOCTOR. וכיון שבטלה מקצתה בטלה כולה. REFUA SHELEIMA.

    3. Rav Shmuel Kamenetzky means nothing to you?? Oh his wife is an anti vaxxer so he is discounted but you trust Yanky Kanievsky who is pushing the Israeli govt agenda using his grandfather. While there is clear video of Reb Chaim saying not to take the shot because of the side effects.

    4. So instead of actually finding out what the halacha is, we try and bash grandchildren and wives. Nice.
      Why is Yanky Kaniyevsky less trustworthy than Mrs Kamenetzky?

      The bottom line is, lists of names are meaningless, especially when most have a pre-disposition to reflexively sign matters on a certain side of issues. Reb Chaim certainly does not have any reflexes about these things, and if he said to get vaccinated, it is worth way more than anything on your list.

    5. I always wondered what Amnon Yitzhak's opinion is about anything. Do you have more opinions of his? And how about Rav Eliyahu Shiri? Is he a grandchild of the other Shiri? Basically, who is he and why are we expected to care about a list of names that could have come from a phone book of Beis Yisroel.

    6. False information

    7. and what about the one mentioned on the list who didnt let his father with dementia vaccinate, then took hium to a chasuna and now has inherited his job!!!

      הרצחת וגם ירשת?

    8. Again Rav Shmuel said he never said not to take it.

  5. Wow. So coercion is now the preferred way to pasken? Hurry and get vaccinated so you can come back and learn? Oh! And should you choose not to get the vaccine you get punished for depending on your God given immune system. My son would be on the next plane home. SMH.

    1. Ideally people should sit and learn and not worry about where their next meal will come from. But l'maisa, most people are not holding on that level of emuna and there is no way for the rosh kollel to know who is really holding by that so memeila he pays everyone. But now that some people are expressing what incredible maaminim they are by refusing to vaccinate and instead to just have emuna, now the rosh kollel knows who's really holding by that level and memeila there is no need to pay that person.

    2. maybe dont get a bris milah and rather rely on your G-d given perfect body!?

    3. Think about what he said there good point, his brain is working. Contratry... STOP SPEWING

  6. Why is this relevant to me im an American yungerman that never heard of these rosh yeshiva

    1. Dont worry

      Most Istraelis have never heard of them either. apart from the fact that some of them are mentioned twice and some of them have already denied it (Reb Shmuel Kamenetsky in a handwritten letter)

    2. The bottom line on the page says it all for me..
