Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Wednesday Feb 24 News Updates Lakewood

 Weather: Partly cloudy skies. High 55F  (fast begins tomorrow morning at 5:15 am)

-101 new covid cases in Lakewood totals 12208/279

Food  distribution:
- Bnos Melech 8:00 pm-10:00 pm 550 James Shabbos R&S box and weekday box
-Tehilas Chaya Sara 7 day "Food Box" for all children under 18 who are not receiving school meals, at 7:30 pm. 1115 Cross Street 
- Belz school on Chestnut 5:45 pm
-Bnos Yaaakov box distribution at Pine park 2:00 pm 
-Gelbsteins 2:45pm - 5:15 pm at Middle School & Clifton Ave Grade School 
- Heavy traffic in Cedarbridge and other areas possibly from school shalach manos with parents picking up kids.

-LPD: RT 88 is one way only east bound from Park to the Railroad for the remainder of the day due to an emergency. Please void area if possible.
-A emotionally disturbed individual was caught outside the home of Rav Chaim Kanievsky holding a knife according to reports he tried breaking into the home to deliver a message as he was upset that Rav Chaim supports vaccinating against covid and that he was not supporting the prime minister.
- Purim Book Recommendations from The Guy Behind The Counter see HERE 
-BDE: A young 7 year old  boy was tragically struck and killed in Williamsburg by a hit and run driver a MTA bus driver found the boy lying in the street The incident occurred on Hooper Street and South 5th. The victim was identified as Shimon Zev Fried a'h ben Rav Aaron Hersh shlita 
-A bill to improve oversight of the school bus industry,  was introduced in the state Assembly by Ronald Dancer on Tuesday. A publicly available database would empower the school bus coordinator, parents of school-aged children and the public to play a role in scrutinizing their child's school transportation system.
- United Hatzalah in Israel Suspends All Unvaccinated EMTs Volunteers who decide not to receive the vaccine will be suspended from all duties, and after a grace period removed from the organization altogether.  As medical personnel and first responders, we are at risk, and we can endanger others if we aren’t vaccinated. 
- Johnson & Johnson’s single-dose vaccine protects against COVID19, according to an analysis by U.S. regulators Wednesday that sets the stage for a final decision on a new and easier-to-use shot to help tame the pandemic.


  1. Of course, he was a mentally disturbed person. But those that are irresponsibly disseminating erroneous information about the vaccine should have been taking into account the possibility of this. If they radicalize people, using dangerous rhetoric and specious studies, they should know that disturbed people, especially in Eretz Yisroel, are likely to end up like this.

  2. Reb Aaron Hersh is a Tzadik, and we need to hear more from him. He has original thoughts about Chinuch, but is looking to keep the system in place. His criticisms are truly constructive, and he has no agenda other than Yiddishe kinder.
    המקום ינחם אותו בתוך שאר אבלי ציון וירושלים
