Saturday, February 13, 2021

Motzei Shabbos Feb 13 News Updates Lakewod

-NWS: Winter Weather Advisory expanded to include much of the tri-state. Up to 1" of snow/sleet, with a glaze of ice possible. 
- LPD: Roadways are extremely dangerous due to icy conditions. STAY OFF OF THE ROADWAYS!
- Four people in Oregon who received both doses of vaccine test positive for coronavirus 14 days after receiving both doses (NBC)
-Hatzolah auction: "looking back it was the right thing to do to shut down shuls and yeshivos" 
- bde: Mrs Temimah Genendel Frimet Lunger A”h was nifteres from covid over shabbos within the month if losing her husband R’ Yoel Usher U”h 70 daughter Zisel Halpert A"h 43, and her husband R' Dovid Halpert A"H , 49 to the virus R"L.
- Vaad Harobonim Linyonei Corona issue Purim Guidelines, due to current covid situation and gov restrictions. Purim should be spent Mishpacha umishpacha with people you usually interact with and refrain from holding large mesibos. Bochurim should avoid door to door collecting Yeshivos and shuls should add sidrei limud and can make private mesibos, balei batim should increase matanos levyonim by sponsor the learning.
- Ice storm to continue thru Sunday 7:00 pm with more ice accumulation  roads and paved surfaces are a sheet of ice as freezing rain hits the cold surface Salt trucks are out but roads are icy and slippery cars skidding all over
 -LPD: Use caution while outside or driving; roads and walkways are becoming very slippery

-70 new covid cases in Lakewood totals 11559/269

-Senate acquits Trump on second impeachment trial 57 voted to convict including 7 republicans but 67 is needed to convict 43 voted to acquit. The 7 Republicans voted with the Democrats to find Trump guilty are Burr, Collins, Cassidy, Murkowski, Romney, Sasse, Toomey.

-Yeshiva Tiferes Baruch of Springfield Melava Malka dinner at Fountain ballroom 8:15 pm

-Levaya of Sefer Torah that was burned last week at yeshiva Chayei Olam will take place Sunday afternoon 2:30 pm at the Lakewood chapel on 7th street with social distancing
-Hatzolah of Central Jersey Auction 8:30 pm at  also live on Radio Kol Berama or call 732-432-3407
-Trump thanks senators who cleared him in ‘sad’ impeachment trial, talks of ‘work ahead of us’ and said This has been another phase in the greatest witch-hunt in history”.
- White House Deputy Press Secretary TJ Ducklo has resigned, a day after being suspended without pay for threatening a Politico reporter.


  1. Truly a sad day for the rule of law, when the republicans didn't have the courage to follow the facts and convict Trump once and for all.
    How sad that he is free to continue ruining the country and threatening democracy. How sad that his followers have been emboldened to keep up their evil, angry, grifting ways.

    1. דידן נצח

    2. I agree 100% but our community will never see the truth.

  2. Statistically, you are most likely to catch covid at a family gathering.

  3. First comment very apropos for RC Adar!!!!
    ונהפך הוא!!!!!!!!

  4. How sad than an evil never trumper continues to spew baseless accusations against trump and his supporters without evidence. All the conspiracy theories you people have tried to use against trump have been thrown out again and again. And now the senate for the second time has heard your fake claims and voted to acquit for a second time! You guys have been debunked again and again! Stop with your insurrection against the USA, using the power of the government to persecute half the country and their leader. You are evil and despicable.


  5. what will happen for all the sick people who want to hear zachor/megilah? will rabbonim tell them not attend? there should be guidance.

  6. I saw the Kol Korei. It was signed by many more Gedolim --including the Rabbonim of the Corona Vaad.

    1. Do you have a copy? Where can I find it?

  7. The Vaad HaCorona has been proven again and again to be a joke .
    On Sukkos The Shuls of even the Rabbonim who signed it, didn’t even follow them .
    Weddings are Full every night , but this Vaad has something against our Yomim Tovim .
    Sadly it’s really just politics .

    1. You just want to justify doing whatever you want. The rest of people - normal people - will listen to the Roshei Yeshiva, Poskim, Gedolei Roshei Yeshiva of our town, and not just make Letzanus like you.

    2. After the porch minyanim fiasco there is no way to take this vaad seriously. If they cared for the safety of the klal why did they not say a word since simchas torah and suddenly wake up again for purim

    3. You're a real Shaigetz. This Vaad was not around by the Porch Minyanim. They actually put out a guidance Earlier in the winter as well. And this is not from the Vaad itself, but feel free being Mevatel 16 of the Town's biggest Gedolim.

    4. Sorry but as long as there are multiple chasunos every night with hundreds dancing in close proximity without masks, it is ludicrous and stupid to hock against bochrim dancing on purim and therefore i do not believe any gadol said no dancing on purim while allowing dancing at chasunos

    5. Amazingly enough, they can say both. But you just want an excuse not to listen, so you are saying something untrue.

    6. 10:35

      They can also they that everyone should jump off the roof and idiots like you would do exactly that

  8. To donate to the Halpert family, who have lost both parents and three grandparents within the past few months:

  9. Please be advised that Nifteres is a noun. For example, you can say, The Nifteres will be flown to Eretz Yisroel on the 7 PM flight! It is not a verb! The woman was Nifter just like the man was Nifter.

    1. If already, just stick with the polite and proper English phrasing "passed away". Was niftar is not grammatically correct because the verb niftar is passive. Its like saying was was + verb.

    2. I believe the proper usage would be “The woman was Niftarah”

    3. Either haIsha niftarah, or the woman passed away.
      Don't mix languages within the same article.
