Saturday, February 20, 2021

Motzei Shabbos Teruma 5781 News Updates

- 50 New covid cases in Lakewood totals 11987/276

- Johns Hopkins Dr. Marty Makary says the U.S. may hit COVID herd immunity "by April" "At the current trajectory, I expect Covid will be mostly gone by April, allowing Americans to resume normal life" -WSJ

- Yeshiva Bochurim in full swing with purim Campaigns in lieu of collecting purim day reaching out to family and friends to raise funds for the yeshivos by sponsoring learning seder on Purim.

-State officials announce $1.2 billion in federal COVID-19 relief funds for school districts to address student educational and mental health needs. Lakewood Public Schools will receive $51 million.

-Vaad Rabbonim Linyonei Corona: excerpts from letter dated 6 Adar - Numbers of cases have increased recently to numbers not seen since Tishrei. The virus is having negative impacts on  young and pregnant woman. It is vital for them to test right away if they feel they have covid. If they are positive they should contact bikur cholim to see if they can be treated with monoclonal antibodies.  There is no need or value to panic and this development does not represent any direct sakana to them or their children. There is no need to avoid regular daily activities such as work and shopping..however it is irresponsible to (look away) and not take precautionary measures or attend large gatherings like chasunas    The primary drivers of the spread have been large gatherings specifically chasunas  There is no reason that a person who has any safek that they may have covid should be attending any of these gatherings nor should any person who is high risk. With purim approaching households that have anyone with high risk young or old should be careful and not host or attend large seudos.

-Bingo open tonight untill 1:00 am



  1. Now that the vaad was caught with their incredible hypocrisy of telling the bochrim not to go collecting while everyone has been going every night to large gatherings (chasunos), they are now backpedaling and talking about chasunos, but as usual they give zero guidelines

    1. Literally every letter (since the firsrt one they sent) has said about Chasunas. Stop being Mevazeh Talmidei Chachomim.

    2. See here:

      and here:

      Just stop.

    3. Try to process.

      Every night there are large gatherings in our town. Yes, there are chasunos every night, packed with old and young, family and friends, people coming from all over and of course with dozens of bochrim, and also attended by our Rabbonim and Roshei Yeshivos. This has been going on for months now and either no one is bothered enough by this to issue a kol korei, or the Rabbonim are simply ignoring and violating their own kol korei, pick your choice.

      But suddenly when it comes to purim, they are all up in arms - Hey! Covid! We dont want it to spread!

      This is hypocrisy at its finest. Its clear thats covid is not their absolute concern here and theres an agenda behind it

    4. Simple difference, yeshivos and rabbonim host the mesibos and have the power to call them off. With chasunos, it's up to the balei simcha. As can clearly be seen from your tone, it won't help to ban large chasunos as people like you won't listen and will only belittle those who do.

    5. the basic difference between chasunos and purim is that chasunos only present a risk to the people present and everyone has a choice to either go or opposed to purim each bochur is going to be in at least 50 to 100 houses/parties/seudos therefore the risk of spreading the virus is high and dangerous
      please be careful when you talk harsh against talmidai chachamim besides for the fact that its kefira you also have no chelek baolam haboh

  2. How does the Va'ad know that chasunos are driving the spread? Who are their doctors? Do those same doctors agree with them when the denigrate mask wearing? Or are they selectively choosing what to believe?

    1. Who are you that you know to denigrate the Rabbonim who are giving of their time to do the research they need to help us?

    2. Porch minyanim fiasco is proof of why there is no trust in any letters that come out. The fallout is long lasting and gave way to all skeptics about the validity of kol koreis and letters that are all agenda driven or forced coerced signatures that bear no weight

  3. Why are they to cowardly to end large weddings , the whole world not having weddings but we must have it in full fanfare for who for what

  4. I actually appreciate their level headed approach. Not fear mongering like some others, but urging caution where needed.

    Thanks for some sanity in all this...
