Saturday, February 27, 2021

Motzei Shabbos Shushan Purim 5781 Updates

 -95 new covid cases in Lakewood over last 2 days (44 Thursday 51 Friday) totals 12368/280

-seudas Purim Melava Malka בתופים ומחולות with Admir Kosson of Lakewood at Tashbar 9:45 pm
- Tish at Skulen 10:15 pm
-Moadim Lesimcha Pesach order deadline is tomorrow
- purim in Yerushalayim the Corona cabinet has put a stop on all organized transportation to the city both public and private starting motzei shabbos through midnight on Sunday
- U.S. House voted to approve $1.9T coronavirus relief package stimulus checks coming  $1400 per person in the family
- Purim in Lakewood unlike the usual there was almost no traffic on Friday, no groups were visible going around, lots if shuls had a festive kabolas shabbos as well as late minyanim for maariv for those who were pores mappa.


  1. So if you have 10 children, you will $16,800? Is that right?

    1. Depending on age. If you have four sets of sextuplets under the age of 18 then you most likely could really use the 33.6K

    2. Yes. You can throw a kiddush

    3. You have to make less than $150k as a couple to qualify

    4. In the way the bill is constructed so far your children do not have to be under 18. Even adult children qualify as long as they're listed as dependents on your tax return.

      Also, you would still be eligible if you make between $150,000 and $200,000, you just wouldn't get as much.

  2. Skulen purim tish 1015.

  3. Could the olam party now that purim and shalacmunis is done. Is covid still a problem

  4. I wonder if there were enough seats by megilla in WG. What does the oilam hold?

  5. I'm sick and tired of hearing about the Westgate shul. Either explain the issue in detail so that we can make an informed decision, or I'll just assume you're one of those bored coffee room hockers that always complain about everything.

  6. Sorry, COVID is still alive and kicking . Yes ; there are treatments available now if caught early enough ...
    Yes, there are are vulnerable members of society out there that a few months ago their vulnerability wasn’t recognized . Please don’t disregard that . Don’t conveniently decide “it’s gone “ because it’s inconvenient for you.
    It was the nicest PURIM Lakewood as a whole has had in a long time ..
    “As far as the “ SEUDAS ACHASHVEIROSH” that went on there has to be some accountability here. The websites posting bits and pieces of it should have it removed . In all fairness , this is not normal! It’s an embarrassment to Klal Yisroel as a whole . Youth, and Bochurim young adults and others are impressionable. They look up to “ Heimishe Stars and Gevirim “. THE STARS and GEVIRIM” should understand that certain standards of PURIM entertainment are out of line, and some are more than REPULSIVE ! And ; if they don’t , someone has got to call them out !

    We thought perhaps Covid 19 and the times we are living in now taught us that we must be more connected to the רבש״ע and understand we are not in charge ..
    Understand to certain sensitivities and understand in general our lives should be conducted along the “והצנע לכת״ lines ..
    We’ve seen weddings in Lakewood Now that we’ve only occasionally seen before ...
    We’ve seen Simchas Torah celebrations that we’ve never seen here before ...
    And now we had a literal SEUDAS ACHASHVEIROSH ..
    Come on ...!
    Wake up... !

    1. The seudas acheshveirosh will go on so long that they give tzedaka and pay off any opposition. there is a lasies section but no mechitza which led to mixed dancing

    2. And there was worse than mixed dancing, from eye witnesses. Even a OTD kid told me that the party (which he snuck into) was wrong on many levels.

    3. Its a shame that ehrliche roshei mosdos and youngeleit that collect tzedaka on purim are subjected to this and forced to be exposed to this filth in order to get a check

    4. How come I have no idea what you guys are talking about? Where was this seudas Achashverosh?
      I am assuming that just like by Achashverosh, the ladies were in a different room. What was the problem? Did Vashti not answer the same way as before? Was her tail not long enough?

    5. Poor guy. Your not on social media? You didn't see the videos of the event?
      It was a private party, with some of the top name singers and I'm sure too names wines and spirits.
