Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Vaad HaRabbonim of Baltimore: Purim Protocols and Guidance

Vaad HaRabbonim of Baltimore: Purim Protocols and Guidance


  1. Baltimore should be recrowned as Jerusalem of america where torah and ahavas yisroel and bein adam lachaveiro go hand in hand.

    Where other peoples safety and health comes before our own desires.
    Where the rabbonim are not afraid to stand up and lead and enforce rules for the betterment of the klal and in the spirit of kiddush hashem and chochmaschem ubenaschem leyny kol hamim

    1. Kay Dee officially endorses Baltimore rabbonim because they agree with his opinion. True emunas chachomim.

    2. I've been saying for a while, I'm an aspiring Harry. If the definition of a Harry is to have more ahvas yisroel, bein adam lachaveiro and kovod for talmidei chachomim (and maybe not have the coolest clothes and jaw dropping vacations), I'm in!

  2. KAYDEE- if the letter was farkert by the same rabonim , not afraid to stand up..,promoting tzedaka, simchas hayom , tischen .. would you still crown them or is it daas torah when they agree with YOU! so its your daas thats machriah , i am unfortunately the same way

    1. It they would stand up against the masses and what the masses want them to say , and instead say daas torah yes I would respect that . Daas bal habiys heoach daas torah means exactly that = when the bal habus (society) wants A and the rabbi says a thats not a daas torah , when the bal habiyis (society ( wants a and the rabbi says b thats daas torah. Hence chazal daas bal habayis hepech daas torah

  3. If one Rov were to write clearly why they believe that social distancing is unnecessary and one may make public mesibos, and would back it up with real Torah sources, not Aggadata and stories, conspiracy theories and cherry-picked medical sources, I would respect them too.
    But they don't, no meikil in corona has had the gumption to back their beliefs with real sources, or an actual shtickel Torah to prove it. Only word salads and אמונות טפלות

    1. This is definitely what bother me the most. I get it from a common sense perspective why some of the precautions seem overboard, but no one has provided a Torah perspective. Like is there any justification not to wear a mask even if its safek it helps? Safeh pikuach nefesh yourself,safek damage to others.

    2. 1:00 pm

      I mamesh have no idea what your hocking. The metzius shows that there are multiple public mesibos every single night. Its called weddings. Mai Shna einer fun der tzveiter. Why are wedding mesibos ok but purim mesibos not ok


  4. A disease with a 99.8% survival rate is not a halachic safek pikuach nefesh. There is clear halachic precedent for what constitutes a pandemic. But any rav that dare say this publicly will be ridiculed. Having guts as a rabbi isn't saying what the public wants, but what the Torah wants. This letter doesn't provide any data, statistics, or halachic sources, but if there were one with the opposite viewpoint, you'd demand that there be.
    This is not the Tora way.
