Wednesday, February 3, 2021

Video- Zoning Board Meeting

 Video of Zoning board meeting Monday night

Apartment application 1:30:00  public comment 2:57  voting to approve 3:25

Zoning board members approve a 99 unit apartment building on the corner of rt 88 and Monmouth ave

in Lakewood at the former lumberyard location. The vote was 5-2 with members saying that traffic was a major concern. Residents from nearby Midtown circle went on record to oppose it out of traffic and safety concerns. The public comments portion lasted for all but a few minutes and  members were rushed to vote on the application while they asked for more time.  Some Board members questioned what safety issues could there be and said there already is traffic regardless. They also mentioned the great design for the building and the 256 parking spots. Attorneys said that this will help people from living in basements and they wont  have to drive to go shopping since it is walking distance to the downtown. It was pointed out that they the developers can ask  for a tax abatement even though they dont intend to do so. Lawyers for applicant said that although it will not bring in ratables like retail, it is still the best use for the area and the 1 bedroom apts means less children. All uses of the simcha hall buissness center will be restricted for residents only and no outside use.


  1. A total disgrace, Zoning board claims its an improvement for Lakewood and it should be approved. Wait didnt 25 neighbors write in and tried to call in but the "technical difficulties" they were not able to speak. except one neighbor. They all said no we do not want it and it will not improve Lakewood. Yet only two members voted NO. The rest approve this for no reason. Lets hope it gets appealed to court as the traffic study is a total joke.(along with this zoning board who dont care about us the taxpayers and people living here)

    1. I sent in my letter during the meeting, but the zoning secretary Fran refused to read it. None of my concerns were read into the record or considered.

  2. Just saw the video what a embarresment they laugh and make jokes while voting on it ignoring and even making fun of the residents in midtown circle. They try minimizing the opposition by saying it is multiple people on the same letters and that because it is a beautiful architecture it should be approved.
    Watch the end how they pressured and forced the vote

  3. They all are disgrace and they dont represent the people of Lakewood.
    Question is who do they represent? The investor who needs to make money? Do they need to approve this? How does this improve the area? Oh they said it will have people living in downtown to shop. I thought there already are hundreds of people living in the area.. So why is this approved? Oh the lawyer said don't worry about the people of Lakewood as they didn't spend money and hire a lawyer and a planner to represent them .. They don't count!! Just forget the 25 letters of people, taxpayers, neighbors who took the time and sent their letters to the zoning, people who will be impacted by this building who OPPOSED this. How did LANKRY, INGBER, RIBIAT vote yes on this?? They know what this will do tot he neighborhood!! I do hope this gets appealed to the court and it gets overturned. The question is who represents us the people of Lakewood? People who pay taxes and live here??

    1. You reap what you sow, the olam im midtown cir votes for the vaad candidates now this is how they pay you back. It happens often that you dont realize the corruption untill it is nogea to you.

  4. עשיר יענה עזותFebruary 3, 2021 at 8:17 PM

    I'd love to see the zoning board members to on record that they actually read the letters of opposition.
    Did they ever drive or walk on 2nd street?
    2 year old traffic study was accepted, shouldn't it be expired?

  5. i was on the call on sun night, and they said they will revisit this on march 1. why and when was this then approved???

    1. SO you heard they will revisit on March 1 so you left? Oh youdidnt know this is the zoning board and if you blink they will do the 'investors ' wish. So the reasoning was it will benefit downtown... Facts are the owqner will get a tax abatement and we the taxpayers get nothing, the traffic will be gridlocked, neighbors dont want it. SO what do we the Lakewood taxpayers get?? NOTHING but a further disolving of our quality of life.

    2. It’s a chutzpah that the zoning board let this application go forward even though there’s over $150,000 owed to the township in property tax arrears on this property
