Wednesday, February 3, 2021

Wednesday Feb 3 News Updates Lakewood

-Weather: partly to mostly cloudy this afternoon.  Chance of snow 30%.

-Food distribution: 
OTL at SCHI 7:00 PM 345 Oak street need to register, Center on Prospect 7:00 pm
 Gelbsteins ,Bnos Esther Malka And Belz will take place tomorrow, others will be posted when info is available.

-85 new covid cases in Lakewood totals 10610/262
-Rav Chaim Kanievsky said that young couples can take the Covid19 vaccine and no need to worry about potential infertility issues.
- Satmar is having a demonstration today 3:00 pm in NYC in front of the Israeli consulate protesting the Israeli govt selective Corona enforcement on frum jews and the redifas hadas on yeshivos and shuls

-Murphy: Effective Friday, February 5th, the following may operate at 35% capacity – with a MAXIMUM of 150 individuals: Indoor performance venues, Indoor gatherings that are religious ceremonies/services, wedding ceremonies, political activities, and memorial services/funerals

- JTA Orthodox Jewry reels as rabbis die during COVID-19 pandemic In the Lithuanian, or “yeshivish” world, yeshivas like Soloveitchik’s Brisk yeshiva, most of the rabbis lost this year were in their 80s or 90s. Rabbi Aaron Kotler, CEO and president of the Beis Medrash Govoha in Lakewood  said that was no coincidence. “We venerate age and wisdom, So the advanced age doesn’t minimize the feeling of loss. In some way it magnifies the feeling of loss.”

- Forecasters are already eyeing the possibility of another winter storm as soon as Sunday. It’s far from certain that another snowstorm will hit  NJ but if all the ingredients come together it can.

-Several schools apologized to parents yesterday after many bus routes did not show up and kids waited long time outside in the cold. Initially the LSTA said there would be transportation however it turns out that many routes were not covered. One school sent a message to parents a list of 15 routed that would not show up at 9 am and noted they wished to have had that information earlier to notify the students. Parents ended up carpooling and traffic was backed up all over town.
-LPD: Allow for extra time if you are traveling this morning as may of the roads are icy
-Murphy intends to slightly relax indoor restrictions in NJ by increasing capacity limits from the current 25% up to 35% and allowing restaurants to stay open past 10 p.m(app)

-Stop n shop has put out the kosher for Passover section on display, case of Kedem Grape Juice $28

- There is going to be hespidim in Torah Vodaas today by Rabbi Savitsky, Rabbi Lichtenstein and two other talmidim at 3:15 today You can listen on Kol Haloshon (718)906-6400 #1#7#4#13. Torah Vodaas usually also has a live stream of these type of hespedim or Shiurim


  1. Dear HV,

    It is sad to watch the fake news control the masses. It is sad that Jews have the ability to think for themselves but are still cowing to government control. B"H, in our community this has not been the case. All schools in Lakewood have recognized at this point that Covid 19 is dangerous to some but it is more dangerous to disrupt the learning and schedule of our precious children. For generations, Jews have risked and sacrificed their lives to continue teaching Torah (although let's not compare Covid 19 to living in the Soviet Union, pogroms, etc.) Baruch Hashem we are privileged to live in a community that has its priorities straight. Mostly. Almost all schools are running normally. Sadly there is one girls school that is not. The leaders of this school are living in fear. They have lost their way when it comes to trusting in the Ribono shel olam. They have lost their way when it comes to the emotional well being of their students being put first. They have lost their way when it comes to knowing that first and foremost we do not trust our liberal government to have in mind what's best for us. They continuously quote the cdc and shamelessly shut down classes and force testing. They are the only school that the anxiety about wearing a mask properly is palpable throughout the school. They are the only school that the girls are being deprived of performing in front of their mothers with pride. Parents who have voiced their opinion that they would like this school to act like the rest in Lakewood, have felt like they are talking to someone from CNN. Perhaps with enough pressure, if it damages their image and their pocket, they may reconsider when there is the next "possible exposure".


    A Local Parent

    1. why cant every school decide on their own if the hanhala feels strongly about how to set this policy let them do it.

  2. Where are the Roshishivos
    where are the Rabonim
    Where is the Vaad
    where is the Askonim
    What hapened to the Vaad Hachinuch D'lakewood.

  3. Because schools do one thing everyone has to follow? Who saidd they are correct? The other schools has every right to be protective because people ARE dying from COVID. We make like it doesnt exist does not help the situation. I little understanding would be helpful.

  4. The School needs to let you leave and go elsewhere.
    If they are sick liberal maskers , they need to release you . It’s crazy that your daughters mental health means nothing to them .
    Children with masks have much more mental health issues than everyone else !
    Ask the Rabbaim teaching out of town !

    1. Do Adults with masks also have mental issue? Or is it limited to children.
      Up to how old are they subject to mental issues? Or is it a sure thing?
      Is there a difference between male and female?

    2. though no one will say it straight out 
      avoid falling for their whining nuances
        There were those of us who sacrificed  mentally and physically in previous years  ourselves and our families to properly prepare for a coming crisis, such as now

      Others preferred to satisfy the lifestyles and continuously getting ahead of the rest of us
       Those who prepared properly  themselves and sacrifice in the process  deserve understandably to somewhat to reap the benefits even if mentally
      The others
      would prefer to wreck everything rather than allow that to happen

  5. Why in the world does obeying CDC recommendation have to be political?!? Why does it have to mean you're a liberal? That is just so foolish. Yes, I agree that schools can't shut down completely due to childrens emotional well being, but I understand those who shut down. COVID 19 is not child's play. It is deadly and now with the new strains, it affects young and old R"L. What makes frum children more sensitive to masks?? They are being worn out of the frum areas and I don't think anyone is going crazy. I.e the video of Trumps einekel performing. All were wearing masks and survived. So will our children. And so will their older relatives. WE HAVE LOST SO MANY LIVES AND SO MANY HAVE BEEN SERIOUSLY ILL AND WE ARE IN DENIAL AND PUTTING OUR HEADS IN THE SAND!! A Rotze'ach beshogeg is also held accountable. That's why there were arei miklat. Hashem knows who made whom sick and there is an accountablity upon the person not wearing a mask, or avoiding other precautions, who passed on the virus and made someone sick or killed someone. THIS IS NOT A POLITICAL ISSUE AND ONE WHO TAKES PRECAUTiONS IS NOT A LIBERAL. Our am chacham venavon has become foolish to a deadly degree.

    1. Are you too naive too realize that the CDC is one big political organization? I feel bad for nauve people, ESPECIALLY WHEN THEY YELL LIKE IDIOTS.

  6. Children in Lakewood have become desensitized to the value of a yiddishe neshama more than everyone else!
    Ask those who hear the way Lakewood children describe COVID despite the continues loss of so many!

    1. Still going with this ? Still didn't smell the coffee?
      Just because someone believes schools should be open, does not that mean they value any less than you. Children are not at risk.
      And even using such holy terms like "heilig!" and "Neshama!", will not help you win this arguement.

  7. When the boe was in charge of busing the askanim and officials would publicly criticize them for snow delays but since they control the lsta they keep quiet

  8. JTA article is a lie. Rav Dovid Soloveitchik did not die of Covid 19. neither did a bunch of the others they mentioned and insinuated died of Covid.

    1. Those who say that people who were niftar from COVID died from other causes are just burying their heads in the sand and want to be in denial of the truth!! I know people who died of COVID. You know people who died of COVID. Each one a tayereh Yid who left a void that cannot be filled. WAKE UP YIDDEN and stop this denial of the facts. Your sechel has turned to mush.

    2. Its like saying no one died from AIDS. AIDS started the ball rolling and on the end they died of heart attacks etc.
      Same with Covid. No one dies from Covid. One dies from no oxygen, Heart failure, lung failure, Kidney failure etc. But the root is Covid.
      Its a clever way of shoving COVID under the rug.
      Thus in Lakewood and in other Chareidi areas in Israel NO ONE DIED FROM COVID. In (not) fact there is no COVID in these towns at all - never was, never will be....

    3. Time for klal yisroel to wake up from denial and FACE REALITY to a serious wake up call directly from Hashem for serious teshuva and achdus ASAP together as a nation. If we ever expect this coronavirus pandemic mageifa to come to a halt

    4. Rosh Chodesh Adar, everything will change. Be ready. That is the start of the end of ALL the nonsense.

    5. All these people screaming that we "MUST WAKE UP! STOP DENYING !"
      Tipshim. No one is denying there is a dangerous virus . But it's unstoppable. Masks, distancing, plexi, shmexi. All didnt help.

    6. So your saying you think this terrible mageifa is all just coincidence and your not ready to admit to Hashems Wake up call for serious teshuva? And then you want to know why the coronavirus pandemic mageifa is not over yet... There's no one else to blame but ourselves for not immediately waking up to do serious teshuva ASAP.


    7. Yes, of course we should do teshuvah. Whenever anything bad happens we have to do teshuvah. But we have to follow expert's guidelines too. That is the way of the world. By experts, I don't mean those who comment on news sites. And now many have another aveirah for which they have to do teshuvah. That aveirah is retzichah. How do you do teshuva for such a grave aveirah? Can you bring back the person you killed because you believe in false conspiracy theories spread by ignorant people? R' Asher Weiss has called these people rotzchim. If only we had other leaders who aren't afraid to actually lead and say the truth.

  9. "just burying their heads in the sand and want to be in denial "

    Those callous selfish would have been forced out of our communities In previous generations

    1. If anyone sees Cohen Y driving a car, please inform him of how selfish he is and that in previous generations he would've been excommunicated for recklesslely endangering lives.


    2. Selfish Fraud

      Did they have cars then ?
      Did they have pandemics?

  10. Since the days of shabtzai tzvi there was never such a mass chilul hashem and mass worshipping of ideology above human life by torah jews who live by the mantra saving one life is equal to saving the whole world

  11. a cult = putting ideology above value of individual life

    1. People die every day from car accidents. Anyone who still drives a car is putting people's lives in danger. You are putting your own needs or your own ideology above the value of individual life.

      Cult = putting ideology above value of individual life

    2. Anon
      So you are callous on the road too!

  12. עולם הפוך ראיתי. Up is down and down is up. I grew up in Lakewood and currently live out of town. Where I live people wouldn't dare come to shul without a mask. My children have been going to school the entire school year with masks and health forms. Quarantine is enforced. My daughter is b"h thriving. She barely notices that she wears a mask. My four year old son knows to mask when in public. Both are in perfectly sound mental health. What a great lesson to be able to teach my children to care about the next person. B"H where I live we've had almost no deaths. Can you imagine, we all take precautions and the "fake" masks are working! What kind of pathetic excuse that kids will have anxiety about wearing a mask. Do you tell your kids to look both ways to cross the street ? Or are you worried about the anxiety of them looking to see if cars are coming. You know what causes anxiety? Levaya's, death,hospitalizations etc. How have we become the people that follow conspiracy theories around every corner. We're supposed to be the smartest, am אור לעמים, and we've been reduced to essentially a group of horned hat QAnon conspiracy theorist. May Hashem restore our collective sechel.

    1. I agree with you 100%. I'm so happy to hear that your children are sane even though they've had to wear masks in school. It seems like the children of Lakewood, Boro Park and Williamsburg are made of weaker genes and nebech can't tolerate the masks that the rest of the world is able to wear. My einiklach in E"Y also don't seem to think twice about wearing masks when they're in school. Unfortunately, they haven't had to much in person schooling. Who knows what it is that makes it impossible for the frum children and adults in our communities to wear masks? It must be a deep dark conspiracy to keep our dear kinderlach super sensitive.

    2. would you mind sharing the town you live in, i would love to move out of lakewood even though i was born and raised here and loved it but its time to follow in the paths of Abraham

    3. The paths of Avraham would be in E"Y, wouldn't it?

    4. Actually god said לך לך מארצך ומבית אביך

    5. Hashem said "Lech Lecha" to go to E'Y

    6. Go take out a chumash or maybe quote me where it says that because it doesn't

  13. while we were lied to about covid since day one and we still do not know anything remotely resembling the truth, there are a few facts that are undisputable that we have learned over the past year.
    1. Covid was not started by people eating bats.
    2. China is responsible for not informing the world about it - which is why we were so caught off guard and the medical establishment was so clueless when it got here
    3. The WHO completely failed the world and has done nothing to help anyone
    4. lockdowns do not make anyone safer
    5. universal lockdowns ruin countless lives and cause many deaths
    6. most masks are pointless
    7. politicians use covid as a means to political gain.
    8. the big corporations profited tremendously off of covid lockdowns - which destroyed all the little guys
    9. unintelligent people like to see themselves as heroes for doing minimal acts - like wearing a silly paper mask - and also like to viciously attack anyone who doesn't do the same thing as them and call them names like "murderer" because it is a way for them to feel morally superior without actually having to do anything of note.
    10. the nursing homes and hospitals killed people - or at least abandoned them to death - and the politicians who sent them to those nursing homes are culpable for these deaths.
    11. Andrew cuomo is the worst governor in history of this country

    those are all facts. to clarify, calling me names would not qualify as a counter-argument.

    1. Do you use "silly paper" filters for your coffee, or do you let all the coffee rinds go straight into your cup. If ch"v you needed surgery would you want your doctor wearing a "silly paper" mask or should he breathe directly on your open wound. If ch"v someone had cancer and was immunocompromised would you want them to wear a "silly paper" mask as has been done for years or would you prefer they walk around unmasked. Do you use a "silly" filter for your air conditioner or you just let the air blow straight through. How about for your vacuum.

  14. The whole basis of Jewish rabbinic law is to extra protect us if theres any religion that believes in being extra careful and making harchakos to a danger it is torah law.
    We also have ao many mitzvhas that are there as a reminder as awareness so to all those that truly believe masks dont work do it for three reasons on the small chance you are wrong , for a reminder to be careful and cautious in these times, and to join in what the whole world is doing for the sake if saving lives even if you think its a mistake its definitely a action that they doing lshem mitzvah so join them as being part of the world and sensitive to their opinions actions etc

  15. The scary part is in Lakewood you are shunned if you do anything for the sake if safety against the virus , if you say the word if you wear a mask you are scorned at ( to all you trump supporters myself included the same actions the democrats use against you you are doing here ) there is no attitude in this town to be careful for the elderly , there is no talk if protecting our older generation if you feel the risk for the younger generation is like driving a car and not enough to alter your life,( why its not a comparison should be self understood to anyone that ever opened a gemara , one is a active virus in front of us and one is a scenario that could happen ) to the older generation it is definitely a high risk and warrants strict behavior , where are the children protecting the parents , how many of us where over on the fundamental law of kibbud av vam what a lost opportunity to keep the greatest mitzvah ). And the repercussions of our actions and total negligence and dismissive behavior for other human life while the rest of the world is doing more then us will have a great effect on our youth on the message it teaches them . Oiy lanu myom hadin oiy lanu myom hatochacha. To all those rabbonim out there its a time to be a leader not to stay silent its a very dangerous time to be a rabbi are you ready to face your creator with blood on your hands. The rabbi who constantly pushed against safety measures now you have in your immediate community a young woman with 8 kids fighting between life and death, i hope that wakes you up ,

  16. To anonymous with 11 points lets say its all true but its ckesr a large part of humanity believes masks help lockdowns help social distancing helps, they didn't give up and say nothing helps so let me live my life כי בשרירות לבי אלך , do it for them to it to join in their action in their well meaning even if your convinced it dosent help , where the virus originated political motivation etc etc have nothing to do with whats right and wrong based on daas torah but whats right is to save lives and there are many dr and people who believe these actions save lives , so do it for them be a sport , be a leader of humanity , be a advocate for unity, stabd for torah sfand for kife stand for peace stand for love your neighbor like yourself = be a jew = bring gods unity and unified humanity so we can all dance together ויעשו כולם אגודה אחת לעשות רצונך , lets give up on dancing at weddings so wr can truly dance as one

    1. Well said.
      Were a martian to land tomorrow and be asked who are the real Jews/who cares about the bigger community?
      Those who wear masks/small weddings/social distance etc
      orבשרירות לבי אלך?

  17. Should school be open should kids wear masks ? Especially after 60% plus have antbodies because our leaders didn't protect us the first time , those are debatable questions , but this town is a total hefkervelt and a shaming institution to anyone who tries to act carefully

  18. Sorry to inform you each and every person died because his time came. Hashem sent covid so we would blame covid and not the malach hamaves. The malach homages said he didn't want his "job" everyone will hate him. Hashem said have no fear they will blame it on heart attacks,car accidents,pandemics etc but not you.

    1. This is cult thinking to the highest level. Our job is to to do our utmost to save lives and not be the caise of death if god want that person to die he will die not through the blood of our hands can we say ידינו לא שפכו את הדם הזה thats the question. When you fight with your wife and you call her names do you justify it by saying god must have wanted you to be called names. We cant handle the thought of being responsible for death so we make this mantra excuse god wanted him to die and thats all there is to it . Very scary

    2. What nonsense. Of course every person's time came. However we believe that pikuach nefashos is a principle that overrides kol hatorah kula except for 3 aveiros. According to your twisted logic we would not be mechallel shabbos for pikuach nefesh, their time just came. Reading the comments here makes me so depressed and wondering where our system has failed in teaching basic chinuch of values.

    3. must revamp the system from the root

  19. Can anyone figure out ehats going on , i am baffled the one zechus i thought we did have was our value for individual life , we do everything to save life to prolong life , we seek out best dr we have best ambulance service ,we collect for cholim and chesed is amazingly rampant we should be the defenders of the strictest procautions, not the knes who flaunt any action that will protect lives , why inly after a school is hit with a tzara in the core of its home does it send home rules and precautions to protect others .

    Why wherr we the last ones to close schools to close weddings etc etc we should have been the first one if the virus was as bad as the media was predicting we would of got 2 feet of snow (meaning hit by deaths like crazy ) thank go is was way overeacted to the percentage of death , but its still life threatening and there is noone that can say nothing can happen to him that constitutes sakanas nefashos , and every action should be required.

    Where was all yhe talk about brisk and the rav staying jn bed every time he had a slight cold not fasting on the slightest not feeling well on a fast but when it comes to a virus that threatens the world total disregard even as we watch our own fall like flies .
