Tuesday, February 2, 2021

Hespedim in Lakewood For Hagaon Harav Meshulam Dovid Soloveitchik, Zt”l

 Hespedim tonight for Harav Dovid Solevitchik zatzal  at Bais Mordechai 10:00 pm. 1455 Heathwood. Divrei Hesped will be delivered by HaRav Yitzchock Lichtenstein shlita R"Y Torah Vodaas and by Rav Mordechei Cherrik shlita Rosh Kollel Bais Halevi Yerushalayim a close talmid who was meshamesh the R"Y for many years.


  1. Rav Lichtenstein's mother was a cousin.

    1. You can say it clearer. His grandfather was Rav JB zatzal

    2. CZ: I would have, but it's another topic.
      He's giving an azkarah in memory of his mother's cousin. Or his grandfather's brother.

  2. is there a number for a hookup

  3. There is going to be hespidim in Torah Vodaas today by Rabbi Savitsky, Rabbi Lichtenstein and two other talmidim at 3:15 today You can listen on Kol Haloshon (718)906-6400 #1#7#4#13. Torah Vodaas usually also has a live stream of these type of hespedim or Shiurim
