Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Tuesday Feb 16 News Updates Lakewood

Weather: Rain showers this morning with some sunshine during the afternoon high of 55F  Chance of rain 90%.

-President Trump Releases Statement Slamming Mitch McConnell Vows to back America First primary candidates

- Purim mukdam: The Lakewood cheder school will be having all younger grades come to school dressed up with their costumes and bring shalach manos to their rebbe on Sunday 9 Adar instead of going purim day.  There will be a purim program for each class.

-Food distribution: Sanz Klausenberg ordering link active now sign up HERE

-100 new Covid cases in Lakewood totals 11689/272 (OCHD readjusted deaths +7)

-Tehillim: Please daven for Rav Dovid Cohen Rav of Gevul Yaavetz in Flatbush  who had a stroke and is in need of a refuah name is Dovid ben esther malka.

-Snow storm this Thursday across NJ The weather service says 2 to 3 inches will pile up in South Jersey, 4 to 6 inches will drop in Central Jersey and 6 to 8 inches will accumulate in North Jersey. It will clear out by Friday morning.

- Temple Beth Or a conservative synagogue and its 4.6-acre in Brick, NJ on the corner of Rt 70 and Van Zile road is under contract with a group in Lakewood closing date at the end of February or beginning of March, the temple is downsizing after a shrinking congregation looking to relocate.(Jerseyshore OL)

-Satmar Rockwell finished construction of their new Mikvah in the shul in their Shul . The Mikvah will be in use starting today (LNN).

-Only 165 patients have been hospitalized with the flu in the US since October. Last season, there were 400k hospitalizations

-NJ Town's Average Property Tax Bill In New 2021 Lakewood $7,435, jackson $7,778, Howell $8,192, Brick $6,819, Toms River $6,673 full list

-Volunteers will be needed to lein megillah this year on Purim for the homebound elderly and those in quarantine. 


  1. “Only 165 patients have been hospitalized with the flu in the US since October. Last season, there were 400k hospitalizations”
    There two explanations for this
    1 It’s an open miracle . Hashem !
    2 The Data is all politics and is inaccurate.
    3. Both are true !

    1. Please explain #1. If we now have 400k covid hospitalizations instead of flu, how is that a miracle

    2. There's also the real explanation which is that the mitigation efforts such as masking, social distancing and hand washing were very effective at preventing the spread of flu. (The flu is a lot less contagious than Corona so the effect of these efforts was very drastic.)

  2. Does this group plan on knocking down the 'synagogue' and building another complex?

  3. Very simple : all Flu patients for the Past Year received a Covid 19 Diagnosis

  4. Of course the explanation, bederech hateva, is that people were exposed to each other less because of masks and social distancing and going out less in public, and practiced better hygiene by washing hands more often. I hope we don't have to do the masks and distancing next winter, but better hygiene is always a good thing.

  5. An analysis of the responses above makes it quite clear that there is a strong minority of uninformed, uneducated and conspiracy minded people in our midst.

    1. Yet you provide none of the evidence of such, and just choose to write of the masses. Provide data to back what you say. Calling anyone you don't agree with as a conspiracy is a sad way of life.

    2. A 'strong' minority?! Four people isn't even a minority. Just the mot vocal of people.

    3. Evidence of what?? That covid is real?? There is ample evidence available to you down E. 7th Street. Go take a look around there and then have the azus to come back and continue the denials which potentially lead to more pain and suffering (assuming anyone might take you seriously).

  6. An analysis of your comment shows a narssistic, smug elitist who thinks he's smarter than everyone else. It also shows that a human dumb enough to believe what is being spoonfed to him by the lying killers in the media that some masks magically wiped out the flu, rather than seeing the truth even as it literally stares at him in the face.

    1. I am much better than those narcissistic smug elitists. I am smarter than those who think they are better than the rest of us, including those stupid scientists who think that they know a topic better than me, just because they studied it. I don't believe the lying killers in the media, only the lying killers in the other media.

      Mr 2:13 - your lack of self-awareness is as breathtaking as it is inexcusable. Believing Zelenko, as one example, is no smarter or more self informed than believing Fauci.

  7. Very surprised the cheder is doing this denying a true simchas purim from the kids and stripping away something they look forward too all year. How low have we sunken to such a level,yes it is mot an easy year its Friday and covid and traffic but that decison should be up to parents and rebbeim to make not a official school event.

    1. I have no issue with what the cheder is doing, the kids may end up enjoying it even more instead of sitting for hours in purim day gridlock.

      My issue is with stealing from bochrim their yearly highlight going door to door being mesameach yidden and being mezakeh us baalei batim with the zechus of tzedakka bsimcha u'vtuv leivav

    2. When you know just a fraction of the Torah the signers know, have a drop of Yiras Shamayim like they do, and carry even a portion of the Achrayus they do, you can come back with your Deyos and Shitos.

    3. the decision is up to the parents, the cheder just gave them the option to come dressed up with mishloach manos. it is optional. i'm sure many will still give on purim when there's a mitzvah to give

  8. It is better for the Bochurim Ruchniyas and Physical health to spend Purim with their Family relatives and Yeshiva and friends in Yeshiva

    Going around in groups exposed them to bad forms of behavior and Habbits , smoking , drinking and they do not belong in other people's homes where there are Women and Girls and Mansions full of Gashmius

    1. I agree.
      Who decided that Purim is a day for the streets? Which halacha mandated it?
      How do we allow thousands of teenagers, with inhibitions down, to roam the streets with the only adult being the limo driver? Why is it beneficial for their ruchniyus? How is that the true spirit of Purim?
      And yes, I was a bochur once. The women and girls are a distraction from their ruchniyus. We are not Goyim, for us Yidden our eyes are כלי קודש and a hormone-addled bochur with his inhibitions down will be looking much more than he will admit to.

      If Yeshivos really took achrayus for their bochurim's ruchniyus, they would make a Purim Seuda in Yeshiva itself for the bochurim. Start shortly after Mincha Gedola, and provide whatever alcohol they need (dependent on the bochurim's ages, of course). The Yeshiva will be able to prevent any physical dangers, as well as spiritual ones. And more importantly, the bochurim can gain spiritually from it too. Let them see how refined Bnei Torah celebrate, let them hear their Rebbeim when they have had a little to drink, let them internalize the lessons of Purim. Instead of frittering a day away with unbecoming behavior and a sense of emptiness.

      The only people that will complain will be the gvirim, who will suffer terribly not knowing what to with the extra money they have. Let them give me a call, I have multiple solutions.

    2. 3:30 who naively thinks that todays bochrim only get exposed to smoking and drinking by going collecting apparently doesn't have any bochrim of his own and is understandably utterly clueless

  9. All the schools should follow the Cheder example not just this Purim , but every Purim, Purim is a valuable day to spend With Family and Extended Family and Friends and Davening and Learning and eating the Seuda not schlepping around for hours to teachers with cranky children in the Car..there are plenty of other opportunities that can be arranged for children to spend time with Rabbeim and Teachers at home..such as Melave Malka , Mesibos etc

    1. Cranky children?! Cranky fathers more like it. Listen to the honking.

    2. Purim is not for davening.

  10. Where's the guy who hates Trump? Why can't we have our daily entertainment?

  11. You’re asking for entertainment while in WG people are squashed in shul and can’t build a shul.

  12. In Telz the Bochurim stayed on campus and celebrated Purim fully on Campus with Learning and Visiting their Maggidei Shiur and Rosh Yeshiva it was a very uplifting and Spiritual Aliya for all. The Seuda and Dancing took place in the Yeshiva with the Roshei Yeshiva and Hanhalah

  13. The beauty of purim for bochurim is in yeshiva, anyone who learnt in yeshiva knows that the aliyah of ourim happens in yeshiva bein ish lerayeyu , not collecting and getting drunk and holelus that happens on the streets , a bochur only belongs in the kosly beis medrash , purim was a hetere for the sake of yeshivas survival that they let bochurim collect
