Thursday, February 18, 2021

Rav Chaim Kanievsky Gives Bracha to Groups Collecting on Purim

 The heads of TAT keren chasanim from Several Israeli yeshivos gathered at the home of Rav Chaim Kanievsky they asked for hatzlocha in this years purim collecting campaign due to limitations because of Corona. Rav Chaim gave a Bracha they should make a lot of Money and those that donate will get Gan Eden and money. 


  1. This Purim season, please help pay the tuition for 4 children of a poor Lakewood family (parents both work, dad has serious health problems) who were accepted into school on condition that we raise the tuition funds. Please consider donating at

    1. I think it will help if you had a letter from a known Rav

  2. Rav Chaim didnt tell them to stay in yeshiva all day purim and learn. He encouraged them to raise funds and go around asking people for tzedaka

  3. I haven't read the letter so I don't know what was signed, but the conversation didn't say anything about groups going from house to house which is a way of speading the virus. It was just a generic question about using Purim to raise funds.
