Thursday, February 11, 2021

Mesivta Acceptance Process

 Mesivtos in Lakewood  Take in More Bochurim to Accommodate Growth a few new mesivtos opened up for a record number of applicants of boys going to Mesivta for next year. There are still some bochurim who didn't get in yet but the process for everyone involved all around is not an easy one as there is no system.

Letter about the Mesivta acceptance printed in TVOL 3 years ago Feb issue


  1. Wow very powerful letter and my thoughts as well.

    We have been pained thru the system and caused irrevocable emotional anguish to our son.

    we are all accountable after 120...

  2. The girls take 1 test and get placed.the boys run around taking 7-8 farhers

    1. Oh really? Are all the girls in school already? Don't think so.

    2. Girls high schools did not start yet.

  3. 3 eitzos to ease some of the lachatz
    1. go where you are wanted ,many times your son will shine because he is the metzuyan lefi " KITASO"
    2. be a loyal & supportive parent to your childs mosad
    3. as the steipler is quoted when asked on what can one be mevater in a shiduch isnt everything important.. his answer give in on the " MAH YOMRU HABRIYOS"

  4. There is a common misconception, that people choose a Metzuyanim Mossad for their child due to the prestige. Others think that a better student body means a better bochur, because of their positive influences.

    There are other reasons too, and it is unfair and degrading for people to have their decisions second-guessed by random strangers.

    A high functioning Bochur, who likes to learn and understands learning, will not be challenged in a Yeshiva that caters to people on a lower level in learning. The Shiur will, rightfully, be geared to people who are on a lower level of understanding, and he will lose out. It has nothing to do with the prestige or the other boys.
