Sunday, February 28, 2021

Sunday Feb 28 News Updates Lakewood

 Weather: Cloudy with periods of rain. High around 45F Chance of rain 100%

-The Lakewood NAACP leader called for a meeting with Jewish leaders after children celebrating Purim wore blackface and Black Lives Matter garb. The lakewood Vaad released a statement condemning the wearing of blackface calling it offensive and inappropriate.

-5 new covid cases in Lakewood totals 12373/279

- TRUMP: on running again“Who knows, I may even decide to beat them for a third time.”

-Trump: TRUMP: “Biden said just a few days ago that when he got here, meaning the White House, there was no vaccine…Now I don’t think he said that frankly in a malicious way, I really don’t. I actually believe he said that because he didn’t really know what the he.. was happening.”

-Donald Trump will speak today at CPAC first public speech since leaving office is expecting to make announcement about his future with the GOP speaking at 3:40 pm watch live stream Here
-Uncle Moishy in Lakewood today at Judaica plaza from 11:30- 300 pm and at Judaica Square  at Seagull Square 3:30 
- Moadim Lsimcha Pesach order deadline today here
-Chometz drop off locations open at 311 8th street bet Madison & Clifton and 2 Brisk lane in Westgate
-Shushan Purim in Yerushalayim thousands of people, including chareidi families with children, were forced to walk to the city as police halted public transit and group transit from Motzai Shabbos until tomorrow.
-Daf Yomi begins the perek of ערבי פסחים today
- Golds Gym on route 9 in Howell will be closing its doors permanently on March 25th, 2021 after 6 months of forced govt shutdown due to covid the company said in a statement it is no longer sustainable to keep it open.
-At the Zoning board tomorrow an appeal for  33 townhomes at Larson office complex see more here
- Jackson A township man has been charged after a pair of dirt bikers told police he held them at gunpoint Friday afternoon while they were trying to find their way out of the woods near Werko Place, authorities said.  Police were notified about the incident about 4:45 p.m. when they received a call from the man who was later charged, identified as Roger Stewart. He told officers he saw two individuals ride past his home on dirt bikes and then grabbed his loaded .22 caliber rifle and went into the woods to look for them(APP)


  1. When Biden took office, the WH and the executive branch of the government was a shambles. Years of neglect and focusing on nonsense like 'fighting the media' had left thousands of key positions unfilled. Things that used to take a couple of months weren't done in two years. There was a vaccine, but the delivery system was a disaster. (Funny, the Trump administration did not even have any connection to the development of the Pfizer vaccine, only the delivery. And that is what was delayed. Tells you something about their aptitude). Since Biden took over, the numbers are shooting down, and the vaccine delivery has been improved manifold. He is keeping his election promises well before the deadline he imposed on himself.
    Biden is doing a great job with the pandemic, and he is showing all of us how terrible his predecessor was. So many people waved away Trump's nonsense by saying that nobody else would have been better. Biden is showing us that there is another way, and it has an effect.
    I don't think Biden is that great, he is just many many times better than the Toddler in Chief we had for four years.

    1. You’re so cute. The guy who can’t talk a straight sentence is doing a better job than Trump. Yep. You’re funny.

    2. So our bored Trump hater is back. Of course Bored didn't say even one coherent thing in his entire ramble.

      Hey Bored, I got bad news for you. Trump started his comeback today BH.

  2. Lakewood Vaad...why do Litvaks always deal with problems after they get out of control...why could they not address the issue before Purim by putting out a letter that these things are not apropriate and cause a Desecration of name

    1. Blame it on the litvaks. Have you ever see a letter from a chasidishe rebbe about blackface?

  3. There goes the vaad waking up from hybernation must be because its spring in a few weeks they only react to make themselves relevant throwing the community under the bus again after calling them bad apples and giving those who wanted to burn down stores in downtown lakewood a platform to lie about it.
    Shame on you Lakewood vaad

  4. The vaad had no problem letting a public protest take place in the heart of lakewood with no social distancing and any care for spreading covid. The mayor participated in the march and had the audacity to criticize lakewoods orthodox community for not keeping to the social distancing rules and blamed them for being Trump supporters as why they are not careful about covid.
    The vaad was silent to those remarks and supported the reelection.

  5. I don't care if you don't like it. We have to take a public stand against racism. We have to teach our children to be sensitive.

    We wouldn't want our neighbors' kids dressing up as swastikas on Halloween and we would expect their leaders to condemn such behavior.

    We should do the same when our kids dress up in blackface, even if the leider gayers on hevkervelt don't like it.

    1. Anyone who disagrees with you is a leidig geyer? You care so much about racism and being sensitive and than you attack

    2. 7:37

      Really now. What does a Swastika represent?

      "It was used by the Nazi Party to symbolize German nationalistic pride. To Jews and other victims and enemies of Nazi Germany, it became a symbol of antisemitism and terror. In many Western countries, the swastika is now viewed as a symbol of racial supremacism and intimidation because of its association with Nazism."

      Are you comparing that to blackface? Are you implying that blackface symbolizes terror? Really?

      I would think its an honor that someone is dressing up blackface

  6. I am not Chassidish however the Chassidic Rebbes and Community leaders are very on top of their Bochurim Yeshivos and Kehilos (not the Tuna Bagels) as soon as they start Copying the Goyim or the Modern Litvaks they immediately address it

  7. Are you people insane? Do you have any idea how bad this makes the frum community look? Stop. Enough. This bizzare obsessive hatred for the vaad and anything it does is being מעביר על דעתו.

    1. Vaad needs a new pr firm
      It was a story meant to malign an entire community and vaad should have pointed that out. 40,000 kids dressed up for purim the reporters found the few with blackface for a sensational headline and the vaad statement was an admission of guilt on the entire community

  8. Why did the vaad feel a need to respond and issue a statement as if the entire community is guilty. They supposesly found a few kids with blacface and the spineless vaad bends over by attacking and apologizing.

  9. It was a non story picking a few kids out of thousands who dressed up and vaad took the bait

  10. People dress up as something else. Dressing up as a pirate is not offensive to pirates, as a chosid is not offensive to chassidim, and as a blackface is not offensive to people with darker pigmentation.
    This is a non-issue.
    If someone wants to help African-Americans in need, there are better and more effective ways than shaming people who dress up on Purim.

  11. Kids will always be kids. Having a child dress up as a black, is similar to an non jew dressing up like a hasidic. It happens. Look on the tv shows. Look online at halloween costumes. Dressing up as a swastika or KKK is something totally different.
    For the last year all kids saw on the news was BLM - they thought they were cute. And mind you, prior to a year ago it was normal for any US citizen to wear black face. For some reason cancel culture made it an issue.
    Let's all grow up. Grown up, don't make fun of others, and grow up and let kids be kids.
