Tuesday, February 23, 2021

Tuesday Feb 23 News Updates Lakewood

 Weather: Generally cloudy. High near 45F. Purim forecast sunny high of 46

-59 new covid cases in Lakewood totals/12107/277

-Food Distribution:
Bnos Esther Malka purim/Shabbos box distribution today at 5:45 pm
- OTL box at SCHI with special mishloach manis treats for children 7:00 pm center 7:00 pm
Israel’s corona cabinet will impose a purim curfew from Thursday through shabbos between 8:30PM and 5AM, in a bid to prevent public gatherings.
- A warm welcome home at Bikur Cholim HQ for Lakewood residents who drove to Texas to deliver Shabbos food for their residents who had no electricity (LNN)

- Murphy's budget: Borrowed 5 billion that will have to be paid back. proposing to raise the income threshold to qualify for the child and dependent care credit to $150,000. That change would make 80,000 households newly eligible for the tax credit. Expand medicaid for one year post partum.

-Gas prices shoot up due to the storm in Texas with refineries having to shut down, average in Lakewood is $2.75 a gallon some places are over $3
- Pot hole alert as weather warms up after the snow storms roads in Lakewood are full of opening pot holes causing flats and tire damage
- Lakewood has not restricted Marijuana sales in the township as other municipalities in Ocean county have done, making it possible for weed sales in the town.
- Dr. Anthony Fauci:  Those vaccinated twice should avoid restaurants and movie theaters. places where people congregate. That’s because of the safety of society.” “Because the burden of virus in society will be very high “We are still at an unacceptably high baseline level,”  which it is right now, “We hope that when the data comes in, it’s going to show that the virus level is quite low and you’re not transmitting it: “We don’t know that now.
 -Nonprofit hospitals in NJ will retain their tax-exempt status but will make “community
 service” payments to help cover the police, fire and other local services under a new law Gov. Phil Murphy signed Monday. The new law requires non-profit hospitals to pay the municipality in which they are located $3 per day for each hospital bed and $300 per day for each satellite emergency care facility


  1. So do all of you tipshim get it yet? How we warned you from the start, that this Fauci is nothing but maniacal power hungry fear monger ? Get it yet ?

    You had your double vaccination but now he's warning that you STILL can't go into public places because of "society" (what??). This has turned into a full throated socialist nightmare.

    It will never end. When he has this much power he will never willingly let go.

    But I think the Tipshim crowd will remain Tipshim.

    1. Do you have anything scientific to say? As in science? Because I can say the word ‘tipshim’ 100 times too.

    2. Science?? Wrong address.
      Here the ani maamins are:

      Covid is fake
      It's just like the flu
      Vaccines are killing people
      All doctors (except one that starts with a Z) are trying to kill you
      Masks make (non existent) covid worse
      Lakewood had herd (usually spelled heard) immunity since last pesach

  2. Why are Our Askonim not doing anything to stop the local sale of marijuana ??

    1. who do you think is going to open the marijuana shops in Lakewood ? the same people that get tax abatements every Monday and Thursday.

    2. Finally
      Weed shops make for  dirtier sloven communities

    3. When weed is illegal, then the people involved are criminals in other matters too. When weed is legal, the people buying it are ordinary people, and the stores are fine too.
      There is nothing wrong with legalizing pot. If you don't want to smoke it, nobody is forcing you to.

    4. nobody is forcing you to commit robbery or polygamy when someone else is doing this

  3. What time is Schi distribution?

  4. Is Bnos Esther Malka distributing boxes today? what time? I passed at 6:15 and didn't see any activity at 488 Whitesville. Thanks!

  5. Rabbi



  6. Its Unbelievable.
    People still ignoring the covid rules.
    If you don't have antibodies why would you not take precautions to avoid getting Covid?
    59 people getting covid after its quite obvious that you may contact it without precautions is simple Techilasoy b'psheeah V'soifoy B'psheeah!!!!
    You gotto wonder about such people's sanity.
