Thursday, February 25, 2021

Purim Pulls The Persian Rug out from Under Netanyahu's Feat

“On the eve of Purim, I would like to say to Iran and its proxies in the Middle East that 2,500 years ago, another Persian villain tried to destroy the Jewish people, and just as he failed then, so, too, will you fail today, “We will not allow your extremist and aggressive regime to attain nuclear weapons”. Someone must have had a few drinks prior to the festive yom tov that is upon us, ad dlo yoda. - the rosh memshala hasn't a clue about the significance of the 14th and 15th day of Adar. Purim's message is that the Borel olam runs this world not Tzahal or anybody else. The shushan divine turnabout upends Mr. Netanyahu's delusions about Jewish continuity. 

There is no question that Teheran is a tyrannical rouge state bent on mayhem and destruction. Having said that the Talmud Yuma [10a] maintains that Iran will be a major player in theater in a struggle against Edom. Obviously no one will knock them out of commission "We will not allow"! is a fictional narrative if the RBSO decides otherwise, than F35's and German nuclear submarines become obsolete and  irrelevant

as opposed to the divine masters scheme. Witness Israel's lack of quality of life with the present corona situation this is not a random event. Someone on high charts the course of human events. 

Chevra wake up and smell the hamantashen. Lech knos es kol hayehudim Teshuva and Tefila brought about yeshuas hashem over 2 millennia ago so it will be in our day אכי''ר.

by Zug Der Emes

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