Thursday, November 2, 2023

Thursday November 2 News Updates Lakewood

 Weather: 49° Sunny. High 49F. 

BMG expansion building new 5 story dormitory:  Faanews- Lakewood Avenue between 7th and 8th Street currently contains a facilities maintenance building for Georgian Court University. Lakewood Avenue between 8th and 9th Street currently contains two residential houses that have been converted into office buildings for Georgian Court University. Beth Medrash Govoha's plan is to demolish all of these existing buildings and to construct a 5-story dormitory building between 7th and 8th Street, and to construct an additional parking lot between 8th and 9th Street. The 114,926 sq feet dormitory building will contain 144 bed rooms. The ground floor will contain an 84 space parking lot, 3 of these spaces will be EV make ready.
The parcel between 8th and 9th Street will contain an additional 108 space parking lots more 

- Reb Elya Ber Wachtvogel asked to publicize in his name that due to new information that has arisen regarding the upcoming  election  he is retracting his support  for Avi Schnall and he added we should  not try to obtain  tuition  relief because  it will lead to geziaras Hachinuch. (Talmidim in Lakewood)

- In response to many unanswered question aas ans skepticism about the tuition relief campaign the UENJ issued a q and a fact sheet to address the concerns the main question of what will stop schools from raising tuition or have them lower it was not answered instead vague response that they we do believe there are solutions to avoid this concern they are in talks with roshei mosdos and let them know that they are working diligently and the common goal is to relive the yachid and many states have similar programs and have successfully avoided this issue. But no guarantee or any promise holding schools accountable to not raise or to even lower tuition.

- Lakewood police have confirmed with News 12 that one resident has died after a fire erupted at a Lakewood apartment complex at Sampson avenue on Wednesday.

- Daf yomi makes siyum today on Maseches Kiddushin and seder Nashim, tomorrow Lomdim will begin with Maseches Bava Kama and seder Nezikin.

- End of shiva for Rav Boruch Mordechai Ezrachi Zatzal Hespedim will take  place today at the yeshiva in Modiin among the maspidim his sin Rav Ben Zion Ezrachi,Rav Moshe Shternbuch, Rav Yitzchok Ezrachi, Rav Moshe Hillel Hirsch, Rav Dovid Cigen,Rav Meir Kessler

- Rav Shaul Alter shlita will arrive in the US this coming Sunday and will come to Lakewood for fundraisers he will deliver s shiur as well further details TBA He will be traveling to Boca Raton and other communities.

- School registration many parents still waiting as they got no answers or interviews from schools.

- APP reports on the Lakewood BOE election as state aid is the top priority “There is money out there that we are not getting, we are not taking advantage of it,” said Eli Eisenbach, one of three challengers running under the slogan, “Fixing the Formula,” “The loans are going to end up to who knows where? It leaves a big hole.” Eisenbach’s running mates include Avrohom Shubert and Yoni Morgenstern. Schubert called Lakewood’s ongoing debt “unsustainable,” adding  “the current trajectory is broken.” The incumbents facing re-election are Ada Gonzalez, Moshe Raitzik, and Eliyahu Greenwald. Asked to give his top priority, Raitzik said via email, “getting the state to change the funding formula so that every child in Lakewood, no matter what schools they attend, should be counted equally.”

- Faa reports Local paper refuses to publish campaign ad but charged for it anyhow. Lakewood Township Committee candidate Hershel Herskowitz submitted a campaign ad to The Voice. The Voice responded, "we were not able to place your ad in our magazine. You were not charged." R' Hershel maintains this is inaccurate as his credit card was indeed charged $495 for the unpublished advertisement more here 

- Jack Ciaterelli endorses Republican Leaders: Robert Singer for Senate, Sean Kean, and Ned Thomson for Assembly asks  everyone to come out and vote and have a chance to regain republican control of the state legislature and fighting Phil Murophys radical extreme agenda



  1. Daf yomi finishes kiddushin tomorrow

    1. On the one hand, we have a bunch of anonymous commentors. On the other hand, Rav Yitzchok Sorotzkin

  2. Raitzik you have been on the board for years and have done nothing to get the state to change the formula to get more state aid for us the taxpayer and people of Lakewood. How can you say that is what you would like? Because Lang is puitting up the positive message and hope for the people? Vote Schubert, Eisenbach and Morgenstern.

  3. Not sure what the noise is all about. The voice is entitled to be smart and not want to start up with the establishment. And the person told him he wasn't charged yet and made a mistake! Oy vey! let's get the lawyers involved! Sure! That's the way you'll get things done. I've made mistakes in life and I'm sure Hershel has, no need to blow things out of proportion. He'll have his money back, they are not looking to steal from him. I'm sure it was a simple oversight.

    1. Wow!
      You took a story and turned it on its head.

      The issue isn't The Voice. The issue is that the establishment managed to threaten them so strongly.

      We don't have a free press, we are led by newspaper editors who don't want to inform us as much as they want to control us. No news outlet, in Charedi world, is devoted to the news. They are all owned by an establishment, and the message to all of us is, in Yiddish, בהמות גיבט מען שטרוי - we feed animals with straw.

  4. Tuition in Floriday averages 23k, a state that they want to emulate. Also, most of the programs they want to copy are meant for kids in failing public school kids, not private school kids. The only relief that anyone has seen is in the form of vouchers, which they admit isn't happening. This will help the few rich people that are currently paying taxes to reduce a portion of it and use it to fund a scholarship. These scholarship agencies will then be set up by these same askanim, and they'll route money where it suites their interests. This never was and never will be about helping the hard working family reduce his yeshiva tuition. This is a SCAM. The fact that people and Rabbanim are falling for it is sad.

    1. Why do the donors need this 'fund'?
      Why can't they just donate to the school and receive a tax deduction?

      What's the plan here?

    2. Let's imagine a person with a $100,000 income and a 10% tax rate. He owes $10,000 in taxes.
      If he would donate that amount and get a tax deduction it would reduce his taxable income to 90,000 and his tax bill to 9,000. Total cost of taxes and donations: $19,000.

      However if he gets a tax credit for that $10,000 donation it would reduce his tax bill to $0.
      Total cost of taxes and donations: $10,000.
      In other words the donation was instead of taxes and costs the donor nothing.

      Which method is going to encourage the $10,000 donations?

    3. Thank you for explaining.

    4. There is no universe where they will give an unlimited dollar for dollar deduction. This is stupidity.

  5. Rav Elya Ber was at a wedding in Lakewood last night he said this Schnall thing is problematic and not what he thought when he signed his name

    1. To my friend he said something else...

  6. Ok, so the Schnall campaign placed an advertorial in the Voice.

    They aren't claiming to be fighting for vouchers.
    They aren't claiming to be fighting for a tax deduction for tuition.

    Now they are telling us what they are demanding.
    New Jersey currently has numerous tax credit programs in which businesses can donate funds to specific industries or sectors that the state wants to promote, and those funds are credited to the company tax bill. For example, New Jersey offers up to $500 million in tax credits to corporations that donate funds to the film and digital media industry. Rather than forking over their hard-earned money to the New Jersey government, corporations have the option to put money toward producing movies in the state and be credited as if they had paid those funds in taxes. Such tax credit programs are popular throughout the United States.

    Avi’s plan—for which much of the groundwork is already laid—is to introduce a bill that would establish an education scholarship tax credit for businesses that would allow them to fund the education of Lakewood’s 55,000 students—a win-win for all stakeholders.

    Basically, this is a bill to allow rich people to deduct the money they donate to schools as scholarships from their taxes. This is a benefit for the Mosdos, making it easier for them to raise money, possibly lowering tuition.

    The problem is that this is completely unnecessary. The rich can anyway deduct their donations, as charity deductions. Movie companies are not non-profits and they are not charities. All of our schools are.

    What is the point of this legislation? Who gains from it? For-profit schools? Who are they?

    What are they hiding from us?

    1. It sounds like you don't know the difference between a tax credit and a tax deduction.

    2. There is NO WAY that the state of NJ is going to pay $500 million (technically collect $500 million less) to pay for private schools in Lakewood, especially when the public district is borrowing $100 million a year. What world are you living in? It would be DOA in the legislature and political suicide. NJ has the second best public schools in America. The most they will get is a $5 million program. Murphy has the clout to get that passed, but no one cna get a $500 million program passed. Not even Governor Hughes or anyone sitting in the governor's mansion. This is so stupid and they have to oppose the billions of dollars of relief for our district for this plan? A L

  7. The only vote this election that is likely to help the Tzibur is for fixing the formula .

    The Lang lawsuit makes sense, and will result in millions of dollars for all of us. No need for political favors, no need for backslapping, no need for Achdus.

    There is no reason for a person not to vote for the Fixing the Formula candidates. Encourage your co-workers, your spouse, your adult children, to go out and vote for those that will bring relief to all of us.

  8. This comment is ignorant. A charitable donation merely lowers your income resulting in a small tax savings. This credit would mean every dollar donated would come off your tax BILL dollar for dollar. מה ענין שמיטה אצל הר סיני

  9. Hilarious! As it is the mosdos are running a profit or at least most of them are it's quite obvious. Why in the world would getting more money cause them to lower tuition??? What incentive would they have?? The first step forward is that the common man's perception of mosdos needs to change it's not a charity or a community project but rather a private business. They don't have any place in deciding how to run this town or how to vote any more than a grocery or shoe store. They are not looking out for anyone's benefit but their own. Igud hamosdos is nothing more than a chamber of commerce.

  10. Rav Elya Ber is now saying NOT to vote for schnall and tuition relief
    Reb meir Stern also warned about it that it will bring control of the mosdos just like NY
    The gedolim are speaking up don't fall for the fake PR campaign

    1. Where is their letter?

    2. If any of this were true, there should be a letter from them. But there isn't. I wonder why...

    3. Not true. I personally spoke to Reb Elya Ber who told me he never said such a thing. He still wholeheartedly endorses Schnall

    4. If it is just some kind of tax break it is hard to hear people will start meddling into our education if anything fixing the formula is what we should avoid!! Wouldn’t millions of $ being distributed to Lakewood cause a government control on our schools??
      Get millions of dollars from the state is much more of a reason the Government will get involved, vs. a tax break!

    5. What does R’ Elya Ber say in regard to voting for the fix the formula candidates?

    6. Anon 3:17 - for that you don't need Reb Elya Ber, we have our local letter from the Gedolei Chachmei Lakewood.

  11. Keep on waiting for letters it's high time you realize that these letters are rigged you're gonna need to use the grapevine to figure out What the real story is.

  12. Michilas kivodam but perhaps all the "Ruv's" in Lakewood should not be just like blind people so eager to follow the next Ruv to sign in a letter just because they'll get a little Kavod, or maybe even if they are lucky their picture in a flyer or some dumb magazine

  13. Let's understand what is going on here.

    Some people wish to raise money for schools, and they think that the State of NJ is the place to get that.
    The people in charge of the State of NJ are amenable to giving out money, but they only do so for political reasons.

    RIght now, Lakewood is worth very little to them, they hardly give us anything.

    Why would anyone think that this will change? Schnall in the State government means that one vote is pro-Lakewood. How is he persuading the Assembly and Senate to vote for a government giveaway to Lakewood? Nobody else stands to gain from this but Lakewood. Why would they do it?

    And if they are ready to give us something, why do we need a legislator for that? It will be a favor for us, it won't be common interests.

    This all makes no sense at all.

    1. It does.
      Back slapping partying for themselves

  14. News outlets have been reporting that governer murphy’s wife is interested in senator Melendez’s senate seat. So just get ready for Murphy to demand if you want a few dollars for Lakewood Lakewood better vote for my wife. An ultra liberal pro toeva etc.

  15. “I’m very sad to hear that there’s a false rumor going around that Rav Elya Ber retracted [his endorsement]… it’s not true!” he stresses. “Rav Elya Ber was for him, and he is for him, and all the gedolim unanimously are backing him.”

    “The shoresh of all churban…” Rav Yitzchak Sorotzkin says several minutes later, rebuking those who are opposing Avi’s candidacy.

  16. Rav elya ber stands by what he said to his talmidim last night.
    Nebach the campaign is using gedolim and being mevaze them

  17. Many Shuls are ripping down Scnall signs and removing the yellow 'אחד מבני החבורה' papers.
    The Gabbaim and Rabbanim are doing so, not stamm people.

    I wonder why.

  18. A chutzpah to be mevazeh yidden and think we wouldn't vote for the pro gay marriage anti Jewish party. We yidden have rabbinim and they understand the wisdom of only voting for the anti Jewish pro abortion, pro crime and pro gay marriage party.
    What's the option, rely on HKBH for money?
    Please, grow up and be realistic. Learn from our rabbonim and when it comes to real life decisions, leave Hashem out of it.
    That's good for a schmooze to the bochorim.
    Halacha velo lemasai.
    Toaivah all the way, that's the daas Torah way!

    1. Though a good joke
      careful: apt to be mistaken for the real thing by the naive herd

  19. Facts are that the democrat candidate had the Agudah sign every moetzes member to support him. Rav shmuel can't sign his name so how did they put on his signature?
    Disgusting what they did to Rav Yitzchok shlita giving him talking points and being mevaze him to put out a video by the JCN marketing team

    1. "shoresh of all churban" self induced
      As was their endorsement of Murphy
