Friday, November 3, 2023

Friday November 3 News Updates Lakewood

 Friday, November 3, 2023 / י״ט חשון תשפ״ד ערב שבת פרשת וירא
Candle lighting 5:34 PM
Shkiah/sunset 5:52 pm

weather today 58° Plentiful sunshine shabbos day 63° mostly cloudy

- Torah Umseorah convention going on this shabbos at the Kalahari resort in PA

- Clocks fall back one hour this motzei shabbos 

- Rav Shaul Alter scheduled in Lakewood shachris Sunday morning 7:30 am at B"M Pnei Menachem 13 Lucy Rd. Shiur Sunday night 7:00pm at Lakewood commons shul 44 Coles Way, Shachris Monday morning 7:00am at B"M Meor Chaim 7 Adams Lakewood 

Daf Yomi starts Maseches Bava Kama on shabbos

Please daven for those injured accident yesterday  on Rt. 70 and new Hampshire ave in Lakewood   העני בת אסתר ליבה בת אסתר אסתר בת ציפורה בנציון בן אסתר

Lakewood police arrested 3 teens from Brick after they were causght with throwing eggs at Lakewood homes 

- Early voting open at the  Lakewood municipal building today and Sunday. New ballot machines with print out papers for tabulating 

- Talmidim of Rav Elya Ber shlilta in Lakewood  stand by the statement he gave to them  about the election and the gabbai said last night that the phones were ringing off the hook  the R"Y is not in support of voting for  Avi Schnal or tuition relief 

- Lakewood philanthropist and political activist Mr. Rich Roberts  on social media has said he will be voting for Ned Thompson and not for Avi Schnal. despite having meetings with 4 leaders of the community at their requests he said i'm just the dumb baal teshuva i still think we should be a light upon the nations almost all thos rabbonim who signed the paper do not know the issues but did so because of achdus he said I also stayed silent for achdus until today when banners for Avi were hung in the shul this isn't right and smacks of strong arm tactics 

- NJ Globe rates the 30th district assembly race between Ned Thompson and Avi Schnall as a toss up."It’s a race unlike any other in New Jersey"  Further complicating things is the fact that while a majority of the district’s population lives in Lakewood, well over half of the district’s votes come from neighboring towns like Howell and Wall. In the 2017 gubernatorial election, Murphy narrowly won Lakewood, but lost the district overall by 17 points thanks to the other six towns.
In order to win, Schnall will have to both run up huge margins in Lakewood and keep his losses to a minimum in the rest of the district. Those two goals could work against one another; if Schnall isn’t careful, his Orthodoxfocused campaign in Lakewood could backfire in other parts of the district, which tend to be skeptical of (and sometimes downright hostile to) Orthodox development and politicians. It’s a race unlike any other in New Jersey.
 The New Jersey Globe’s rating of Toss-Up is less of a statement of fact and more of a concession that nobody, including the candidates themselves, really knows how this will shake out.


  1. Kasriel Roberts is choshuv

  2. Rabbanim HAVE endorsed reb schnall and the tzadik rich roberts is NOT a rav and at best a daas yochid, I am forever makir tov to the Vaad for helpling all of us get HUD and not have to worry about rent and live in beautiful homes here in lakewood.

  3. No one is addressing the serious issue if sinas Yisroel and raitz uhn our friendly republican neighbors who have stood up for yidden and are in law enforcement protecting us. We live in a republican stronghold and shop in the same stores. We don't have the luxury to live in the African jungles with no humans

    1. Maybe Some of us must prefer to live in towns like Newark new jersey With a very strong and clear democrat presence. ???

  4. The election will come down to which candidate can get the highest turnout

  5. nobody said Kasriel Roberts is a rov but he is saying something very valid. And even more. Is it not a chilul Hashem when everyone sees how certain things are put ahead of moral issues?
    What is more chomer than chilul Hashem? Tuition?
    It also weakens our own feelings on very important concepts to Torah and decency.
    This seems especially so here, where he is not simply REPLACING a democrat, but he is uprooting a republican and a republican district.
    I understand there are opinions out there...I want to understand what the real answers are to my straightforward and serious questions.

  6. R' Shmuel Shapiro will be speaking this motzoei shabbs 930 p.m @ 828 Ridge Ave , Rabbi Hamburgers Shull. Additional parking across the st by the new Kaminetz Cheder. There will be an opportunity to donate to the Rosh Hakollel's mosdos before and after the droshah.

    1. Phew! I was wondering if there would be any opportunities for that. Thanks for clearing that up.
