Saturday, December 2, 2023

Motzei Shabbos Vayishlach 5784 News Updates Lakewood

- Agudah convention chairman welcomes local Lakewood politicians and assemblyman elect

Chanukah shopping

Breadberry open 7:30- 12am pizza Bakery and Sushi open tonight
Bingo open 7:00pm -12:00am

Agudah convention motzei shabbos sessions watch live Here

- Divrei zikaron Yartzeit of Tav Avrohom Chaim Levin ztl at B"M Zichron Chaim villas shul 901 E. Kennedy 9:15pm

- Yat Kislev Melava Malka at Bnos Devorah hall

- Travel chaos worldwide as heavy snow blankets European cities private planes headed to climate change conference in Dubai grounded due to freezing ice

Seder limud at Lutzk B"M 8:00pm -9:30 followed by Melava Malka

- Developer returns for 3rd try for  6 homes at Spruce st and Washington more here

- Admor M'Skulen Lakewood spent shabbos in Toronto as he is there fundraising for mosdos under his care

- NJ kicks off annual “Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over” Year-End Holiday Campaign. Starting this weekend today through January 1, 2024, this 


  1. I was advised by da'as Torah to make known a concern.

    On April 1, 2024, the governor will have to answer to the Court. I anticipate that the DOE will commit to throw $30 million or so a year at Lakewood. That is not enough. We need $100 million a year. I want to see our taxation local fair share lowered because it is deducted from what any revised formula is going to allocate to Lakewood. I want to see the debt forgiven; and I want to see a permanent fix so that we do not have to borrow again.

    It has been brought up, as farfetched as it sounds, in fact beyond ordinary imagination, only can be the Bizzaro world of Lakewood, that the governor may balk at funding our district. The Vaad and Mr. Schnall, who was just elected, have made known their opposition to the litigation.

    Personally, I think the governor anticipates a cabinet position or perhaps a run for chief magistrate in 2028 and needs to settle with us because if the matter went all the way to the Supreme Court, it would unravel the SFRA, which has become a model funding statute. It is in his interest to settle, but he still needs Lakewood votes and the Vaad, because his wife is running for the Senate.

    Unfortunately, Lakewood voters sent out a clear message to Trenton by reelecting the incumbents to the BOE which has opening opposed the litigation in its court papers. So in a way, Lakewood has become its own worse enemy.

    This is the dilemma. Do we acquiesce to Shnall working inside the Assembly, and the Vaad brokering power on the outside, to undermine Lakewood, putting our homes and future generations at risk of financial destruction? We have already borrowed $350 million and paid back over $100 million. When the debt reaches a billion dollars, we will owe ten times our tax levy. The township will be doomed.

    The Democratic leadership before the election explicitly said they want help Lakewood but all this may have changed. Many in Trenton now see Lakewood as opposed to fixing the formula. At any rate, do we trust that the Vaad and Igud will not sabotage any effort to settle the matter? Will they undermine us by accepting a low ball carveout that will not settle the problem? Or do we force them to hand in their resignations? That is not for me to decide. I have confidence that all will be fine because somehow BS"D all the shenanigans of the state and local people to harm the Lakewood public have failed. A L

    1. The whole thing is pashut.

      Same why I teach. Whole lesson in 15 seconds.


      If a single town can show that the formula is unconstitutional by law.

      Why would anyone in Lakewood oppose that?

      We already had a super major victory B"H b'zchus harabbim because the governor has to do something by a given date.

      As Rabbi Weisberg wrote the Igud as early as 2014 when I filed, they should be handing in their resignations for opposing. I am sorry that he still can't help. They all today be handing in their resignations to the Roshei Yeshiva, b'nai yeshiva, and people of Lakewood.

    2. ..You're implying that they happen all to be on the same side together.A bit naive?

    3. Who are you to say "naive?" I don't need them. I just need the b'nai yeshiva because that is the only place with sechel in Lakewood. Lakewood has not changed much from its chicken farmer days. I have have never had a problem with any s'vara in Yeshiva. Just outside because people do not confront it. In BMG, there is no hiding.

      Keep the point.

      Politics has costs. It is about compromise.

      Law is a hammer for justice. Or a sword because it makes boundaries.

    4. I get what you are saying but I am not naive. I am but asking for the common purpose that no one can al pi svara deny. That is the opposite of naive when no one can tell you are wrong al pi svara. That is the gadlos of BMG and the HUGE chesaron of truth outside the Yeshiva.

    5. RY
      nowadays are on whose side ,if any

    6. Mine. The problem is corporate leadership. The bosses refuse to speak to me. No matter.

    7. Hmmm..but they call the shots?
      b.when they wish to
      c.whenever anybody choose to disagree a la election

    8. You are wrong Rabbi Hmmmm. The only people calling the shots are my co-counsel. Not the township or the governor. The state will try but they have never said anything intelligent about fixing Lakewood.

      I don't know what you mean, "They call the shots." Wrong. No one in Lakewood has any influence other than gedolae HaYeshiva. No one outside Yeshiva talks to me or consults with me. They actually hide and do things behind my back. It is their choice. I don't need elections. Anyone who wanted to help could have helped but it is not necessary. Eventually the people will overthrow those who have betrayed the public trust but either way, the formula will be IY"H fixed.

    9. I don't know why the point is so hard to get.

      You get something by way of politics, you give something in return.

      You get something by way of the State Constitution, it is lock, stock and barrel.

      Get it? Got it? Good?

  2. What mosdos does Skulen Lakewood have?

    1. Mosdos chesed lavrohom all over the world

    2. I thought the Williamsburg rebbe inherited chesed l'avraham.

    3. He might have a early morning Kollel

  3. Is there a single ashkenaz shul in this town that has a men's mikva?

  4. Anyone notice the keynote speeches tonight at the agudah convention have been very short and lame compared to other Years this seems to be intentional to be passive and enemic not wanting to get any bad publicity

    1. This guy has no AAA it to wait until the last speaker speaks.
      Nebach. Another ANTI something and everything.

    2. Rav zweibel spoke very short please explain why
