Saturday, December 23, 2023

Motzei shabbos Vayigash 5784 News Updates

- Meleava Malka Yartzeit seuda for Rav Nosson of Breslov at Bnos Devorah hall 8:30pm hosted by B"M Breslov Of Lakewood 423 6th 

- Bingo, Breadberry, Kosher Villaage open tonight 

- Judge reversed and overturns the Lakewood Board's denial of the application for Bassadar holdings to build 9 homes on a cul-de-sac off 14th street The judge emphasized that the Township Committee decides what is permitted in Lakewood and it's solely their job to fix the Township's ordinances to curb continued unabated overdevelopment. Read Full story at Faanews 

- A resident in the Tallymawr neighborhood of Toms River woke up Friday night at 2am to find burglars in the bedroom lookiing for keys to steal their BMW. The burglars fled when the residents yelled and scared them off.

-  On Friday, the United States supreme Court has rejected special counsel Jack Smith's request expedite his case against Donald Trump

- Biden admin's top officials attempted to 'conceal' Chinese spy balloon from public, Congress exposed: NBC reports


  1. How does the Toms River know what the intentions of the thieves were???

  2. אוי לנו שכך עלתה בימינו
