Sunday, December 31, 2023

Sunday Dec 31 Lakewood News Updates

Weather:  44° Cloudy early with peeks of sunshine expected late. High 44F

- A 12 year old boy was struck and seriously injured in an accident at Prospect and Williams Street this evening. Please daven for Yehuda ben Bracha Tova who was transported with serious injuries to Jersey Shore Williams st was closed off from James to Prospect.

- The days of שובבים ת"ת begins with various shiurim scheduled by Irgun shiurei Torah

-New years eve, Costco warehouses will be open until 5 p.m. on Dec. 31, Walmart until 6pm

- Rav Shimon Galei shlita is visiting Lakewood area giving chizuk to the community 

-Newly reds shidduch initiative launches with a grand event this coming motzei shabbos at Ateres Reva hall in Lakewood for all ladies and girls ages 19 and up an opportunity for everyone to share shidduch suggestions and have it redd. see more HERE

-A group of 28 balei batim from Lakewood were scheduled to attend the Torah Umseorah conference in Miami on Thursday for a special session discussing the infrastructure of chinuch in Lakewood, however due to technical difficulties some of the flights could not make it, it will be rescheduled at a later date in Lakewood it was announced.

-A  video food review of  a new upscale restaurant in Lakewood, NJ. has gone viral with over 80k views on  twitter and thousands more on other social media platforms

- Lakewood township reorganization meeting will take place on Zoom tomorrow at12:00pm  the public can send comments  live via Cisco-WebEx; via email up until 6 hours prior to the meeting at or during the meeting itself 

- Lakewood township committee increasing their salaries 4th year in a row this time by $20,000 after raising taxes on Lakewood residents by over 4 million this year alone.
The Mayors salary will increase from $88,000 to $108,000. It was $71,000 in 2021 and in 2018 it was $34,00.  Members of Township Committee salary will increase from $73,500.00 to $93,500.
The deputy mayor salary is $88,250 from $68,250 last year


  1. Our committeemen are acting like real chazeirim who have taken our votes for granted for far too long.

  2. The whole TU thing is disgusting. A bunch of rich wanna be Askanim making fancy proposals to help out teachers and then passing the actual bill to parents by raising tuition . This year they’re speaking of making pension plans for rebbeim. A nice idea but these self important people will be nowhere to be found when it comes to sponsoring it. Not to mention the bonanza that mosdos reaped from COVID. They used the money to be lazy and stopped fundraisers . Instead of lowering tuition they
    raised tuition.

    1. Oon-gezetzed BIG time.
      Wonder if he would post this if he was a Rebbi ?? But then he would have internet…

    2. Keep on spitting on the mosdos rabeim Moros teachers - guess what its not a job anyone wants anymore unless you plan on sitting in kollel your entire life on programs and handouts it doesn't make sense financially for any women to work as a morah etc. Did you know that the once popular Aish Dos program aint so popular today as people just cant afford to become educators - the disparity between a typical job and an educators salary is huge.

  3. Imagine what would be if Rav Aaron Kotler came back to Lakewood and sees unzereh pilfering from the taxpayers cookie jar and the upscale restaurants as what Lakewood has become the gashmiyus capital of frum communities

  4. Torah umesorah were balei batim spew whatever is in their boich and than bully the yeshivos to implement it
    Look out for the new program bonei heim to talk to your kids coming from the no talking in shul
    Why are they given a platform to talk ??

  5. Why are BAALEBATIM the ones meeting to discuss the CHINUCH of our town???

    1. For the same reason the bloggers and hockers do. But all least the Baaley Batim are people you can also get some money out of. From the online hockers you can only get opinions and demands.

    2. Oh. Well said.
      Let’s keep hocking and venting your non educational personal issues.
      Go hockers Go.

  6. Why are BAALEBATIM the ones meeting to discuss the CHINUCH of our town???

  7. Where's the video for the restaurant review?


    2. The money spent on private jets and fress to the TU conference could have paid the tuition of hundreds of poor youngeleit. Instead you have balei batim/rosh mosdos who flew private and back home harass poor kollel guys to pay up.

    3. That's a parody, right?

      They aren't competition for Glattbite.

    4. The balleh batim already tried for years not to fly on private planes to fundraising events and gave the money to pay for tuition but that didn’t work. Besides for the last 30 years all the Moises went to Hilton and Sheratons for their annual dinner and spend all kinds of money to entice the balleh batim.
      It worked for a while until the balleh batim got smart and boycotted the yeshivos who never paid the caterer vechooloo. Let’s stop here.
      Let the balleh batim do what they want as long as you get your tuition covered from their donations.

    5. As long as their own kids go elsewhere

  8. Lets make our own Igud. We can call it Igud Bnei Torah. We will do our own askanus, and the Balei Batim will have to shtel tzu to us. Who's in?

    1. If it could be done it would have been done already. As an aside the likelihood of an Igud Bnei Torah stemming off a blog is a lot smaller of a chance than the Balei Batim having good chinuch ideas. On a final note over thirty years ago I was in Passaic on Purim when some drunk bochur was kvetching to Rav Meir Stern about the " Balei Batim" and their influence in town. RMS very atypically responded a strong response that I won't repeat but I will say that today that bochur is the type of baal habos he was then making fun of and complaining about .

    2. "Let's make"
      Very good.Except there are too many innocent naive among us who won't be willing to join.
      Also,how will it be run ?

    3. It is impossible.
      A Ben Torah is someone who 'ligs in lernen'. As soon as he becomes a politician, he isn't a Ben Torah any more. Just like 'Bnei Torah newspaper' became a cesspool of goyishkeit and a propaganda tool for the Republican party.

    4. The other Orthodox media weeklies which have for so long been tools for degenerate Democrats is what you is prefer?!
      The YN tries to fight back-at least

    5. The other newspapers didn't take a side, they have articles on the right and the left. They have other problems, but not this one. The YN's daas baalebatim decided that Rush Limbaugh is Gadol Hador, and they brought an entire cesspool of filthy republicanism into the tzibbur, until so many of ours have become complete lackeys of a party of nidrige politicians. The rest of us aren't democrats, they are people who see both parties as 'nisht unzere', and have no affinity either way.

    6. AnonJan1, 12:29 PM
      you're a naive naif,at least,regarding the other newspapers.They incessantly just regurgitate for the public what they themselves are being spoonfed.& how superbly too!Guess now who spoonfeeds them?
      The journalists by & large themselves parrot back what they swallow up hook,line,& sinker.
      It takes some gumption for the YN to stand against that tsunami. Even when they come off boring.
      Top of the morning to ya,
      From somebody who's wife was employed by the other media

    7. The Yated is a breath of fresh air in the cesspool of today's frum media. Rush Limbaugh was a breath of fresh of air in today's cesspool of America.
      And as icing on the cake, America is pro Israel, by and large, thanks to Rush Limbuagh and talk radio. Imagine if all anyone listened to was CNN and MSNBC? America would have gone full blown woke, like Europe, years ago and there would be no one left to support Israel.

    8. Just some more shotim who think Limbaugh is pikchus.

    9. Who cares about Limbaugh
      Your ilk can never deal with substance & downward spiral.But every little bit counts.Everybody who tries.
      So you can only resort to ad hominems vs.those who use elbow grease to arrest that slide.Again.

  9. How can one meet with Rav Shimon Galei while the Rav is in the Lakewood area? And for how much longer will the Rav be here?

  10. They did not cover any tuitions all they did was empower the schools to hit the parents to pay more tuition while they talk do nothing and take credit.
    Parents are barely making ends meet while the party goers in Florida are disconnected from reality slapping each other on the back

  11. Once upon a while ago..these parties were allowed. But only, as in the black & white photos, with assumption that those sort of people who attended were to be kept far away from being a part our communities

  12. Whats wrong with a kosher outley for the baaleibatim? Its better that they fress in a frum environment in Florida than go to Vegas or Cancoon.

    1. nothing wrong but they should not give any daios on chinuch

    2. daios? If you ignore them, who cares what they say?

    3. Don't worry, Cancun is for Yeshiva week, it isn't closing down as yet.
