Monday, December 18, 2023

Monday December 18 News Updates Lakewood

Weather: 52° Windy with rain at 20 to 30 mph. Chance of rain 100%. Higher wind gusts possible.

- MDY will now have a daily daf yomi shiur delivered in Hebrew by the nagid shiur R' Eli Stefansky 

- Staten Island shemira: Our members responded to a harrowing incident of a gunpoint robbery. 4 armed men forcefully entered a home while its occupants were asleep demanding money & jewelry, assaulting the victims including women & children. If you have any info, call 911 & Shmira

- United airlines Confirms To DansDeals: Reports That We Are Flying To Israel Next Month Are False “Our Tel Aviv flights will remain suspended until conditions allow them to resume.”

- New mesivta opening in Lakewood; Mesivta Tiferes Shaul will be opening for the coming Elul under the leadership of Rav Ezriel Jurkanski shlita former R"M at yeshiva Torah Temima Brooklyn
due to a ibbur  yuhr the mesivta acceptance season begins after Tu B;shvat 

- Lakewood received a little under 4 inches of rain as of this afternoon storm cleanup continues in Lakewood with trees down and flooded roadways power outages remain 

-  Is Covid back?: Lakewood township reorganization meeting which involves swearing in new members will take place virtually on January 1, 2024 at 12 pm in accordance with Governor Murphy’s Executive Order  during the declared public health emergency, The public will be able to participate virtually

- Tax Dollars: LDC will continue to host meetings in 2024 virtually tomorrow on the agenda appointing the director for 2024 at a yearly salary of $124,852
awarding UEZ funds to Lakewood Community Safety Watch for Acquisition of Mobile Command Center - $150,000

- Jackson school superintendent statement "The Jackson School District and Board of Education do not condone any speech that is - or is perceived to be - anti-semitic or hateful. The district believes any reference to genocide is unacceptable. We understand the hurtful impact this word evokes. As you stated, free speech is protected by the First Amendment. The Jackson School District subscribes to the guidance provided by the Anti-Defamation League that just as speakers have a right to express their views, school administrators have a right to express their disagreement with those words."

- A Brick resident  has been calling for killing of Jews on his social media account,authorities have been notified and monitoring it

 - Banquet hall litigation costing tax payers over 200k more


  1. The real reason why the committee is holding the reorg and other official meetings virtually, even though the committeemen gather together all the time to talk and party, is because Menashe is super scared that he will be subpoenaed again - just like he was a few years ago during a public reorg meeting.

    This is especially more concerning to Menash now, because the appellate court handed down a decision today against his buddy Chatz Schwab, which filed a frivolous complaint in the erkaos against a few local askanim. Schwab tried to fabricate a ridiculous claim 3 times and fell on his face all 3 times. The Trial and Appellate courts laughed at him and scolded his meritless claims.

    Menashe was involved in the case and had to pull strings and call in special favors from connected individuals to make sure he wouldn’t get into trouble. So, he really wants to avoid getting questioned at all costs.

  2. Why can't he be questioned publicly via zoom??

    1. He needs to be subpoenaed directly and in person in order to get questioned about very suspicious land swap deal with township owned properties and other sordid affairs. If the committee would hold in person meetings, then he would be forced to expose himself to those subpoenas.

    2. MENASHE THE ABOLISHERDecember 18, 2023 at 3:20 PM

      So, basically Menash just abolished in person meetings for his committee just like he abolished the rent control board and many other rights of township residents.

  3. It's despicable of the Township Committee and mayor with these shenanigans. They are disrespectful to All of Lakewood by acting like babies avoiding to have a in person meeting Take a look at neighboring towns and all over NJ the political representatives ahow up to meetings respecting those who elected them into office.
    They seem to be scared to face the public
    Let them resign if they can't show respect and show up for a meeting

  4. Luz a Yid tzu machmer a pur dallor. Vus iz!?

    1. A pur dollar is ein Zach, uber : )
