Monday, December 11, 2023

בד"ה Harav Gershon Neumann ZT"L Rosh Yeshiva Gedolah Zichron Leyma

Hook up info for Levaya845-251-3344 dial 9  Sudden petirah of Rav Gershon Neumann zt”l, rosh yeshiva of Yeshiva Gedolah Zichron Leyma of Union, NJ. He was 75 years old. Rav Neumann was a beloved rosh yeshiva, who, for 25 year s, taught, molded and nurtured talmidim.

Rav Neumann hadn’t been feeling well in recent weeks but had been going to yeshiva and giving shiur. His passing has shocked his many talmidim and admirers, plunging them into mourning.

The levayah is currently schedule to take place on Tuesday at 10:30 a.m., at Yeshiva Gedolah Zichron Leyma, located at 2035 Vauxhall Road in Union, NJ. The aron is expected to stop at Bais Medrash Govoah in Lakewood at about 2 p.m. before proceeding to the Mt. Sinai Bais Hachaim in Lakewood for kevurah there.

In 1998, together with his brother-in-law, Rav Eliezer Ginsburg, Rav Neumann founded

Yeshiva Gedolah Zichron Leyma, which started out in the building of Agudas Yisroel Snif Zichron Shmuel in Flatbush. The bais medrash-level yeshiva ultimately grew and relocated to a wonderful location in Linden, NJ, where it flourished. Several years ago, the yeshiva acquired a campus in nearby Union, NJ, and relocated there.

Rav Neumann is survived by his devoted rebbetzin, his children and grandchildren, and outstanding family of bnei and bnos Torah, and many grieving talmidim who are stunned by the passing of their beloved rosh yeshiva.

Yehi zichro boruch. Credit


  1. ברוך דיין האמת!
    R' Gershon zt"l was a very special and choshuva talmid chochom. Raised an exceptional family and cared deeply for his talmidim. He treated EVERY single person with respect and dignity and made a קידוש ה' everywhere he went.

  2. Was a very special person i remember one bein hazmanim in the summer he gave shiurim in the second half of bava basra around a table of 7 buchorim. Was a very special summer for me listening to his shiurim
