Wednesday, December 20, 2023

Hashkafa Q&A

Hashkafa with Reb Gershon Ribner
One in a prestigious religious role can no longer to bear his guilt over his profanities
Distinguishing between flair and pride among our leading Roshei Yeshiva


  1. Plausibly even just twice makes somebody like him a mumar.

    Who can say if him getting more involved can be a sort of antidote ?
    What about that concept that for some of these guys it's considered Sam Hamaves (for them & the others too)??
    Every case where we tolerate these things even to help sort it out lower the bar r"l for others.& the bar has been recently lowered enough already r"l.

    We obviously aren't aware of how bad sin this guy is up to. How completely guilty he really feels
    Beyond all this,what's he planning on doing about it to avoid being terribly nichshal ever again
    Otherwise his supposed guilt & chagrin is worth zero. As the Haftarah put it- lama tzamnu v'lo re'enu

  2. LoL, A magid Shuir in Lakewood who is busy with niyuf on the side, and it's spoken about like, nu nu so he smokes, Nisht geferlach, and like it's not such an unusual thing for a magid Shuir in Lakewood

    1. a daf yomi magid shiur, not a real magid shiur.

    2. If so even if in a minute way, the jig is up.We should stop the whole frum gameshow while we are already behind, cease the pious lectures, & file chap.11

    3. As chazal already said rubam bgezel umiutom barayos, it's always been the case that individuals were nichshal. It doesn't prove anything is bankrupt. We teach and inspire but there is still a yetzer hara....

    4. It proves plenty.

      We built up this tzibbur on others backs with the raised claim as to be way better than that mediocre avg. & we expected to be kowtowed by others for decades .
      All those who sacrificed so much here or elsewhere to raise this town ,this generation were therefore cheated.
      So You agree now then it was always to be a retroactive fraud.
      Vey iz tzu unz

  3. Maybe this guy should go for some therapy?

    1. To paraphrase a gerrer rebbe :If he was dancing with chazer & eating nashim he would badly need therapy.But since he's eating chazer & dancing with nashim he's a baal taavah who needs other methods (chiyuv kares or missah & potential public disgrace hasn't been enough to deter him yet)
