Saturday, December 16, 2023

Motzei Shabbos Miketz 5784 Lakewood News Updates

- Major Coastal storm Sunday into Monday with  heavy rain and strong gusty winds, posing a threat of flooding and power outages, according to the National Weather Service’s Mount Holly office. 2-4 inches of rain expected 

Tonight: Rubashkin seudas Hodaah melava malka at Bnos Melech 550 James st Lakewood 8:30 pm with Reb Sholom Mordechai Rubashkin HaRav Yeruchom Olshin, Rav Pinchos Lipschutz. Event will also be live streamed Here. Neginah by R' Shlomo Tausig music by Yossi Cohen

- Ruby Label Shoe Sale, in Lakewood, for one day only! This Sunday 12/17, at Gourmet Glatt Plaza next to sprinkles, from 11-7. All pairs $20 only!

- Rudy Giuliani was ordered to pay $148 million in damages  for the defamation of two Georgia election workers after the 2020 presidential election.

- Breadberry open tonight until 12

- Agudah issues statements on the public reaction to the lawsuits  settlement with Jackson township. 

This week the Jackson Township Council voted to approve two ordinances agreed to as part of its settlement with the U.S. Department of Justice, the New Jersey Attorney General’s Office, and Agudath Israel of America.

The council’s commitment to the religious freedom of all residents reflects a dedication to the values of fairness and inclusivity that contribute to the well-being of the Jackson community.

However, while Agudath Israel appreciates the democratic process that allows for diverse opinions, we wish to express our deep concern regarding the hateful rhetoric espoused by members of the public prior to and following the vote.

Comments referring to a “cultural genocide,” “a hostile takeover” of Jackson Township by the “Hasidic community” and calls to bar an Orthodox council member from voting, are shocking, and, quite frankly, played a role in the filing of the original lawsuit.

Respectful dialogue is essential for fostering understanding and unity within our community, and we hope that moving forward, all discussions can be conducted with civility and respect for differing viewpoints.

Agudath Israel remains committed to working collaboratively with the Jackson Council to ensure the continued prosperity and harmony of our community. We believe that open and constructive communication is the key to addressing the concerns of all residents and finding common ground that benefits everyone.


  1. תרי קלי לא משתמעDecember 16, 2023 at 5:50 PM

    Chazoras Hashatz is only by shachris and Mincha and only by the chazan. If you're disturbing the people next to you while you're davening the silent shmona esre aloud, it's wrong.

    1. There's medication for this. Not for them, for you.

    2. Are you feeling guilty for being so inconsiderate?

  2. Agudah and Schnall caused the antisemitism. Fact.

    1. Agree.As usual.
      In paraphrase:The heiseh organizations make the revolution, while the yiddelach suffer the consequences

  3. Somebody needs to stand up in Jackson before Agida messes over the whole process
    Even the antisemitim will thank him

  4. Sadly the goyim have a point. Jackson is nice. Let’s keep it that way. Keep the sleazy developers out.

    1. Some of the developers have houses in Jackson
