Tuesday, December 5, 2023

Jackson Council Meeting To vote on Shuls Ordnance

Update: Due to large crowds at the meeting - at the recommendation of the Fire Marshall - the Council held off from voting tonight. The vote will be held at a future meeting which will be held at a larger venue.(faanews)

A large crowd is expected tonight at the Jackson council meeting as the ordnance permittting shuls, Schools, Dormotories, Mikvaos is up for vote. See the agenda Here   watch live 6:00pm


  1. I hope the good people in Jackson don’t make the mistakes we made in Lakewood
    If you want Lakewood traffic copy Lakewood zoning
    Don’t expect anything less

    1. Who said anyone is copying Lakewood zoning here? Have you read this ordinance?

    2. Allowing schools in nearly all residential neighborhoods is exactly the Lakewood disaster recipe.


    3. Don`t give an inch
      “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.” That witticism—is usually attributed to Albert Einstein.

  2. What in it for the PACs?
