Friday, December 29, 2023

ואני בבואי מפדן

Chazan Laufer ואני בבואי מפדן


  1. This is beautiful brought tears to my eyes. If you went to a heimish cheder as a child you would know

  2. Who is on the keyboard, Mendy Shtekel?

  3. This would be so much more meaningful if he would put away that smartphone, or a least prop it up out of sight.

    1. The lyrics are on the phone

    2. If you look closer you'll see it's just a very big flip phone.
      (ashrecha for pointing it out)

    3. What a stupid thing to write.

      The anti-smartphone brigade are just beneath contempt. From burning stores, to maligning people, from justifying Chillul Shabbos and retzicha to general sheker.

      Maybe prop yourself out of sight

    4. Right. That is a very stupid thing to write to malign a large swath and core of the mivakshei HaShenem who so tirelessly work to minimize the nisyanonos hador and follow the manhigei and gedoilai hador, and you have the gall to baselessly make claims that they are beneath contempt of burning stores, rechitza, chilul shabbos.
      Your comment shows that the lowest of amongst us read this well done blog and we will still have nisyanaos and thorns like you along the way untill the arrival of mashiach bimheira byameinu

    5. A+ @4:08
      You nailed it

    6. Mevakshei occupation, who make up rules and work tirelessly to be פוסע על ראשי עם קדוש need to find jobs and stop bothering the rest of us.

      When the lowest of the low try and make children rebel against their parents with the disgusting Shomrim cards, when these פראי אדם send bochurim to burn down cellphone stores, then almost kill a woman for the crime of existing int he neighborhood of one of those criminals, when a chassidus uses its 'fight against technology' as justification for its chillul Shabbos, we know the fight has nothing to do with Torah or Yiddishkeit.

    7. Your clearly a person with no kedusha sensativities and when you chance upon a fringe story or a deranged person episode you grab that opportunity to further your agenda of feeding fuel to the yetzer.
      Yes the rabanei and manhigei hador have guided us in a different direction then your das wants to suggest. Yes it is a praiseworthy to be sensitive to a pure cheder song being sung off a smartphone.
      And yes we will have to contend with yaravams like you untill the coming of mashiach

    8. Of course you ignore all the manhigei hador who did not want to make a war on technology (not that it doesn't need caution, but it does exist and most will need it in some shape and form.) Like r Yosef Rosenblum and r Chaim Epstein r meir stern the stoliner rebbe and many others. The anti technology teems keep moving the goalposts, first it was yahareg val yaavor altogether. Then it switched to yahareg val yaavor without a filter. Then any device, then a tablet is fine just not a wi fi camera then that became motor, just not a smart phone. So as reality sets in, they adapt the rules to allow.

    9. Could be, but this from a guy who can't spell "teams" hmmmmmm

  4. Is there a longer clip? It's beautiful for those who understand it and appreciate it...

  5. BH I did not go to a hiemish cheder, therefore do not have this chitzonius Hungarian culture that they refer to as chassidus

    1. Why is this bothering you so much? Sounds like your rebbe patched you when you didn't say it correctly!

    2. I'm not sure what you are so farbissen about but teaching Birchas Yaakov like this is not limited to or started by Hungarian Heimish Chasdish Chadorim.

  6. So NOT interesting

  7. If you don’t want to listen, don’t. But why do you have to knock him? It’s beautiful. No one told you to listen but stop knocking everything down with your constant negativity.

  8. Go back to Budapest!

  9. I am not Hungarian and definitely didn’t go to a heimishe cheder but I could appreciate and recognize something with gaguim with a tzebrochene hartz for the tragedy of yakov ovinu and the exile of Kneses yisroel. Also just wondering the level of conversation is really in the gutter lately accusations and insults. I guess it’s part of golus. I mean u can’t defend burning of stores and be serious about it. Meidoch giso people do struggle with technology . Sadly it’s here to stay till the geula will come let’s educate and teach to use with responsibility. By the way Budapest is overland more yekish than the Rumanian Chasidim. I guess you want him back in Munkatch or marmerosh, Deish Satmar which had a small Chasidic sect led by you know who
