Thursday, December 7, 2023

Thursday Erev Chanukah 5784 News Updates Lakewood

 - Weather: 41° snow showers will change to some rain showers as the day wears on. Chance of rain 70%.
erev chanukah 5784
shkiah 4:31 

Zman Hadlaka al  pi minhag Hayeshiva in Lakewood is 4:54 pm candles should burn until 6:13 pm

- Jackson township to pay $2.2 Million dollars to Agudath Yisrael as part of the settlement of the lawsuit over discriminatory ordinances. The money will pay for legal fees.

- Gelbsteins with 30 donut and ice-cream flavors for chanuka

- Some Schools have  half day off today as chanukah vacation begins through Monday for girls schools. bochurim coming home for shabbos chanukah. 

- Price of donuts has gone up you can't get them for under $1.50 

- Chanukah at Breadberry live music tonight with  Eli Levin from 7pm - 10pm

- Some playgroup morahs have said they did not teach the story in this weeks parsha  of mechiras Yosef to the kids based on guidance they received from rabbonim over the years 

- NJ prosecutor who was removed from Eisenman case for withholding evidence that would have exonerated him is in trouble again  John Nicodemo,  deputy attorney general  faces more allegations of prosecutorial misconduct and accused of misleading a  grand jury in charter school indictment NJ globe reports

- Today is the 6th yartzeit of Rav Steinman zt"l on Erev Chanukah, here is a phenomenal tribute by Horav Michoel Sorotzkin reading and explaining to bnai Torah his gadlus'dike Tzavaha watch Here
- Menorah lighting tonight in Toms River at the Ocean county administration 101 Hooper Avenue in conjunction with the TRJCC 4:00 pm 

- At the kosel 138 menorahs were lit corresponding to the number of hostages in Gaza

- Lakewood mayor says the township meetings will continue to be virtual next year
- The Toldos Avrohom Yitzchok rebbe was B"H released from hospital and will be lighting the first candle in his bais medrash

- Howell Lakewood border Police are ticketing drivers making a left turn onto Ford Rd from Rt 9 LNN reports on the signage confusion Here 

bde: Petirah of Hayeled Chaim Shaul Pollack Z"L son of R' Yeshaya and Pessy Pollack who was niftea after an ilness, Levaya took place this morning in Lakewood 


  1. Why was Reuven doing teshuvah specifically when Yosef was thrown into the pit?

    1. Why do you keep posting that apikorsus website link? Shame on u

  2. Hope sesame what will have more pop up locations so I don't have to drive 20 minutes for the 6 dollar doughnuts

  3. The no left turn sign is placed in the wrong location and is not enforceable. New Jersey has adopted the Federal Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices. The FMUTCD manual clearly states on page 60 that no left turn signs must be placed over the roadway, on the median, or on the EXTREME LEFT corner of the intersection. Not on the right. Until the state installs proper signage this unlawfully placed sign should not be enforced.

  4. Avocado Cafe donuts are 1.49

  5. Bagel Nosh mini donuts are less than a dollar. Bagel Nosh always tries to be affordable. ( not affiliated. Just a customer)

    1. Mini donuts a dollar?? Affordable??? On which planet??

  6. Oh so now it looks like Agudah is made money off suing Jackson and will probably cause taxes to go up and the residents will surely love the yidden

  7. Why don’t Morah’s teach about mechiras Yosef??
