Wednesday, December 6, 2023

A Menorah in Town Square

Reb Hershel Herskowitz will arrange for a menorah to be placed in Lakewood town square this Chanukah 5784 as was done annually until 8 years ago. See video below as he explains the backstory and calls out township officials for bringing unwanted attention to the community. 


  1. But pushing out a friendly incumbent and putting a rabbi in Trenton who sued Jackson and raitzed uhn our neighbors is no big deal only the menorah will cause sinas yisrael.

    1. Most of the same crowds are opposed both.
      HH is a better person who is allowed to make a rare mistake

  2. A big civil rights accomplishment right here in Lakewood. He got the law right.

    Menorah is freedom from tyranny. Tree is holiday spirit.

    Big yehser co'ach. A true servant of the kehilla and patriot. A Lang

    1. Sorry, Menorah is not 'freedom from tyranny', that's July 4.
      Menorah is freedom to serve Hashem, freedom from those that would force, influence, or convince us to do otherwise. Menorah is the return of the monarchy to Klal Yisroel, Menorah is the return of the Avoda in the Beis Hamikdash.
      (And $25 donuts)

    2. If you read the history of Chanuka, there was physical suffering as well as religious persecution.

    3. There is the story with Washington and the menorah at Valley Forge. Either regular freedom or religious freedom. That is how Americans interpret it secularly. At any rate, the menorah resonates well with Americans and is an accepted symbol of inclusiveness of the earliest and historic role of Jewish people in the nation.

    4. Resonate shmesonate.
      What does the Kehilla gain from a Menorah in the town square? Who benefits from it besides the fellow who sells them the Menorah?

    5. At any rate, this is what the Court said, in part, to allow its display without violating the Establishment Clause: “tThe Chanukah story always has had a political or national, as well as a religious, dimension: it tells of national heroism in addition to divine intervention.” County of Allegheny v. American Civil Liberties Union, 492 U.S. 573, 585 (1989)

  3. Oh, thank you thank you harav Herschel, I could only imagine now the accomplishments have you won the election

    1. C'mon his record is far better than the others & this little thing

  4. We are in galus.
    Yakov avinu said in this parsha, lomo tisrau. Galus Yidden should keep a low profile.

  5. There is no inyan in erecting Menorah, in public square. The mitzvah is ner Ish Uvaiso. It is done at home, outside your home or in times of chashad, or shmad etc. in your home on your table. Then in Halacha it is borought that one lights in Shul too, but in public square?
    If it will cause problems for yidden why is it better than when you actualy perform the mitzvah, where you have to compromise & light on your table at home?
    A rebbe of last generation, decided to do it all over thwe US, probably to make people aware so they should light at home. Most of the rest of klal Yisroel don't follow that Rebbe, but I am not sure he would request it be done al apom vachamosom of the umos haolam, the fact they went court so many times, doesn't say he approved.

  6. It's worthwhile to read the whole article but see here page 11 for Rav Chaim Dov Keller writing about why we should not have a menorah on public property
