Tuesday, December 19, 2023

Colorado Supreme Court Disqualifies President Trump from 2024 Ballot

 The Colorado Supreme Court on Tuesday disqualified former President Donald Trump from appearing on the state’s 2024 presidential ballot under the Constitution’s insurrection clause.
The decision, which reversed an earlier ruling by a lower court in Colorado, was put on hold until Jan. 4 pending appeal. A spokesperson for the Trump campaign said it plans to appeal to the Supreme Court, calling the ruling a “deeply undemocratic decision.”

Activists have been pushing for Trump to be blocked from the 2024 ballot under the 14th Amendment, which says officials who “engaged in insurrection” are barred from holding office.

Trump expected to appeal to US Supreme Court

Trump Campaign Spokesman Steven Cheung wrote in a statement that an appeal would be filed on Tuesday night.

"Unsurprisingly, the all-Democrat appointed Colorado Supreme Court has ruled against President Trump, supporting a Soros-funded, left-wing group’s scheme to interfere in an election on behalf of Crooked Joe Biden by removing President Trump’s name from the ballot and eliminating the rights of Colorado voters to vote for the candidate of their choice. Democrat Party leaders are in a state of paranoia over the growing, dominant lead President Trump has amassed in the polls. They have lost faith in the failed Biden presidency and are now doing everything they can to stop the American voters from throwing them out of office next November," Cheung wrote. 

"The Colorado Supreme Court issued a completely flawed decision tonight and we will swiftly file an appeal to the United States Supreme Court and a concurrent request for a stay of this deeply undemocratic decision. We have full confidence that the U.S. Supreme Court will quickly rule in our favor and finally put an end to these unAmerican lawsuits," he added.


  1. I despise Trump but disallowing him from the ballot for insurrection without him ever having been convicted of it, is a blow to democracy

    1. Where does the amendment say he has to be convicted of insurrection?

    2. You mean you think someone can be disqualified for running because of a crime they weren't convicted or even indicted for? That is the way the Soviet Union kept their hench men in power despite claiming to be a democracy. They made accusations and created technicalities disallowing anyone else from running. The party faithful still believed they were a democracy motivated by altruism and concern for upkeep of the law.

    3. During the 2020 election, reporters asked President Putin (he makes a several hours long press conference at the end of the year) about his having a political opponent arrested.
      He pointed out the US is doing that then with President Trump.

    4. The Constitution was discussing state and congressional officers of the Confederate States in post Civil War era. This is something else.

    5. Insurrection is insurrection. There's absolutely nothing in the text of the law indicating it's limited to the Civil War.

    6. Well, if "President (sic!) Putin" says it, it must be a good point.

  2. This is the same Colorado supreme court court that required someone to bake a cake for a toeva wedding against his religious convictions.

  3. If you liked Trump as President, then your 'expert legal opinion' is that he belongs on the ballot, did not commit an insurrection, and correctly reported the value of his home.

    If you didn't like Trump as President, then your 'expert legal opinion' is that he doesn't belong on the ballot, committed an insurrection, and incorrectly reported the value of his home.

    Truth is no longer an issue.

    1. Wrong.

      If you liked Trump as President, then you realize that the people who hate Trump are irrational, and would even use the Justice Dept to go after Trump for Russia, Russia Russia, Ukraine, Trump Org, Jan 6th, 2 impeachments, Election fraud, Hunter Biden laptop, and four separate indictments in four separate states (all at the same time), would even shut down the country over COVID, etc. We see how the media can't find a good word to say about Trump even though we see how great he ran the country. Therefore we believe NOTHING that the media reports, or that the DOJ/FBI claims.

      No, we do not have an opinion on the legality of anything that is claimed. We just don't believe you guys, your hatred is too irrational.

      Truth is no longer the issue because you guys destroyed truth. You don't report the truth, only what you want the masses to think. Fortunately, the masses no longer believe you.

    2. Can I assume you liked Trump as president?
      What a coincidence!

    3. Trump shut down the country over covid. Lol, you cultists.

    4. For a professional non jew, how was he a good president?

    5. Incorrect. I can't stand Trump but still see and oppose the widespread belief that many of his opponents have that if you oppose Trump, then you must oppose him in every way possible, and that any tool at hand should be used and that any option, no matter how legally or morally dubious, must be used in the name of fighting him, you can never acknowledge that he may be the victim, he may have done something right. etc.

    6. 4:19. It was some governors who shut down the country.
      Questionable if federal government can shut down, but President Biden tried it, and lost.

    7. Anon 8:29 - I happen to think that for a person as terrible as Trump, even illegal methods are ok. Not because of any individual policy of his, but because he really doesn't believe in democracy, in the rule of law, and limitations put on government. Such a person is too dangerous to allow into office, and he must be stopped by any means, even illegal ones.
      The extreme need here is different to just the differences in policy. I think Bush was a terrible president, but to do this to him would be wrong.

    8. If you believe that illegal methods are ok to get rid of Trump you have no rights to complain about him not believing in democracy, in the rule of law, and limitations put on government. You don't either. Some of Trump enemies are blind to how similar to Trump they themselves are. At least Trump does not to claim to be the good guy or act all self righteous when he acts that way. His opponents do.

    9. Anon 11:56 -

      You don't like Trump because he "doesn't believe in the rule of law" so therefore we should all break the law to remove him from office? How is that logical? That sounds irrational, which is why Trump supporters don't care anymore about anything you throw at Trump.

      And oh by the way, could it be that Trump felt that Biden was a threat to democracy? Does that give him the right to do anything he wants, even illegal, to remove Biden? (Like an insurrection on Jan 6th) - by your logic, that would be okay!!

      Unbelievable the hypocrisy and irrationality of the obsessive Trump haters.

    10. You're right.
      Just today, Trump announced that if Biden doesn't cancel the indictments, he will punish him when he becomes President.

      How can anyone still vote for him after this?

      Even if he moved embassies, pardoned someone we care about, and denied Covid.

    11. Anon 12:20 and 12:38 - I guess it takes simplistic black and white thinking to be a Trump fan.

      The rule of law is very important. Even if, for example, you believe the ACA is a bad law, we must all accept that it is the law of the land. If someone believed that the Iraq invasion was bad policy, giving aid to the enemy is still treason.

      None of the complaints against Biden are any more than policy differences. Even if someone believes his policies are terrible, the rule of law is more important.

      But Trump, through many of his actions and speeches, has shown that the only thing he cares for is his policies. In his world, if it is wrong according to him, all ways and means are acceptable. That is someone who doesn't realize that there is a law above him. He is a danger to the rule of law itself.
      This case is different, and extremely dangerous.

      Just like international law and Israel. Even if international law forbids some of Israel's actions, they have to be done anyway, to ensure our safety.

    12. Johnny come lately, who you trying to kid ?
      Prohibition was once law of the land
      Segregation was once law of the land
      Dr.Kvorkian pulling the plug(murder) was once violating the law of the land
      We could go on..& on..
      Those of your crowd publicly applauded those who flagrantly broke the law of the land.& would again!

      From an anti Trumpian

    13. There is something to your contention.Be that as it may, here are a couple recent examples where the highest levels of gov't on the pro/regressive other side voiced support for violation of rule of law are Edward Snowden & judicial reform in Israel.Trump is just less disingenuous than they are.
      Surely there are many more even worse than those

  4. Trump has tried, and continues to try, to use legal mechanisms to get his opponent DeSantis kicked off the ballot.

    Somehow I don't feel much sympathy for him losing now to the corrupt courts.

    1. Everyone tries to get their opponent thrown off the ballot. Things like not enough nominating petition signatures, fake signatures, signatures not registered to vote in the district.

      Happens all the time.
      Somewhat ridiculous, yes.
      But this is something else. Denying a substantial part of the electorate the right to vote for their preference.

  5. Meh, much ado about nothing. The CO decision will not impact the national elections. This ruling is regarding primaries in that particular state.

  6. My Rav virtually never talks about politics but he once made the following point. Chazal say on the posuk discussing Hashem being mevakas es henirdof that it also refers to when a tzadik is being rodef a rosha. Trump may be a rosha but many of his enemies are still rodef him for things they shouldn’t be and with methods they should not be using. And while those enemies are the rodfim who Chazal are referring to they certainly are not the Tzadikim who Chazal are referring to. To put it mildly.

    1. Yeah, John Gotti was also a nirdof. What narishkeit is this, masquerading as Torah.

  7. Who might be the rodfim & nirdafim in the larger jewish community?
