Tuesday, December 12, 2023

Hashkafa: The proper Hisoirerus of Chanukah

Sapping out the redundancy of the Chanukah themes


  1. I just passed Rav Eliyahu's house on my home to be madlik and saw him lighting as I was stopped for the light at Hope Chapel. As I was watching him light, a van pulled up and a mishpacha tumbled out. What a novel idea. Do I have to call ahead to make a reservation? P.s. Rav Eliyahu lights in a glass box like in EY kminhag Brisk (not KMinhag HaYeshiva)

    1. Why did the Mishpacha tumble out? Was the door not closed? And how is this an 'idea'?

    2. Not long ago He signed a letter anti mishpacha and their shitos. So someone pro mishpacha filled up a van with mishpachas and tumbled them out in front of his house. A brilliant idea if you ask me.

    3. I don't think he ever signed a letter anti-mishpacha.

      Maybe the person who was stopped at a light on Hope Chapel signed such a letter.

  2. And NOT kiminhag chutz learetz were we are. Go figure

  3. Minhag chutz l'"a
    there suddenly is now such thing ?

  4. Oh Mr Cohen no Birkas kohanim every day although Al pi halocho it should be said . Lighting chanuko neiros inside the house relying on Tosfos . Sayin Boruch H leolom
    Yes minhag chutz laretz . Surely u weren’t referring to 2 day YT but who knows

    1. My apology for your inherent confusion

      Those have all been codified so they are now halacha
      But nowhere has it been adopted as wrong & out of bounds when it becomes feasible to light outside

    2. See the ohr zahrua who wonders why we don't light outside if there isn't any sakana, but doesn't suggest that it should be changed, as other mfarshim explain once it was nitkan to light inside, that's how it stays, (I think ritvah)

  5. Rav Chaim Kanievsky says to light outside in Chutz LAretz . He was asked specifically asked about lighting outside in Lakewood and he said yes .

    The Poskim in Lakewood hold to light inside . But , One who follows Rav Kanievsky is certainly also valid Shitta .

    1. Rav Chaim Kanievsky was not the mara d'asra in Lakewood. The Lakewood poskim are.

    2. Funny how all American poskim from rav henkin rav yaakov rav Moshe and all the others all held to light inside, and then people ask an Israeli posek who was never in America what is the situation among goyim, and is it appropriate to light outside.

    3. They also held to wear your Tallis under a coat.For presumably the same basis.
      (Inside was in your upper story apt.)

    4. Were it that there would a public beyond Hv who still subscribe to minhag hamakom.Halevai.
      Kudos to the people here who shtell that notion.Nice.

  6. Just watch out talking lightly and being mezalzel in a talmid Chacham you are playing with fire שגחלתן גחלי אש

  7. Mamesh a gevaldige taanah. Reb Eliyahu should call Rav Forcheimer to find out the Halacha of where he should light. Or maybe he should call the Beis Hora'ah to ask them. There are always yungeleit available to pasken for him. The fact that he published a Sefer on Hilchos Chanuka when the Matz'n in the Beis Hora'ah didn't have their upsherens yet is irrelevant.

  8. My inherent confusion you write like a terk and the confusion is mine. You are incorrect now is still not always feasible unless you believe George Washington to be Moshiach and you see from Birkas koahnim which I assume you are only oile leduchon that the minhag is oiker halocho even if it’s not dinei momonois but I don’t want to inherently confuse you Mr Y C

  9. Turk commonly known in Lithuanian yeshiva circles as very not clear to the listeners although it might be clear to the one delivering the idea Yiddish for Turk from Turkey ottoman etc

    1. Irrelevant & everybody is aware of that
      Again what's a "terk"?

  10. ..Much obliged,dear shikere turk:]
