Friday, December 22, 2023

Tribute upon the Yahrtzeit of Hagaon Reb Moshe Shapiro zt"l

A fantastic tribute upon the  Yahrtzeit of Hagaon Reb Moshe Shapiro zt"l, on Asara B'Teves by Horav Michoel Sorotzkin shlita


  1. Wow. Heard in the past but enjoyed immensely again. The speaker is something else second to none. Sh'koiach for posting

  2. Is it true that R' Michoel moved to Lakewood? Which area? Any shiurim?

  3. I was there when this phenomenal hesped was said. Everyone was amazed.
    Why can't u post it via a kosher platform so many of us who don't have an access to YouTube can also enjoy?

    1. If you have any TAG filter you can allow embedded videos without opening the whole Yom Tov.

  4. Heard b4. Unreal.
    Reb Moishe zt'l was a giant. R' Michoel did justic and paid a tribute like no one else ever did.

  5. Never heard anyone speaking about R' Moishe's personality from such a personal aspect. R' Michoel outperformed himself. A real masterpiece.

  6. Listened again. He is a velt's speaker. A fabulous tribute. He is megale a new dimension of Reb Moishe zt"l personality. Chaval al deAvdin

  7. I am following Reb Michoel for over 2 years. Every one of his shiurim and droshos are exceptional. Just to name a few from the past year; hespeidim on giants such as Rav Edelstein, Rav Ezrachi; a few major shiurim and speeches about the war in Israel and lately his overwhelming session about shidduchim. The interesting thing is that on every topic he gets to the bottom of it and speaks with so much knowledge and emotional power. One of a kind!

  8. I need a PR company for my business. How can I get hold of the guy who writes on this thread?

    1. very simple. Sell similar merchandise, you will also get same PR. and it's free.
