Wednesday, December 13, 2023

Chanukah Gridlock Traffic

 The last few days Lakewood residents have been sitting in gridlock traffic during school dismissal time  all over town. James Street was backed up from Cross st passed Drake rd. Sunset rd a standstill, Cross st a parking lot.Drake rd is a nightmare with buses and garbage trucks stuck as theres construction with no police directing traffic. Cedarbridge Ave New Hampshire Pine MLk and good ol Rt 9 don't let you down. Central ave backed up for 30 minutes. Morning construction contributes to the traffic. Like a broken record township officials keep on blaming others and repeatedly say they don't allow construction to go on before 10am yet somehow they are the ones not to get the memo


  1. Look at the bright side more traffic means cars drives slower= less accidents

  2. Yes we have large families and hundreds of large school BH. We also have religious customs that we all follow that ends up dismissing 50,000 kids at the same time. So we make our own gridlock. What exactly do you want ?

    1. What do we want? Building and developing with reasonable accommodations for such traffic. Less dead ends - more through streets. Less zoning variances for dense housing when the streets are not built to accommodate such volume of traffic. Only giving permission to build with PROPER traffic studies.
      That's without talking about the closures due to construction which this city is to inept to regulate properly.
      That's all not asking so much in a reasonable city... however in this city with dysfunctional governorship...

    2. It is about the total disregard to quality of life by the township committee who are serving special interests with no care to the general public who sit in traffic wasting precious time. They are not properly governing or have any clue about the daily situation on the roads. If chanuka is a busy time you don't allow construction projects to shut down major thoroughfares.
      You don't approve applications for schools or day care centers without sufficient parking. Look at the disaster on Clover st or Old Whitesville and New Egypt. Cars parking on both sides blocking traffic with dangerous situations pushing strollers onto the busy streets. Peoffesionals hired by the applicants testify that there will be adequate parking but afterbitvis built the reality is the opposite yet there is no accountability to enforce that the schools keep to what was promised and not rent out classrooms or add more than the original plan.

      There's term limits for a reason, the clowns and puppets serving on lakewood government are milking the taxpayers by voting themselves obnoxious pay raises while like cowards don't even show up in person to have the monthly meetings. They are responsible for the deterioration of the roads and traffic under their watch for 20 years. People have complained yet they continue to ignore the plight and suffering of the people.

      They should all resign in shame for what they have done.

    3. Same old...But the public(your neighbors;extendedfamily;friends)keep on supporting it come November

  3. " there until the pro-Hamas demonstrations went off the deep end. As Tucker Carlson has asked quite aptly during a recent interview with Candace Owens on X: Didn’t these donors care when professors and college administrators were advocating the destruction of the white race and the abolition of gender distinctions? Why were they OK with this madness until they were suddenly roused to anger in the last few weeks? Does a Zionist Democrat like Alan Dershowitz, who is now railing against the anti-Semitism in our universities, see any connection between this problem and his own unfailing support for the Democratic Party and, at least by implication, the Democrats’ open borders policy that has resulted in letting anti-Semitic and anti-Christian Muslim activists into this country"?

    1. Nebach. Frum yidden taking the side of anti semites, since they have the "right" politics.

    2. It has nothing with politics.Except probably your politics.
      It is even worse than:First they came for the.. and I did not speak out—because I was not a ..
      Then they came for the.. and I did not speak out—because I was not a..
      Then they came for the Jews.
      Kleine tipshus.Because they until recently were the biggest demostratively supporters of those places in spite of all that what happening
      It's total self centered crybabying to be whining now when the same people have been operating like this for everybody else.What goes around should come around.

    3. Agree.
      Another example:"despite posing as a free-speech champion in front of congress, Gay is well known for her dabblings in cancel culture. Back in 2022, when she was arts and sciences dean at Harvard, she played a crucial role in the cancellation of economist Roland Fryer, the youngest African-American academic to ever receive tenure at Harvard. Fryer had previously drawn the ire of politically correct colleagues for his work dismantling some of their most cherished ideological shibboleths. For instance, Fryer’s research found that, when all variables are controlled for, black Americans are no more likely to be shot by police than white Americans. Coincidentally, Fryer suddenly became the target of s*®ual-harassment allegations.

      Despite a Harvard investigation that found in Fryer’s favour, Quillette noted last year that Claudine Gay ‘reportedly went so far as to ask Harvard’s president to revoke Fryer’s tenure’. Gay’s request was denied, but Fryer was suspended without pay for two years. He was ‘stripped of his named professorship, banned from interacting with graduate students, subjected to constant Title IX surveillance, and demoted to teaching undergraduates’.

  4. Please don’t insult us with that stupidity. After sitting at a corner for three minutes, drivers get desperate and will force themselves into traffic or pull off other maneuvers they normally would never consider. Most people want to be courteous and considerate drivers but are forced to make dangerous choices thanks to a tone deaf leadership.

  5. Unfair to force open old dead ends when originally people moved there davka because it was a nice dead end.
    You could insist that from now on only thoroughways should be allowed

    1. No, on paper they always existed. You need to understand what you agreed to purchase.

    2. Life isn't fair not everyone has to suffer so your kids play basketball in middle of the street

    3. They knew it may one day be opened, and decided to take a gamble.

    4. Not taking sides here, but I actually didn't buy in a specific cul-de-sac (Claire in Hearthstone) because I knew there was a paper road that may be opened one day. Everyone thought I was crazy. And lo and behold - the paper road was opened this year, and its no longer a cul-de-sac!

  6. Starting construction after 10 isn't going to help with school dismissal. The issue is that Drake Rd, which has emerged as a key alternate road to the school corridor of Cross St, has been CLOSED all Chanuka. The powers that be decided that somehow this would be a perfect week to create some extra traffic on Cross St.

  7. Yes there is terrible gridlock on those 4 days of Chanuka every year when everyone has to get home about the same time, that isn't something to take into consideration when planning roads and building..(constant daily issues should be considered) .For the Chanuka problem the schools must figure out a way to get the kids home by bus ON TIME. If most of our Bnei Kollel close the Gemara in order to light bezmano there is no reason the schools shouldn't cancel english in order to facilitate the boys getting home on time in a safe and normal way. I spoke with one school about this, it seems to me that if there is enough support for this they will do it.

    1. Some schools did cancel English. The parents were required to carpool, as LSTA cannot change the afternoon bus routes.
      On the other hand, my sons who finish school at 4 were still in school at 5:30 waiting for their bus to come, because the bus could not get there through the traffic.

    2. They is absolutely no excuse for a planned road closure to be scheduled for Chanuka in a town like Lakewood.

    3. There are plenty of working parents who can't have their kids coming home that early the whole week.

  8. If ppl would do car pool as best possible, we would get rid of 50 percent of the traffic, unfortunately ppl today can't be meshubid to anything and that's why they are sitting in traffic for an extra 15 min a day

    1. huh? tons of people do carpools. but thanks for the lecture mr. anonymous blog commenter

  9. A good idea would be combining busing for every 3 or 4 schools, that will basically slash the buses route, and they are going to make a fraction of the stops, as it will fill up much faster

    1. not a good idea. was tried and doesn't work.

    2. It hasn't been tried in the last twenty years, since I came here.

  10. Were you on the roads over the past three days? The issue was cars, not busses.

  11. The Drake rd closure is on Ray Coles, Menashe Miller Lichtenstein and Akerman they are responsible for it enough with the stupid ask the mayor on the scoop always blaming the state and never accepting responsibility for anything.
    They are not governing they should all resign

    1. Why should they resign? They aren't the idiots who keep voting them in.

  12. As an out of towner who follows the Lakewood news on hefkervelt I am surprised each time the topic of school busing comes up with its various problems. We also have early dismissal during Chanukah and somehow all working parents figure out a way to carpool the kids home each day. Parents who have free school busing to and from school all year round for all their children should be grateful they don’t have to deal with carpool all year round. So Chanukah has more traffic than usual. If you don’t like it, pick up your child early or arrange your schedule accordingly. We have become used to the comforts of our modern era and some slight traffic issues are too much to handle…

    1. Not to be too rude, but as an out of towner who doesn't have first hand experience of the challenges facing those in a this situation, keeping your comments to yourself would be advisable.
      To give you a glimpse, an 8 mile round trip to do pickup, took an hour and 45 minutes. That's what you are calling slight traffic issues.

    2. too bad that there isn't a blog about your community so we all could judge you from a distance and give you mussar about whatever issues you're dealing with.

    3. I actually do have first hand experience of the challenges facing the traffic issues in Lakewood. I drive there frequently and see the traffic and road problems daily. I was just commenting on the Chanukah traffic issue. Feel free to come visit my town where if you’re 5 minutes late to carpool you miss your slot. Yes, route 9 needs to be widened and people have to slow down and stop talking on cellphones and actually stop at the stop signs and be kind to pedestrians.

  13. 3 things would GREATY improve the traffic situation in Lakewood
    1) Tell all the ladies to stop blabbering on their phones & pay a little attention while they're driving
    2)teach all those from Brooklyn how to use a turn signal
    3) Take down ALL no turn on red sighñs

    1. Manhattan & Queens people drive fine?
