Saturday, December 30, 2023

Motzei Shabbos Vayechi 5784 Updates

Lakewood township committe increasing their salaries 4th year in a row this time by $20,000 after raising taxes on Lakewood residents.
The Mayors salary will increase from $88,000 to $108,000. It was $71,000 in 2021 and in  2018 it was $34,00. 
Members of Township Committee salary will increase from  $73,500.00 to $93,500.
The deputy mayor salary is $88,250  from $68,250 last year

The committee only meets once a month on a zoom call for an average of 10 minutes a petition was launched to resume in person meetings twice a month at a normal time that people can attend sign up anonymously HERE

- Melava Malka for khal Shedlitz Tonight at the Villas shul 901 E. Kennedy Blvd Lakewood 

 - Tefillos for Rav Yehuda Adas shlita Rosh Yeshiva Kol Yaakov in EY name Yehuda ben Chaya Esther

- Tefilos  zkan hamaahgichim Rav A room Pollak shlita of Slabodka yeshiva who was hospitalized name is Avrohom ben Tila

- Tefilos for The Skulener Rebbe, shlita, pf Boro Park Harav Yeshaya Yaakov Portugal,  was hospitalized while staying in Arizona. Name is  Yeshaya Yaakov ben Reizel.

BDE Petirah of The Bercher Rebbe, zt”l  of Boro Park Rav Menachem Pinchos Rokeach, zt”l. He was 97. The levaya will take place at 10:30 this evening at the Bercher Shul, corner 54 and 16th Avenue 

 Russia has called for an Emergency Meeting of the U.N. Security Council today to discuss the “Ukrainian Attack” launched against the City of Belgorod which they claim was caused by Britain and the United States’s support for Ukraine; they further requested that the 


  1. Check out this article

  2. This township committee has no Shane
    If there's no shame it's really bad
    They can hide from the public
    Raise their own salaries
    Raise taxes on poor struggling families
    And the askanim and leadership keep mum while people are gettibg crushed
    Those who speak out get punished
    Welcome to Lakewood 2024

  3. Lakewood must follow why are they allowing this parents must fight back on the attempt to use our children as pawns in order for some guy with money to feel important

  4. They deserve every penny they get in fact they should probably be paid more.. The salary is a drop in the bucket for the amount of work they put in this article portrays the position as a 10 minute once a month job? The amount of background work that they do for people on this town is endless if a school building needs to be opened who do you think they call? The amount of work these individuals put in for the people is endless this is the least the town should do for them.

    1. Love that sarcasm! Keep it up!

      If a school building needs to be opened, they should call the person who has the key, a locksmith, or a SWAT team to get the hostage holder out.

      Salaries should be set by the market. Would anyone else do this job for less? That should be the price.

    2. If a new school building needs final approvals or whatever red tape is holding it up who do you think works hours to try to help coordinate and make sure everything is done to make sure schools, yeshivas , mesivtas can begin on time? The township committee is extremely busy helping out so many behind the scenes ask your school administrators ask your builders. Do your research before throwing accusations...

    3. I don’t understand, if it is such a hard job, and they should be paid more why do they keep on running and vying for this underpaid job? HH and others have offered their services many times over the years - since when do you give a pay raise to a worker when you can fill the position with less money - probably even for free!

    4. Who made the red tape in the first place? The same committee members that now magnanimously help out.
      The fireman who lit the fire.

    5. There are laws in America and protocols that need to be followed nothing is overlooked and nothing was implemented by the township committee please do not make false accusations. They just help the process get done in a timely fashion so our children can get into buildings in a timely fashion without interrupting your schedule be thankful... This is only one aspect of the countless hours being spent by our committeeman. Soamy other issues they deal with...They are elected officials if anyone else wants the job by al means go ahead and win an election and the job is yours!
