Weather: 43° Sunny.
- Tomorrow fast of עשרה בטבת begins at 5:48am and ends Friday night at 5:20pm
-Now open again near Atlantic city Sharis bistro kosher restaurant under the OU supervision located at 6811 Black Horsepike Egg harbor
- Accordingly to reports a American businessman purchased the shtreimel that was worn Rav Chaim Kanievsky for the large sum of $1.8 million
- Property owned by Church of Saint Mary of The Lake has just been sold for development, FAA News has learned. The vacant lot, Block 175.01 Lot 13, is located on the west side of Ridge Avenue, right near the Township border with Howell - adjacent to other property currently owned by the same church. The parcel is 135 x 349 (47,115) sq feet in area. Faanews
- Bingo chicken cutlets $5.39
- Cases of Flu and covid going around
I would like to meet this ballabus so he can give me some money for my bills!!