Sunday, October 15, 2023

Why We Add ולכפרת פשע on ר"ח of a leap Year untill ניסן

On Rosh Chodesh  of a leap year we added in the Shemona Esreh of Mussaf  the words  ולכפרת פשע
In a Leap Year, in addition to praying for good and for blessing, for joy and for gladness, for salvation and comfort, for sustenance and maintenance, for life and peace, for pardon of sin and forgiveness of iniquity”, we add a 13th request in respect of the additional month: “ולכפרת פשע-and for atonement of transgression”.

A possible reason suggested is that in case the Leap Year was mistakenly designated, and in consequence Chametz was eaten on Pesach, we pray for forgiveness. (טעמי המנהגים)
The 13 pleas are corresponding to the 12 expressions of praise “הללוי’ה-הללו-הללוהו”, and the last sentence “כל הנשמה” is said twice, in respect of the Leap Year. (תהלים קנ – תניא רבתי)


  1. A very emotional and powerful drosho of דברי חיזוק והתעוררות about the war in Eretz Yisroel was given on motz"sh by Horav Michoel Sorotzkin shlyt'a on his weekly Shiur in Kollel Ner Avrohom in Lakewood

    1. Is there any way to access R' Sorotzki's shiurim without Youtube?


  2. Can someone clarify if you answer Amen after וְלִסְלִיחַת עָון or it goes together?

    1. Different minhagim but pashtus the amen is on sets of 2 and kaporas pesha is the same set as mechillas chet slichas avoin so you would say Amen on all 3 together

    2. Is it really different minhagim or depends on the chazan?

  3. I don’t really understand the reason of the טעמי המנהגים since if the reason is in case we are chometz due to the leap year, why do we stop saying כפרת פשע davka on ר״ח ניסן?? If anything, it should ONLY be said on that ראש חודש?

  4. There are numerous sources of the power of teshuva and kaparaz pesha in adar bais particularly tefilla on Purim kattan

  5. 1. Yisrael determines calendar, not shamayim (per ending of bracha "mekadesh Yisrael vehazmanim")
    2. The kiddush hachodesh is often manipulated, example RSBG pushed off edut of new moon in Mishna.
    3. According to your post, We should say "ulchaparat pesha" after Nissan, not before like four questions 7:32 PM says.
    4. And why from tishrei? Are we publicly announcing an upcoming chet?
    5. And if we're publicly announcing an upcoming chet, it's not a pesha, its an avon
