Tuesday, October 10, 2023

Israel At War Tuesday 10/10 Updates

10:30 pm

- Canadian citizens will be flown out of the country from the Tel Aviv, Israel, airport in coming days in the wake of Hamas' attack on Israel, Canada's foreign minister said Tuesday.
The government plans to conduct the evacuation using aircraft from the Canadian Armed Forces, 

- A multi-front war now threatens Israel after fire from Lebanon, Syria, as well as threats from Iraq and Yemen joining the Hamas war on Israel.

- The IDF attacked more than 70 Hamas targets in the Gaza Strip on Tuesday night
- Death toll surpassed 1200 RL

7:00pm update 
- Yeshivas Ner Yisroel in Baltimore starting the winter zman early: Due to the sakana Klal Yisroel finds itself in, the Yeshiva will begin zman early, tomorrow night, to respond with increased limmud Torah and Tefilah.

- Centcom confirms USS Gerald R. Ford carrier strike group has arrived in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea 

- Gallant, Minister of Defence of Israel, to the fighters at the Gaza border: "I have released all restraints, whoever comes to decapitate - we will eliminate him"

- US secretary Blinken tomorrow, I will leave for Israel to engage with our Israeli partners directly about the situation on the ground and to discuss ways we can continue to support them in the fight against these terrorist attacks. Our support for Israel remains unwavering.

- Chevron yeshiva organized learning sedarim 24 hour round the clock shifts which has been done during wartime to have the zechus hatorah at every second.

- East Yerushalayim Silwan area flaring up but police say that have it under control, there's been some skirmishes at Shaar Shechem

- Tzedek Association is working with members of Congress & the White House to assist U.S. Citizens who are currently in Israel and wish to come home to the U.S. If you need help please fill out the confidential form HERE ASAP.

5:00pm update

- IDF targeting more neighborhoods in Gaza hitting the home of hamas spokesman
- 2 terrorists killed in east Jerusalem after pointing fire at security forces
- 3 terrorists killed in Ashkelon industrial area
- IDF fires artillery into Syria where rockets originated from 
- Over 80 foreign citizens from many countries killed or kidnapped in the attacks

- DansDeals roundup of which flights are still flying out of Israel Here 

-Simchas Torah Pekalach With nosh that were meant to go to children during hakafos shniyos at kehilas Pnei Menachem of Rav Shaul Alter shlita ended up going to soldiers after the hakofos were cancelled the 4000 bags were donated by a Philanthropist from America 

-  President Joe Biden denounced Hamas on Tuesday, calling the attack "an act of sheer evil," and stressed U.S. support for Israel as it mourns the killing of more than 1,000 people. he said 14 Americans are among the dead  The president also voiced concern for Americans being held hostage by Hamas, an Iranian-backed Islamist group, whose stated purpose, he said, is to "kill Jews." He called for Israel to follow the "law of war" in its response.
"There are moments in this life, and I mean this literally, when the pure unadulterated evil is unleashed on this world. The people of Israel lived through one such moment this weekend," 
Biden described what he called "stomach turning" reports of "parents butchered," "babies being killed," "entire families slain" and "women raped, assaulted and paraded as trophies."

- Biden also offered support for American Jews and said they should be allowed to worship in peace in the United States. Biden said last month that antisemitism in the United States had risen to record levels.

- Rockets and artillery launched from Syria into Israel it fell in a open area no injuries

- Confusion in Ashdod near Laniardo hotel when criminals were thought to be terrorist and police shot at each other, 2 in serious condition 

- New York City Mayor Eric Adams warned of possible lone-wolf terrorist attacks by individuals radicalized by Hamas following a gruesome act of terrorism in Israel.

- Islamic Jihad threatens rocket barrage at 9 pm Israel time 

- 2:20 pm Biden to deliver remarks on situation in Israel https://www.whitehouse.gov/live/

-Since the beginning of the war, at least 1,000 people have been killed in Israel and more than 2,800 people have been injured, with 26 of them in critical condition.

- Message sent to parents of Jewish highschool students in the United States: Dear Students and Parents, Local psychologists have reached out to us and informed us that the Israeli government is urging parents to tell their children to delete Instagram and Tik Tok immediately. We strongly advise our students to do the same as soon as possible. Terrorists are expected to release distressing videos of hostages begging for their lives. As one Israeli psychologist has noted, "The videos and testimonies we are currently exposed to are bigger and crueler than our souls can contain."

-IDF warns of potential Hamas infiltration by air ion the gaza border 

- One of the elderly women who was missing and feared captured by Hamas terrorists, (NOT Yaffa Adler, who was seen taken away on a golf cart and is still missing) has been successfully recovered by the IDF and reunited with her family and country.

- Turkish airlines suspends flights to Israel until further 

- Video report on horrific massacre of 40 babies women here

- Tonight Asifa for all Mesivta and Bais Medrash bochurim in Lakewood due to the serious matzav in EY  at 8:15pm in BMG- Bais Yitzchok divrei chizuk and tehillim all yeshivos are encouraging the talmidim to attend.

- Botei Medrash in Lakewood full today with bochurim and youngeleit during bein hazmanim as gedolim call for chizuk in limud hatorah.

- The Mashgiach Rav Don Segal shlita told yeshiva bochurim not to bring their phones even during this time and to learn continuously what is needed now is the zechus hatorah 

- Unfathomable atrocities by Hamas has been discovered in Kfar Aza by Israeii forces the bodies of 40 children and elderly mutilated and beheaded R"L the IDF has lifted the censorship to show the world the barbarian subhuman animals that Hamas terrorists are 

- US delta force reportedly lands in Israel they specialize in freeing hostages

- Biden to speak today from the whitehouse may visit israel during the crisis

- Restaurants in Tel Aviv that were not kosher had obtained kosher certification in order that soldiers can eat there

- Israel estimates 3,200 dead in Gaza 

- Letter from all gedolei eretz Yisrael calling yidden all over the world to say the tefilah of Avinu Malkeinu and two kapitlach Tehillim 121, 130.

- People scrambling to get flights out of the country groups are organizing  charter flights to cypress, Athens and other nearby countries

- Rockets fall in Southern Israel and central Israel,  Hamas warns heavy barrage of rockets will hit Ashkelon at 5pm

- Israel says they have fortified the Gaza border and there was no terrorist infiltration over the last 24 hours

- IDF eliminates 2 senior hamas ministers, heavy bombardment in Gaza with many buildings collapsed.

- Shrapnel from rockets fell in Bnei Bral B"H no injuries

- Home front command says there's no shortage of food supply in the country after panicked residents emptied store shelves in response to alert to stock up for 3 days worth.

4 terrorists killed at chiffon zikim, more killed in kfar Aza


  1. Elimination of terrorists is little better than whack -a-mole or body count Vietnam

    They have to permanently alter the region for this to be anything other than a Hamas win.
    In short, a significant part of the pop. must be expelled.
    Put them on freighters & drop them off in Africa
    Parachute in food to the "poor" refugees

    The IDF must regain its old personal "Acharai"
    That implies breaking the Bagatz instructed following contrived enlightened rules
    & femenized wokism that has been taking over

    1. You're 100% right. however reality persists. And what you dream for will never happen so it's time to wake up rub your eyes and take in healthy dose of reality. The state of Israel is not the solution it was drummed up to be.... And nothing you wish or dream about will change that fact

    2. It is against international law to expel someone from their country. It would be illegal to force the Palestinians to leave Gaza. Old Athenian or Roman exile is no longer possible. The world law today is somewhat shvere for the shitas that say that dina d'malchusa is because the king can send someone out of the country. It no longer exists, at least, legally.

  2. Sorry, if this is a repeat, but I don't think my last comment went through...
    I have a close relative who has been called up to the reserves. He is not in a combat unit, and they need to go on missions in their personal cars, because all military vehicles have been diverted! He says that in general, the reservist are issued older equipment, and in particular, their personal protection equipment is not up to par.
    He has worked with an organization that is now providing personal protection equipment for reservists. Please donate generously! https://www.jgive.com/new/en/usd/donation-targets/110068

  3. Since when are Israeli soldiers worried about keeping kosher? And if they would be, it is really going to help a lot to pretend Trief restaurants all of a sudden become kosher.

    1. Why is that important? What's important is that in times of crisis they are getting closer to hashem.

    2. The report actually said that these restaurants were sending food to the front. Army regulations require kosher certification for the food to be accepted into the army distribution system. Thus the need for a hechsher.

    3. שקט בבקשה.
      Your silence would be far more valuable than anything you write or say.

    4. You're an absolute menuval and you should be ashamed of yourself. The "ochlei treifos" are busy sacrificing their lives for other Jews and you have the absolute chutzpah to question whether the ones who say they want to kosher really want to eat kosher? עפרא לפומך

    5. If they are they are like a korban
      If they are in uniform for any other purposes eg virtually every female they are potential pigul

      Many chozer B't' veterans would challenge some at least of your retort

      How many are serving for other purposes?

    6. As an FFB person who served in the IDF rabbanut, you are not only a menuval but a disgusting pervert. Absolutely shameless. You really think that in 2023 secular people need join the army for that!? כל הפוסל במומו הוא פוסל. I'm not demanding you start a Seder in Rav Kook but what is in the water in Lakewood that causes you to have their mind in the gutter at a time like this!?

    7. The guy who learns in yeshiva without pure motives is also pigul or only the guys putting their lives on the line?

    8. anon 1:52, you were doing so well until you decided to bash all of lakewood (how do you even know that commenter is in lakewood). time to look inwards at your sinas chinam.

    9. There were many many heroes drong the onslaught.Several sacrificed their life.
      Yet every site -even unzereh sites which are parrots-overemphasize a few females who shot back.With photo pics.
      [they stick on some old retiree to dull it from being blanket obvious]
      An agenda !?Hardly
      Paradoxically, to score sympathy for the victims they still emphasize the women as helpless and what happened to them
      The new cabinet sidelined Ben Gvir Smotrich just in case they may have tried fix the problem to the root.
      Brought in Gantz with acolytes who come in preconditioned that social societal changes that the public might now be ready for the better will be shut
      off stillborn
      Just a few weeks ago Bagatz insisted that several units that so far have not been integrated,must now comply with that route
      & The IDC said they will

      Having stated that,
      therein is a/the source of our present problem
      Is there for the any tolerance in our tradition whatsoever for females in uniform?
      Or in units?
      ex fortiori mixed units!? -not ad hoc fighting
      & How has changed the IDF
      Pure coincidence eh?

    10. Be that as it may,we ought to agree this is a bad moment in these dire circumstances for the discussion to be had. Let's keep this between ourselves then. No need to make this public.
      Needed however for it to be said before narrative will be changed retrospectively.

      Oh, my cousin's daughter happens to be serving in artillery

  4. Danishes given out in Yeshiva today

  5. How is eating fake kosher making them closer the Hashem??

  6. Bnei Brak is the safest place as the zchus of Torah and the tzadikim buried there protect those living there, Yerushalayim has avoda zora and Zionists party clubs so its not as safe. We have seen the fallacy of the Zionists kochi votzem yodi as they could not even protect a walled border.

    1. I never comment anywhere but can not sit idely by without being mochea on the kavod of Yerushlayim. See Shu"T Chasam Sofer Yoreh Deah 233 and the next few teshuvos as well.

    2. While I ordinarily Avoid Feeding The Troll, here, I make an exception due to a serious drivel contained in the post.

      As we all know, based upon Dovid Hamelech’s teaching, Hashem watches all of Eretz Yisroel. אם ה׳ לא ישמור עיר שוא שקד שומר
      All Cities.
      Especially Yerushalyim. See Targum
      דריי נישט קיין קאפ

  7. I believe it's HKBH that is protecting the Hidden in EY not the tzioni army

    1. So the 6 day war was a neis in which HKBH protected EY? That's not what the Satmar Rav thought.

    2. The 6 day war was a neis in which HKBH protected the Yidden in EY. So many Yidden returned to a Torah life in the decades following '67.

      See Rashi on Shabbos 88. Hadar Kibluah - due to the love and appreciation of the neis.

    3. Wrong discussion for the circumstances
      Though many others went off further later
      cf.Rabbi Norman Lamm on topic

  8. Yemen ?? Hilarious do you realize how far away they are and they don't have a army in the middle of a Civil War with no government to speak of either...... Not every piece of propaganda needs to be repeated........BTW neither is Iraq In the play
