Monday, October 9, 2023

Israel At War Simchas Torah Massacre

 Isru Chag Sukkos 5784

- Rachel Edri, an elderly woman from Ofakim was held hostage for 15 hours by a group of 5 militants. “you look pale, you need to eat” she recounts telling the guy in charge and offering them a full meal. When the Israeli commandos stormed the house the 5 militants were stuffing themselves with her cookies and were immediately killed. “It wasn’t a tactic. I just figured hungry men are more dangerous so I wanted to feed them” she says. she recounted how she said shema yisrael over and over and didnt think she would make it out alive 

- A 40 year old druze idf soldier was killed up north as he battled terrorists from Lebanon 

- Over 1500 dead Arab terrorists  on the Israeli side they were killed by idf soldiers and commandos many who died in battle

-Trump says the 6 Billion Biden gave to Iran funded Hamas "Sadly, American taxpayer dollars helped fund these attacks, which many reports are saying came from the Biden administration.”

- The U.S. has already begun delivering critically needed munitions and military equipment to Israel, and the Pentagon is reviewing inventories to see what else can be sent quickly to boost its ally in the three-day-old war with Hamas, a senior Defense Department official said Monday.

- American and Delta airlines cancel flights to Israel until the end of the month

- 20 boys from mesivta of Waterbury will be joining the war after being called up

- Americans trying to leave can fill out this form for potential flights they are also advised to complete the United States Department of State form. By doing so, you will be able to access resources provided by the US Government if and when they become available. 

- Seminaries reassure parents that girls are not allowed to go out on their own without permission

- BMG Roshei yeshiva call for all shuls in Lakewood to say tehillim tonight at 9pm and call on everyone to learn. The botei medrash in yeshiva will be open for all bochurim and youngeleit to come and learn throughout bein hazmanim. Shuls ahould recite the designated kappitlach of Tehillim of 13, 20, 79, 83, 121, 130, and 142.

- Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu an emergency government must be formed. "The people are united and now the leadership needs to unite," "We haven't seen atrocities of the kind Hamas is committing since the atrocities of the Islamic State," "We always knew who Hamas was. Hamas is the Islamic State.""Airstrikes against Hamas in Gaza are just the beginning," "We will do everything for Israelis held captive in Gaza."
 -Assemblyman Ned Thompson Given that this attack was carried out during the Sukkot holiday while thousands of our fellow New Jerseyans and Americans were visiting family and friends in Israel, Governor Murphy and President Biden must denounce these Hamas terrorists and take action immediately. My office stands ready to assist families trying to locate loved ones in any way we can.

- Hamas warns they will kill hostages if Israel hits civilian buildings 
- Zaka of those murdered 108 where from Kibbutz Beeri
-Residents told to stock up on food and essential items and plan on staying in protective rooms up to 72 hours. Store shelves are emptying out in cities.
- 300,000 reservists getting called up
- Death toll rises to 900 R"L
- Rocket lands in Beitar Illit with a direct  hit
 injuring 4 one 10 year old in serious condition name for tehillim Nosson Tzvi ben Chaya Esther
- 6 IDF soldiers injured in exchange of gunfire with terrorist on the northern border with lebanon, Islamic jihad claims responsibility 
- All big yeshivos in Eretz Yisrael started the winter zman today with over 100 yeahivos joining.
- Death toll over 800 R"L
- Several rockets were fired from the North in Southern Lebanon, 5 terrorist were killed infiltrating from Lebanon.
- Sirens go off on Yerushalayim and gush Dan area as Hamas fires rockets with direct hits in Ashkelon and ashdod 
- IDF anounces full blockade in Gaza cutting off electricity and water supply
- Some flights leaving from Ben Gurion Airport people traveling via Dubai,Athens and other cities. 

- Letter from Badatz Eidah Hacharedis calling for a yom tefillah today to hather in shuls say entire sefer tehillim followed by Mincha with אבינו מלכינו and selichos of ישראל נושע בה'
Agudath Israel statement


  1. Where's Agudah statement they were quick to attack Trump but can't get their act together when 1000 Jews are murdered

    1. Where's your apology now?

    2. No apology it took them 18 hours since after the zman to put something out
      The OU and Eidah came out with statements right away

    3. I get the impression that certain people feel more affinity with Trump than with Moetzes members.
      How sad.

  2. So many missing pieces, I can't get a coherent picture.

    Here's what I know, please fill in the blanks.

    On the night of Simchas Torah, an all-night music 'rave', known as Supernova, was taking place in the South of Israel. Some time late that night, Hamas began firing rockets into Israel, which were mostly intercepted by Iron Dome. But, separately, they attacked the border wall from Gaza, breaching it in multiple places and murdering the guards. They then attacked the rave and began shooting people and kidnapping people.
    The 260 number we heard about on Shabbos was from this rave.
    Then they fanned out to other Yishuvim in the area, skipping the two Shomrei Shabbos Moshavim.
    From then and on is a blur. What happened next? How did the numbers go up to 800? Were the rockets successful? Did Israel enter Gaza? What happened in frum places like Ofakim?

    What is going on now? Where are those infiltrators? Back in Gaza? Where were the hostages taken? How many were taken? What happened to the wounded? Were they taken to hospitals?

    1. I can't confirm or offer clarity anything you wrote.

      There's video that they didn't skip the shomer Shabbos yishuvim. They tried infiltrating but it didn't work.

  3. They went to ofakim and unfortunately a least one Rov was killed.

  4. Connect the dots.
    A few weeks ago US gave Iran $6B
    A week or so ago State Department said we must fix the border breach, buiild the wall. Albeit too late.
    US Navel vessels move towards middle East
    7 million plus & growing have breached border in last 3 years or so, between them many terrorists (so say some).
    What could this mean?
    Will US & Israel attack Iran?
    What will happen in the US if that happens?
    We don't know who entered this country, where they are or what they are doing or planning.
    We need to pray for ouselves as well as Acheinu Toishvei Eretz Yisroel.
    None of us have a clue, of what the Aibishters master plan is here.
    Don't think this gezira is limited to Eretz Yisroel, the whole world is in sakona, & even the Umos Haolam realize that we may be on the verge of WW3. Most of us are to young to remember a world war, but is no joke, & with such an interconnected globe no one has a clue how it could pan out.
    We need tefilos, & a lot more than we realize.

    1. Seven million breached the Gaza border?! What are you talking about?!

    2. He's referring to the US Southern Border. And I'm not even that smart.

    3. What does that have to do with a story thousands of miles away in the Middle East?
      Turns out he's also not that smart.
