Saturday, October 28, 2023

Motzei Shabbos Lech Lecha 5784 News Updates

- At least 7,000 pro-Palestinian protesters shut down the Brooklyn Bridge during a march through the borough Saturday, openly cheering Hamas terrorists’ barbaric attacks on Israel — and justifying the murders of innocent mothers and babies. The protesters damaged cop cars, and blocked traffic.

- Over 100,000 in London Pro-Palestinian protesters called for an intifada from “London to Gaza” at a huge rally in the capital on Saturday, prompting warnings that permitting such inflammatory language posed a “serious danger” to Britain’s Jewish community.

- Mike Pence drops out of presidential race says now is not his time

- Tonight: Rav Noach Orlowek Mashgiach in Yeahiva Torah Ohr Yerushalayim will be speaking in Lakewood tonoght motzei shabbos divrei chizuk about the matzav in Eretz Yisroel at B"M Kelmwoods 47 Kelmwoods Ave Westgate at 9:30pm. Dial in option for Rabbi Orlowek’s drasha tonight:
Phone #: 720-527-5759
Pin #: 4542599

-Tonight: Rav Bentzion Oiring long time zaka volunteer is in Lakewood there will be a melava malka in his honor tonight motzei shabbos he will give a first hand account of what he saw, 9:30pm, at 199 Ocean Ave.

Over shabbos news in Israel

 Hamas offers hostage deal to swap prisoner a deal that includes releasing all Hamas prisoners in Israeli in return for the release of all hostages

- Elon Musk says he will activate his starling communication to recognized aid organizations in Gaza, Israel criticizes the move, Musk says Israel can see which group is approved to connect.

- An extensive IDF ground raid across the border line of Gaza 150 underground targets were attacked

- Netanyahu and Gallant met for the first time with the families of the abductees

- IDF spokesperson releases certain information about their goals and accomplishments thus far in the incursion.
A joint mission involving multiple Israeli units working in tandem are actively dismantling.
Accomplishing the eradication of many Hamas anti- tank crews, destroying booby trapped areas, and destroying Hamas operational meeting centers.

- Significant number of C-17A Globemaster lll and C-5M Super Galaxy Transport Aircraft from the U.S. Air Force’s Air Mobility Command have been arriving in the Middle East and and Southeastern Europe over the last 48 Hours, as a Sign that the United States is continuing to prepare for a possible Major Outbreak of Hostilities in the Region.

In response to three rockets launches from Lebanon, the IDF is currently striking Hezbollah terrorist targets in Lebanon.


  1. Wenger was going to print Reb Eliyahu's letter this week.

    I guess he wimped out.

    1. Could be the letter came out after it went to print

    2. I think it was too late. I did not send it to them until Thursday morning.

      I just hope at least one outlet supports us because the BOE is going to agree with the Commissioner when she reports to the Court that education has improved and therefore the Court should not do anything. Readers should hold the Lakewood press accountable for allowing it to happen.

      Newspapers don't form public opinion but they do influence what people talk about. By not reporting, they are stifling public discussion on the most important public issue in our lifetimes over which the people of Lakewood will have say. A Lang

    3. It gets delivered to my house Thurs so definitely too late

  2. So far, the only candidates that Talmidei Chachamim support are those for 'Fixing the Formula', with a clear letter from the greatest Lakewood has to offer.

    Not askanim, not noise makers, but people whose lives are all about learning.

    Go out and vote for the 'Fixing the Formula' candidates, and quickly. You and your wife. Don't wait. You will gain from it.

    1. The overwhelming majority of Lakewood Talmidei Chachamim do not say public opinions about who to vote for.

    2. This "you and your wife" line is highly offensive and I will call it out every time. My husband voted for the Vaad candidates, I did not. We are different people.

    3. Good that you call it out every time.

      Because you are offended.


  3. Just like Mike Pence Avi schnall should drop out and suspend his campaign. We don't need more sinas yisroel in our friendly district. When antisemitism is raging all over the world right in our front yard of NYC and all over NJ. The Republicans have always been good to yidden and defended us. There's a chance they can get back the majority in the New Jersey assembly after many democrats plan to vote republican out of anger at local school boards for pushing lgbt education.
    Do we realy need everyone to blame Lakewood and the yidden for flipping a seat for our own financial gain and no care about anyone else?
    This is a time of post kristalnacht and we think we own the world.

    Rabbosei the olam must wake up and not be fooled by empty promises of utopia which will never happen. We are playing with fire.
    Look at history what happens when web turn on our friends.

    1. You all have it wrong. This is not flipping the district for our financial gain. We are soon to face financial disaster because the payments on our loans will be more than our state aid. That is probably why the state is taking so long for the $93 million loan that was needed for the BOE budget last May. How can anyone thin we are getting a financial gain when we are borrowing $100 million a year and the governor does not have the power to forgive the debt. I think, the opposite, they are sacrificing financial gain. They are giving up on the best chance of fixing the state formula. They got us into this mess, which will ultimately bankrupt the town and destroy our property value. Why would you think they were gaining financially?

  4. spoke to numerous local rabbonim over the past few days they all shook their head about the dangerous Sakana we are doing but said there's nothing they can do they are not strong to fight the regime.

    Is anyone who votes not scared of causing potential harm to yidden by raitzing uhn the akum
    We are getting bullied and put in danger.
    The olam must speak up and give the roshei yeshiva the courage to speak their minds.

    1. Hmmm. Not a schnall fan, but this while eivah business is covid nonsense, let's not forget.

    2. Always trust people who claim to speak to numerous Rabbonim but can't share a single name.

    3. ??? Aiva is found many times in Shas.

    4. And used by people who want to further their agendas

    5. Which?
      Selfish agenda fellows all are on the opposite side of the ballot

    6. Trust me, I did all the thinking, asking and decision making for you. It's not good for you to get confused by the facts, so just trust what I say.

  5. Is London safe for Jews to live ??

  6. You can't make this up how sick and disgusting such arrogance the self appointed vaad posted a video on their propaganda website seeking the public input how to revitalize the downtown. They are obviously petrified as the olam plans to vote for Hershel and are pretending to care about issues that he's been involved in.
    Did the vaad ever ask for input about themselves about traffic taxes or all the corruption that's going on
    This shows how low they will go with no shame to hold on to power

  7. Just daven for Lakewood yiddin
    Daven that unzere who abuse and fool us don't get what they want
    Daven for a republican majority

    1. How about davening that the ratzon Hashem should succeed, whatever it may be.

      Take yourself out of the partisanship and seek only rational Hashem, whatever it may be.

    2. When there's a Sakana you daven to have it removed

  8. Thompson is better than Kean
    So if you suffer from the boich urge to vote for Schnall
    vote for Thompson too

  9. I came to Lakewood in 1985. There was a minority of townspeople and a majority of yeshiva people. I thought that everything outside Yeshiva that was not the original township was Chelm and everything inside Yeshiva was chochma. Three hundred people learning same gemarah. No stupidity would get past even one or two people.

    I still find that it is the talmiday hayeshiva that ask, "What if." No one else on the outside seems to grasp the matter because I have never heard a, "What if?" or a contrary sevarah.

    I'm not even entitled to know if there is any da'as at all on the other side, not just an willingness to cooperate. They're like phantoms (almost) always hiding. A Lang

    1. If you're the only normal one in the room....... Your approach hasn't really worked. Maybe it's time to understand the enemy and beat them at their own game using their own tactics. If the people who are going to be stuck with the bill don't care, then why should you. As R Levi Yitzchok said, I set out to change the world and ended up realizing I can only change myself.


    2. a.It's debatable who that quote was attributed to
      b. That HAS been our continuous problem till now
      the self centered attitudes-even if only because decent people has given 'changing others'

      iirc Some of those who it has been attributed to & many ,many others, spent their lives changing others -to our mutual benefit!
      Only kleine or self centered people give up to fix themselves only

    3. Reb Aaron, your mistake is not thinking that people don't have chachma. People have chachma and sechel, they can analyze information.
      But you have not given them the information. People don't know what you have done, they don't know what is at stake. There is a lack of knowledge here, and you have never explained yourself to those who are not living the sugya like you are.

    4. ab - you are missing the boat.

      Thousands of learning people understand Reb Aaron. It's the baalebatim whose minds have been warped. He is not the only normal one in the room.

  10. Even were the better candidates to win as hoped
    The kleptocrats who are opposing them will come on over afterward with heavy combo of carrot & stick tandem cajoling them to their interests
    All the while utterly attempting to convince them that it was they who had helped them achieve the results
