Thursday, October 5, 2023

Chol Hamoed Sukkos 5784 Lakewood

Hoshana Rabba Erev shmini Atzeres Simchas Torah
 Candle lighting 6:13 pm 
shkiah 6:31 pm
Yizkor candle/yaknehaz candle
Simchas Torah in BMG will take place in Bais Aaron Bais Medrash at 10th and Clifton Hakafos at night will begin at 7:15 with Maariv and end with krias Hatorah at 11:35 pm. Simchas Torah day shachris at 8:30 am Mincha will conclude at 4:30 pm.

- Tefillos for Rav Shmuel Kamenetzky shlita who was not feeling well over yom Tov. The Philadelphia yeshiva sent out a alert asking everyone to daven for Shmuel ben Itta Etill.

Fourth day chol Hamoed Sukkos Thursday  October 5.
Weather: 77° Mostly sunny. High 77F.  
Raining forecast for tomorrow Hoshana Rabba and for Shmini Atzeres night and day

                              ליל הושענא רבא 
- Shiur in BMG Mizrach B"M by Rav Avrohom Bromberg shlita 11pm
- Mishnah Torah 9:00 pm at Kol Aryeh minyan tehillim for ladies in the Ezras Nashin at 11:15
-Hoshaanas sets available at BMG Sukkah,Bingo sets for $2.49 open until 2am
- Mishna Torah at Somerset walk 9:00 Pm
-Bais Mordechai Mishna Torah 10:00, followed by seudas Dovid /Simcha's Bais hashoeva. Tehillim by chatzos. Shachris 8:00 AM.
- B"M Lutzk: Seder Limud 9:00-12:00am
(Matan Schara B'tzida)
- Satmar Rockwell Mishna Torah 10:30 pm
- simchas bais Hashieva at Mordy’s shteibel 8-10pm in the sukka  niggunim and divrei torah with the rav, 11:00 pm Mishna Torah Tomorrow shachris  musical hallel with Eli Beer 9am

- Former president Donald Trump is now considering a visit to the US Capitol next week to possibly pitch himself as candidate for House Speaker, NBC reports.

- Cherry crest farm in Lancaster open today
- Powerball jackpot now $1.4 Billion drawing simchas Torah night
- Hoshaanas sets at Bingo for $2.49
- Tehillim for Mordechai ben Tziporah Rochel, a Bochur who fell off a traffic light in Crown Heights last night and was seriously injured.
- Free shows today at American dream at 2,3,4 pm

-BDE: petirah of R" Shimshon Mandel Z"L. son of R' Pinchos zl from the matzeivos) he was 80 lived in the pine River village after moving from Brooklyn. Levaya today 6pm at Lakewood chapel off 7th street kevurah in Lakewood.

Third day chol Hamoed Sukkos Wednesday Oct 4 .
Weather 83° Sunny.
Rain forecast for Hashana Rabbah and heavy rainfall for shining Atzeres

Simchas Bais Hashoeva Wed night
- Skulen on Park Ave 10:15pm
- Stolin on E 7th street 
- R' Shalom Mordechai Rubashkin sukka 73 Mill Pond rd Jackson 
- B"M Chayei Yisrael on Gudz Rd music, dancing and food starting with Maariv at 8:00pm.
- Sukka on Evergreen rd Chestnut 7:30
- Brookwood 3 starting at 9:00pm Horav Avrohom Kammer speaking at 9:40

- chasdei Lev rented Keansburg amusement park for rebbeim

- Hour and a half wait at Seaquest Woodbridge mall, you can put name on digital waiting list and they will call. Dave and Busters location upstairs.

- Rav Elya Chaim Swerldloff shlita will be giving a shiur tonight on the inyan of שינה בסוכה taking place at the Lakewood cheder Bais Medrash 725 Vasser Startin with maariv @ 8:45pm.

-Ncsy at six flags today theme park tickets for $58  safari $26. You can upgrade to a Seasons pass for another $20.

- Men's swimming at American dream water park today.

-Powerball jackpot is $1.2 billion drawing tonight

- Kevin McCarthy is out as speaker of the House A resolution  titled a motion to vacate  from Rep. Matt Gaetz, R-Fla., passed Tuesday with the support of eight Republicans and all the Democrats present and voting. 

- Today National Emergency Alert FEMA and the FCC are testing the Emergency Alert System today, October 4, 2023 at approximately 2:20pm ET. TV channels will be temporarily interrupted by the test message. You may need to restart your equipment once the test is completed.

- Hoshaanas sets at Bingo for $2.49

- Ned Thompson campaign: Rabbi Schnall and The Democrats are pushing policies that will increase crime, raise living costs, and harm our communities. We deserve better! Say NO to their harmful agenda and vote for a safer, prosperous future

- Letter hanging in shuls signed with the Lakewood roshei yeshivato not participate in a concert taking place today in Jackson. The prohibition previously enacted against concerts is also applicable to separate seating and for sure family or mixed seating.

- Free trips today
Bronx zoo
NY Aquriam
Cape May zoo
Staten Island Ferry
Jenkinsons boardwalk

Second day Chol Hamoed Sukkos Tuesday October 3. 

Weather: 80° Abundant sunshine. High around 80F. 
Simchas Bais Hashoeva tonight 
- BMG at B"M Bais Aaron 9pm 10th & Clifton
- Mordys Shteible withEG productions 8pm in the sukkka with the Rav
- Skulen on Park 10:15
- Stolin e 7th street

- Tomorrow Miami boys choir will be hosting 2 chol hamoed concerts in Jackson high school as this is a first time an official concert is taking place in the Lakewood area. (A anonymous robocall went out to the Lakewood community in the name of the roshei yeshiva that as a mixed searing concert not to attend.)

- Bde: Petirah of R' Baruch Benjamin ZL from LA moved recently to Lakewood he was 70. Levaya tonight 9pm at the Lakewood chapel

- Shiur by Rav Asher Chaim Leiberman shlita at B"M Kelmwoods  after 6:15 Mincha
- Bobov 48 in Boro park, violins play at 10:15 pm in the sukkaPark,
- Keansburg amusement park rented to chasdei lev for rebbeim
- Long lines at Seaquest in Woodbridge after free admission coupon on Dan's deals 
- Powerball lottery jackpot rises to 1.2 Billion,drawing tomorrow night 
Free shows at American dream mall 2,3,4 pm
- Thousands of bochurim 
- Very hot outside if going to Roberts carnival bring water as it is a long walk from parking and long lines at water station.
- Watchout if going to mantoloking.
Cops are checking registration of vehicles at Mantoloking Park and towing those with expired.
- Roberts carnival today at Blueclaws stadium from 11:30am - 5:30 pm
- Musical Hallel at Mordys Shteible 9:30am everyday chol hamoed
First day chol Hamoed Monday October 2nd.
Weather: 76° Plentiful sunshine

Simchas Bais Hashoeva tonight Monday

- Skulen on Park Ave 10:15pm
- Stolin at e 7th street 

- For all Lakewood Bochurim music by R' Shloimy Daskal and the Mendy Hershkowitz band B'Hishtatfus of the Roshei yeshiva at Toras Menachem hall Swarthmore ave beginning with Maariv 8:15
- B"M Ohel Yaakov Simchas Bais Hashoeva/Hachtara 8:45pm at Holywood Ave

Shiur by Rav Avrohom Bromberg shlita 7pm arB"M Kelmwoods westgate.

- The Rosh Yeshiva of Baltimore Harav Aaron Feldman shlita said said American bochurim in EY should not attend the musical event sponsored by Eretz Hakodesh on Chol hamoed in order not to give eretz hakodesh the authority to represent yeshiva bochurim 

Chol Hamoed section Lakewood shopper Here 

Jenkinsons boardwalk rides arcades open beaches open thousands enjoying chol hamoed

- Tonight Hachtara of Rav Ezriel Cziment shlita at Rav of B"M Ohel Yaakov formerly Chanichei Hayeshivos the previous Rav Was Rav Yaakov Landau ztl. Maariv 7:20pm

- Power ball lottery jackpot 1.04 Billion  drawing tonight
Greater adventure learning program every morning in bais Faiga 10:45am - 11:45am 
-Cherry Crest farm in Lancaster is closed will only be open on Thursday.
Trip ideas from

- Chol Hamoed Trip guide Here
- Staten island Ferry is free 
- American Dream free shows everyday  chol hamoed at 2,3,4 pm todayvDr. Schnitzel wacky science,Acrobat show,Balla brothers.
- coupons for flg x adventure course Ledgewood, NJ  exclusive chol hamoed deal here
- Cape May Zoo free admission open 10:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.  1:10 from Lakewood 

Motzei Yom Tov chol Hamoed sukkos
Sukkos first night "Hashem loves us" "its a Neis" was what everyone said as the rain  suddenly stopped at 9:30pm after pouring for a week straight and despite the weather forecast calling for rain showers all night, people held out and were hopeful to be able to eat with a bracha in the Sukkah. BH not only were they able to eat but to alsoas sleep in the sukkah until it rained 7:30am briefly  but the day meal was spared again from the rain. Nice weather predicted for rest of week with rain on Friday and shabbos. In Brooklyn the rain stopped by the zman and yidden were able to eat with a לשבת בסוכה right away. Rabbinic in many shuls spoke about the nest and the fact that Hashem showed us he wants us to join him in the succa.

Simchas Bais Hashoeva

Motzei YT
B"M of Westgate
Bm Kelmwoods
Arlington shul
Orchos chaim for the talmidim
Skulen 10:15 all nights

Bde: Petirah of Reb Yisroel Yitzchok Spira Z”L of Lakewood/Monsey lived recently in Westgate  was menahel of Yeshiva S Fallsburg. He was 85 levaya is at the Lakewood Commons Shul at 10:20 AM and Leaving to the airport at 11:30.

Bde: Petira of Rav Betzalel Edelstein, zt’l, Rosh yeshivas Ahavas Aaron son of Rav Gershon edelstein zatzal after Rosh an illness he was 68. 

- A simchas Bais Hashoeva will take place for all Lakewood yeshiva bochurim Monday night at Toras Menachem hall with Shloimy Daskal and Mendy Hershkowitz band. Several Roshei Yeshiva will participate Succasunna.

- BMG Simchas Bais Hashoeva is Tuesday night at B"M Bais Aaron 9pm

Roberts carnival is Tuesday at Blueclaws stadium parking lot


  1. Any chasidishe mens clothing stores open on chol hamoed? Thank you!

  2. Fabulous Shiur on what Simchas Beis Hashoeiva is all about from Rav Aryeh Leib Paretzky Shlita.

  3. Go to a woman's dress store. The material from the Tish beketches that the Hungarian Rebbes wear seem to come from there. LOL!

    1. It seems you are still from the immature babies who get a kick out of making fun of Hungarians or Rebbes. But just for your ignorance, I have news for you that galitzianer, Russian and Hungarian Rebbes dress alike...........

    2. The Lubavitcher Rebbe did not have colorful dresses, neither did the Slonimer Rebbes.
      So Litvishe and Russian do not.

      The Ukrainian may dress in their wives' dresses, but they learned that from their rich Ruzhiner cousins.

    3. It sounds like you have taken part of the Tisha Kabin of speech from the noshim. Seyug lachochma shetika. Btw even though no one knows who you are. It is known that tenuos hachitzoniyos are mashpia on the penimiyes, so be carefull on your actions even bechadrei chadorim!

    4. Actually in Chabad the rebbes used to dress in white on Shabbos (as in the famous picture of Tzemach Tzedek) in accordance with the Arizal. The Rashab discontinued it saying that he is not on the madreaga to dress himself in accordance with sifrei kabbalah. So don't extrapolate from them to other groups.

    5. Chabadskers claim the last rebbe was bigger than anyone (ask them)
      even bigger than Yehoshua bin nun

      How ironic

  4. Levaya of Rabbi Spira is at the Lakewood Commons Shul at 10:20 AM and Leaving to the airport at 11:30.

  5. What is the time for greater adventure learning in bf?

  6. Is chag hasukkos about the booths/clouds that surrounded us in the midbar or is it another yom tov that is supposed to remind us of yetzias mitzrayim? The evidence points to the latter

  7. The dearth of comments on today's post makes me look at everyone at a Chol Hamoed trim as probably a commenter on Hefkervelt who has to take off becasue of his family.

  8. Is it mutter to buy a lottery ticket on chol hamoed? It’s only Menias Revach..

    1. It’s a Tzoirech GODOL literally.

  9. Anyone know what night & what time is Lutzk's Simchas Beis Hashoeivah?

  10. Town is empty sad how many people go away

    1. The town has a lot of younger families who go to spend yomtov with their parents. so beautiful

  11. Stolin every night

  12. Does anyone know if the concerts in Newark today were sold out or empty?

    1. NJ pack has 4 shows packed house

  13. Simchas Bais Hashoeva Wednesday night Brookwood 3, 9 o'clock. Horav Avrohom Kammer speaking at 9:40

  14. Watchout if going to mantoloking.
    Cops are checking registration of vehicles at Mantoloking Park and towing those with expired.

    1. They'll yow you in Lakewood also. The police cars have license plate scanners. It is a scam that this law exists, because it's really meant to prevent abandoned cars.

    2. Do they do this everyday or only on days frequented by Lakewooders?

  15. It's incredible to hear people complaining about stores closing early. Retail workers also have families and celebrate yomtov.

  16. What time is bmg simchas bais shoeva

  17. R' Shmuel Felder will speak Wednesday, in Coventry Bais Medrash in Bi-annual Chol HaMoed questions & answers at 12:15

    1. Actually 12pm, as per the sign

  18. Very interesting

  19. Very interesting.
    Psa. The public school in jackson according to jackson opra request was built in that area near west gate bordering lakewood so it will stop lakewood people from expanding. That's anti..... if so making a concert in that place with mixed seating explains every thing about what that building was built for

  20. Hoshanos in bingo are 2.49, not 2.99, as per their email.

  21. Seems mixed events are terrible for example Roberts festival , aha! It's only seating which is a issue? Or hakessef yaaneh ess hakol? So why can't ner Avrohom Sponsor the event.......

    1. After you're willing to shop in a segregated grocery. Don't need to be so obtuse to pretend there's no difference.

    2. Yup why is mixed seating in the tents at Roberts carnival events ok and no one says boo

    3. Maybe it's because Miami boy's choir is not unzereh?

    4. The Robert's carnival is an event for children so unless you're going to give each family their own area with a mechitza it needs to be mixed. A sit down concert on the other hand where you wouldn't bring kids who can't sit and will end up being mostly adults who may feel inclined to dance along is a bigger issue. That said, the powers that be still do not want to allow concerts in lakewood no matter if it's separate seating or even only men or girls.

    5. That's why they make their concerts in Philadelphia, and give them another name.

  22. "Siyuma Shel Torah" A special feature shiur was said last night on the 226th Yahrtzeit of the Vilna Gaon by Reb Michoel Sorotzkin shlyt"a on the concept being mesayem a masecheta and the entire Torah according to the Gra's shita.

    1. Just viewed. Marvelous כדרכו בקדש . Should be posted as a separate post לתועלת הרבים

  23. Highly unimpressed to hear that the Ned Thompson campaign is sounding the alarm bell about Avi Scnall's campaign. Errr... they might be a nogea badovor. Can anyone list a Scnall policy that is against crime? The larger dem party can go forward with or without Schnall.

    1. Schnall himself won't propose any pro crime or woke policies but if the Democrats in Trenton do so he will have to go along with them in order to stay in their good graces.

  24. Actually Dr Roberts works very hard to set up separate seating but enforcing it is nearly impossible.

    1. You may feel inclined to tip your hat to him however the distinction is not Is material. It doesn't make a difference if you try or you don't try, or if it's made for children, and Adults must come along too, Or made for adults and children obviously tag along...... Or if you call it a concert or a carnival. A mixed show or mixed anything should be either assur for all, or mutar for all.

    2. It would be a good idea for you to sit down with an actual learned individual and discuss your thoughts regarding this before posting your drivel.... like- find out what the issue is by a concert vs a kids story or jumping Jack show

    3. Actually one might be worse then the other, however mingling of both genders is assur as per mishnah in hachalil in meseches sukka Regardless of the purpose of the gathering....... Obviously it does not depend on trends or traditions...... And obviously it seems like it doesn't suit your tastes either...but so much for drivel....

  25. Philadelphia Zoo is closed on Thursday, October 5th

  26. According to y….steak phillys zoo is always open. 24/7.

  27. Website says open today but closed Tuesday

  28. Any mishna torah in Lakewood?

    1. Every single shul that says vyatzmach.

  29. I figured out how to post the comments the Senate leadership made about our Court victory. I am baffled why very few people notice that everyone in Trenton is already at the table to discuss Lakewood but no one from Lakewood. What is going on? I can't figure the politics of this town. Let me do the lawyering. Can't someone else do the politics? At least sit at the table with me and the governor, commissioner, attorney general, and legislative leadership. It is so funny that we talk about getting a seat at "the table," but we already have one. It baffles the mind that I have to do this alone from Lakewood.

    You have to see this clip. The two most powerful people in NJ talking about funding Lakewood after our victory and few in town even noticed.


  30. Morty Shtieble is a disgrace to our Torah city!

    1. I was there last week around 8:45 AM for shachris. Jammed full of bnei torah davening. 2 full full minyanim.
      So the fact that you show up there at 11:00 when those that aren’t bnei torah are there to daven, it’s a disgrace? You shouldn’t be there then if you’re of that level holy! You shouldn’t be davening after zman kriyas shema with the brachos!

    2. We aren't a Torah city and you are a disgrace to Judaism for being so hateful. Did someone hurt you? Have you been to therapy yet?

  31. Morty Shtieble & the like should keep their Breslóv TLC Toras, and bearhugs, and silly kumzitzes etc for druggies, and excons, but STAY AWAY FROM OUR KIDS!!!

    1. Chinnuch is not easy. BH you have a place like Mordy’s Shtibel and so many others in town to give an opportunity for you to explain to your children that it’s not just 1 box fits all. We love yidden. We love yidden just trying to have a connection to Hashem. Explain to him it’s not necessarily your mesorah or minhag, but it’s beautiful that every yid wants to be closer to Hashem.

    2. Anon 3:55 you hit it on the nail!

    3. If your kid has a choice of leaving completely vs going to Mordy's which would you rather? From the crowds that are there it seems there's something attractive about it. Personally I've never been, but that's because my upbringing was traditional. If you raise your kid with every modern innovation, than why should they daven old fashion? We introduce modern techniques in chinuch, modern clothing styles, modern haircuts, take them to not jewish events, not traditional entertainment, but want to draw the line at tefilla? This is just a natural next step.

  32. When your cookie cutter shul won't do it for your kid, then try something a little different. Actually it's really based on chasidus which connected the masses, and not just one size fits all. I've been there and it's incredible. And I'm a die hard litvak coming from the "yoshon" if you know what that means. I even recorded the motzei yom Kippur speech at the seudah, it was really inspiring.
