Monday, October 16, 2023

Guidance: Rav Moshe Sternbuch Shlita On The War


“Hashem does nothing without revealing His secret to His servants” 

 (Amos 3:7)

Rav Sternbuch has been expressing his concern for months now about the possibility of terrible events occurring, and that we have no idea how serious our situation is. He would talk about this even at family simchos. On one occasion he said that if we knew what we might have to go through, we would go meshugeh. He also articulated his dismay at people’s apathy. When someone told Rav Sternbuch that he was scaring people with all his statements, he responded, “Very good, people should be repenting”.

On Yom Kippur Rav Sternbuch was in his Yeshiva. Before Neila he burst out crying and shouted that difficult and terrible decrees are in store for us, and we still have a few minutes to attempt to annul them. As we wrote in our article two weeks ago (in the updated version sent by email on Friday Erev Shabbos-Sukkos), Rav Sternbuch said the following just after Yom Kippur: 

We do not know what the coming year potentially has in store for us, and if we are not worried, that means that our emuna is deficient. Every Jew must realize that any calamities in Eretz Yisroel chas vesholom will spread to the whole world eventually, and we have to increase our emuna so that we will have the strength to face any eventuality.

Those statements by Rav Sternbuch provided us with the opportunity to prepare for this week’s events emotionally, and they are especially poignant currently for Jews around the world. 

Rav Sternbuch also spoke in English (and partly in Yiddish) on Erev Shabbos-Sukkos (there is a video recording of it). At what was supposed to be a happy lechayim for a Bar Mitzvah boy, most of Rav Sternbuch’s talk consisted -seemingly without reason - of words of admonition and warning, including the following: 

This year is a special year. The kadmonim were all afraid of this year, of this month. They were afraid to live in this month, they were afraid that they might have to suffer a lot… It seems the main point we must be mechazek this year is Shabbos, Shabbos is os bris (Before Rosh Hashono Rav Sternbuch cited the Oruch Laner that, historically speaking, the years in which Rosh Hashonoh fell on Shabbos either presaged very happy events, or calamitous ones, and Rav Sternbuch recommended everyone to adopt a resolution for the honor of Shabbos, so that it will protect us and substitute for the merit of the absent Shofar, for example by learning hilchos Shabbos throughout the year regularly, sanctifying Shabbos with Torah learning, or inducing others to become conversant in hilchos Shabbos.)

 People start laughing at Yom Kippur, making demonstrations against people keeping Yom Kippur. One would have thought that we would make demonstrations for Hashem’s honor which has been desecrated, they are completely mecharef and megadef (blaspheming), we are obligated by halocho to tear our clothes, but we keep quiet… We would have expected that there would be a big response from Jews all over the world. The din is that even if you did not see or hear a giduf (blasphemy), but only heard from someone that there was a giduf, you have to tear your clothes. It is an obligation mide’oraiso to tear your clothes if you hear that there was such a chilul Hashem. People are very cold today. It’s very dangerous. Especially this year, it’s such an important year, when we don’t know what’s going to happen. 

There could be all sorts of surprises. We can be sure that many decisions are being made for us now… it’s impossible to speak about the matzav which we’re in today. Rav Elchonon Wasserman, I remember I heard from him himself: “If I see chilul Shabbos, I won’t live, I can’t see it”. I remember people tried to convince him to come to Eretz Yisroel, but he said that he was not capable of doing it. People didn’t know what was going on in Eretz Yisroel. I remember that a yid came from Eretz Yisroel and Rav Schneider asked him what Yiddishkeit was like there, and he said that Jews were walking around bear-headed. Rav Schneider became extremely upset that people were walking around Yerushalyim Ir Kakodesh without a yarmulke. And now [coming back to the present] they’re making fun of Torah, fear of heaven, of everything. Even the goyim would not allow such behavior… but we should not accuse others, we ourselves are not doing anything, and that is the biggest sorrow, the Almighty looks to see what we’re doing. The cheek which they have try to prevent people from praying, it’s only because they see that we are weak”.

On Wednesday Chol Hamoed Sukkos Rav Sternbuch told the people in his house that there is a difficult decree looming against the Jews after Sukkos, and we have to do what we can to annul it.

On Hoshana Rabba when R. Yecheskel Berkovitch asked Rav Sternbuch for a brocho for success, Rav Sternbuch told him: “A brocho for success? You need a brocho for protection! May Hashem protect you!”

During a Simchas Beis Hashoeva on Chol Hamoed Sukkos whilst watching the bochurim dancing in his Yeshiva, Rav Sternbuch, again seemingly without any reason, recalled the Simchas Torah during Wold War Two in Rav Moshe Schneider’s Yeshiva. As we mentioned in our Sukkos article, most of the boys’ parents and family members had remained behind in continental Europe, and were under constant threat of death. Rav Sternbuch recalls how these boys came to the Rosh Yeshiva on Sukkos and told them that it was impossible for them to feel joy on Yom Tov when they did not know whether their parents were alive, and even if they were, they were surely suffering greatly from hunger or other forms of torture, so how could they possibly feel any joy. Rav Schneider was greatly moved and said, “Hitler, may his name be erased, may perhaps take this world from us, but he cannot take away our afterlife. We will fulfil Hashem’s mitzvos, even a custom such as dancing, with hidur (splendor). Even if we should walk in the valley of death, even in our last moment inside a fiery furnace, we will still be happy to be Jews, and under no circumstances will we let the Nazi oppressor take away our simchas hachag”. Rav Schneider insisted that the yeshiva bochurim feel special joy at being part of Hashem’s treasured nation. He did not let them stand on the side, but rather brought them into the circle of dancers.

Just several days later, Rav Sternbuch was back in his yeshiva for Shabbos Simchas Torah. The first siren went off in the middle of Hallel. By recollecting that incident exactly 80 years ago just a few days earlier, Rav Sternbuch had prepared the boys for dancing with joy even whilst Jewish blood was being spilt (as had to be suspected in light of the numerous sirens), and no one knew when and where the next bomb would land, possibly near them or where their loved ones lived.

When he was told about what was taking place in the country, Rav Sternbuch responded: “I have been warning about this for a while, but it seems that my words fell on deaf ears” (in Hebrew: “I was speaking to the walls”), and he asked for several chapters of Tehilim to be recited.

Rav Sternbuch instructed yeshivos and various Chasidic groups to tone down their hakofos shniyos and make them conspicuously less joyful, and preferably without music. At his own yeshiva there was no music, and the hakofos shniyos were curtailed. Rav Sternbuch said a few brief words: “Everyone should go and learn, because every little bit of learning has the power to save us. The danger is very great not only for those on the front, but also for us. The danger is getting closer, and we do not know what the future has in store for us.

We need faith that Hashem will help, but in order for Hashem to help, we have to show that we agree to do something difficult with mesirus nefesh (with self-dedication) for His sake, and so everyone should resolve now to learn also during difficult times, and we will witness wonders with the help of Hashem”.

On Sunday morning this week Rav Sternbuch was asked what we can do to mitigate the current middas hadin (attribute of justice). He replied: “Torah, fear of heaven, and fear of sin”, and added that prayer without tears is not enough. Rav Sternbuch added that what happened on Shabbos illustrates Rav Chaim Brisker’s statement: “the Gentile wants to kill me, and he has the ability to kill me, so why doesn’t he kill me? Only because Hashem does not let him”.

Hashem is demonstrating our enemies’ “natural” behavior which we would beconstantly exposed to, were it not for His constant protection, and how grateful we should be for the miracle of our survival in this country, surrounded as we are by bloodthirsty enemies.

Also on Sunday, someone asked Rav Sternbuch for a blessing because he was getting married in two or three months’ time, Rav Sternbuch responded that there could be a revolution by then. When asked (on Tuesday) what he meant by “revolution”, Rav Sternbuch explained that a revolution can be a good thing or a not good thing, or first one and then the other. It is important at this time to judge members of Hashem’s nation favorably. However, just a few weeks ago, the Israeli Prime Minister publicly 
questioned the Almighty’s Omnipotence and Providence r”l, and Hashem has now responded to those heretical statements which caused a terrible chilul Hashem (desecration of the divine name), by demonstrating who is the real Baal Habayis (who is in charge). Not the Prime Minister, not any security force, not 
any foreign nation, nor any mortal being. This should strengthen our emuna, and cause us to place our trust entirely in the Creator, and make a kiddush Hashem (sanctification of the divine name).

Upon being told that some people were cancelling weddings because of the prohibition of large public gatherings, Rav Sternbuch said that there was no need to cancel weddings. 
Chadorim (Talmudei Torah) should definitely be kept open. If they were to be closed, that would be a victory for our enemies. People learning here who live overseas do not need to leave the country at present. However, they should make sure that their passports are valid and any paperwork is in order, in case they have to return home. 

Rav Sternbuch was asked whether bnei Eretz Yisroel who have the easy possibility of moving overseas temporarily should do so should the situation deteriorate G-d forbid. He responded that they should not, but should rather have 
bitochon, since Eretz Yisroel has protective power. Of course, Rav Sternbuch has 
noted in the past that bnei Eretz Yisroel are expected to act in a manner in consonance with the sanctity of this country.
Someone living in Yerushalayim is living in the most protected location in the world, since it is the location of the Beis Hamikdosh. The holy Arizal did not want to live in Yerushalayim because of the high degree of sanctity that 
would be expected for his avoda were he to live here. We do not have such issues, since such levels are not expected of us. On the other hand, again, a ben Yerushalayim is naturally expected to behave in consonance with the sanctity of 
the mokom hamikdosh.

When asked if people should move temporarily to Yerushalayim in the current situation, Rav Sternbuch responded that there was no point, since one cannot attain the status of a ben Yerushalayim just through temporary residence. 

An American girl learning in a Seminar who wants to stay here but whose parents want her to come home asked whether she has to listen to her parents. Rav Sternbuch said that she can stay here since the merit of Eretz Yisroel protects us. 

Rav Sternbuch is telling visitors from overseas returning home that they should not forget bnei Eretz Yisroel, and continue to pray for them, and that they should know that any calamities happening here will spread overseas “like an
infectious disease”.

The Muslims are religious, have faith, and have some power to harm us. Our ability to counter them lies in prayer, faith, including the realization that Hashem is all-powerful, the Source of all life, and that only He is in charge of our destiny.

Ladies and girls should be told to focus and refraining from loshon horo, and not to wear long wigs or put on conspicuous make-up or perfume.

In a letter to the public issued this week, Rav Sternbuch writes that Chazal tell us that the Jewish nation will only be redeemed through affliction, repentance mercy and prayer. In order to avert evil decrees, one must adopt the practice of our forefathers and focus on repentance, prayer and charity.

As for repentance, everyone must introspect to decide which areas he or she specifically should focus on.

As far as prayer is concerned, in times of trouble we have always turned to Tehilim. Quality is more important than quantity, and one should endeavor to pour one’s heart out through the realization that one’s entire life is dependent only on Hashem. Happy is the person who sheds tears during his prayers, thereby arousing divine mercy. Several chapters of Tehilim should be recited by the public in Shul after every tefila to avert evil decrees and for the benefit of our brethren who have
suffered injuries, or are in danger or captivity.
As for charity, one should have mercy on the needy and increase charitable deeds. 

As a segula for protection, heads of households who are in a position to do so, should do the pidyon nefesh revealed by the Ramban to donate an amount to the
needy equivalent to the gimatria (numerical value) of his Hebrew name. This is
effective for that person’s whole family.
Somebody who does not have the financial means to give this amount to
charity should instead comfort and encourage the downtrodden and anyone in need
of words of encouragement. In the merit of their mercy on their fellow creatures
they will merit divine mercy.

Hashem has taught us about the futility of mortal power, He has deflated the pride of those who trust in the power of mortal beings, in order to arouse us to place our reliance exclusively in Him and internalize the fact that He is the only source of our salvation. The holy books say that when the Jewish nation will come to the complete realization that we have no possibility at all of obtaining salvation from
natural sources and that we have no one to rely on except our Father in Heaven, we
will merit salvation.

Obviously, one should not under any circumstances go on vacations or trips, G-d forbid, and a yeshiva bochur’s place now is only in the Beis Hamedrash.

One should be very careful not to waste time on nonsense during the current period. It is very common in a time of war for people to fritter away precious time discussing current events, future scenarios and so on. We have to remember that Torah protects us, and every additional increase in Torah learning reinforces that protection. As Chazal have told us (Sanhedrin 88b), in order to be saved from the 
birth pangs of moshiach, one must engage in Torah and lovingkindness.

The real “front” in any war is in heaven. We are not a nation subject to any natural causes, and it is only our prayers, Torah, repentance and deeds that cause the Shechina to dwell in our midst and save us from misfortunes. 

Since we can only merit redemption when we come to the simple and absolute realization that “we have no one to rely on except our Father in Heaven”, and since it is next to impossible to achieve this level if we expose our minds to 
what is happening with the army, with politics and so on, because they create the 
impression that our fate depends on these matters, we would be very foolish to fill 
our minds with all the latest news. Other than the need for information about the current security situation in order to know when and where it is save to go to, or do certain things, and so on, one has no need for any “news”, and should rather spend our precious time during these turbulent times on matters beneficial to our spiritual and physical welfare, such as Torah, prayer, charity and lovingkindness.

Hashem wants and expects everybody to pray fervently for the welfare and success of every Jew, both soldier and civilian, but we also beseech Him that our hoped-for physical salvation should be coupled with our spiritual salvation, in which everyone without exception recognizes our physical salvation as being an outcome of Hashem’s power, providence and kindness, rather than the success and power of 
any mortal beings, which is what the media would have us believe.

Mashgichim and Ramim have to instill a sense of responsibility into the hearts of every Yeshiva bochur and tell them about the magnitude of their task to protect every Jewish home at this time through the merit of their Torah, and that they should not waste any time on vanities, G-d forbid.

The chareidi public too has to understand that Bnei Torah, and especially Yeshiva bochurim and avreichim, are the real protectors of the residents of Eretz Yisroel. Instead of feeling inferior or guilty for not serving in the army, they should feel proud to be bnei Torah and a sense of responsibility to act in a way befitting a ben Torah, thereby ensuring that the entire population can live as a sheep amongst 
seventy wolves by virtue of the only merit we have: the merit of Torah.

Our task is to realize that Hashem’s love for every member of his nation is beyond anything we are capable of imagining, and the only purpose of any affliction 
is to serve as a wake-up call to repent and come closer to Him, the same way that a 
loving father afflicts his son only for the son’s benefit.

May Hashem hear our supplications, and save every Jew from injury, may He send a speedy recovery to all the injured, and liberate every captive, and may Hashem give us the power to remain strong during the trials of the birth pangs of Moshiach, and may the Ishmaelites suffer a complete downfall. The downfall of 
Yishmoel will herald the coming of Moshiach (see Baal Haturim on Bereishis 25:18), and then we will rejoice in the final redemption, may it come bimhero beyomeinu.


  1. A very special man.They are trying, without being desired, to turn him into a Rebbe

    1. Are you worried he isn’t affialeted with Derek hat torah or aguda ?
      Who is he worse then reb Chaim ZT”L
      Harav Sternbuch is a posek in his own standing and a bal ruach hakodesh and his koach hatora and kabulas from the brisker ruv is more then RAv Shach ZTL

    2. Isn't a comparison with someone three & a half decades his senior, childish?
      proves previous statement

  2. How can we get the emails from Rav Shterbauch's shelita drashos?

    1. להרשמה לרשימת התפוצה ניתן להצטרף דרך שליחת מייל לכתובת:
