Tuesday, October 3, 2023

Chol Hamoed Message from Candidate for Township Committee R' Hershel Herskowitz

 Message about upcoming election campaigns as Lakewood residents begin getting mailers and ads. Township Committee gave up rights to widen Rt 9


  1. Vote all incumbents out. They don’t have us, the taxpayers interests in mind; Hershel does.

    Vote the BOE incumbents out, there are millions of your tax payer money at stake here..

  2. If you hate Trump, vote for Hershel

    1. If you love Lakewood, vote for Hershel.

  3. Trump or no Trump, Hershel is by far the best candidate on the ballot. He has a clear grasp of the issues (I doubt there are any competing persons that even come close) and - most importantly- actually cares about the community, and is beholden to no one.

  4. No idea why anyone thinks HH is different than any other wannabe politician who blames those who are in currently in office for every thing that is wrong in town. Ditto for Schnall. If they were proposing an actual viable plan to accomplish what they are promising that would be one thing. In reality all I'm seeing from them is standard blog rhetoric. They won't accomplish anything more than the LAC (remember them?) did.

  5. As a 35 year resident of Lakewood, I’ve been watching the damage brought unto our town by the way-too-comfortable-in-their-position-incumbents. These politicians have been paid millions of dollars in their multi-year salaries while they aided and abetted the destruction of our infrastructure. They also have worked extra hard to ignore the voice of the common people on so many levels. For example, they abolished the public workshop meetings where they used to allow the residents to be informed about important issues which would be discussed and voted on at the public meetings. They changed the time of the public meetings to make it extremely inconvenient for residents to attend. Then they abolished in-person meetings altogether. When residents attempt to call in they get ignored and their calls get hung up on. Their emails often get skipped over too. Another example is when Menashe totally abolished the rent control board, leaving countless residents as open prey to unscrupulous landlords. In fact, as reported on FAA, there’s currently another case in court where the landlord claims that he can impose on his many tenants whatever raise he feels like, because then-Mayor Menashe The Abolisher got rid of rent control in Lakewood. Oy le’oisa busha!

    There are dozens of other examples of corruption that immediately come to mind where the incumbent committee men screwed the taxpayers again and again.

    This Fuentes individual that the establishment has endorsed has no understanding of the issues and no shaychus to belonging on the committee. She will not represent the public’s interest. (This “vaad” establishment are also the same people that have kept telling us over and over to vote for the local incumbents — which was clearly very bad advice that has hurt us in so many ways, but gave their handlers special favors).

    The time has long since arrived to vote for Hershel Herskowitz and bring back common sense governing to our hometown Lakewood. He’s the right man for our tzibbur!

  6. Don't vote for anyone else besides Hershel. Otherwise he has bigger shot of losing.

  7. Is Hershel running a campaign? Outside of Hefkervelt/FAANews there is nothing going on in his behalf.

  8. Widening route 9 feels like it never would have happened. I can’t imagine the costs and red tape required for that. Always seemed unrealistic.

    1. It was not at all unrealistic in the not that ling ago, before our committee men appointed planning & zoning board members that handed out insane approvals all along the route 9 stretch like they were drunken sailors.

      Using the power of eminent domain on vacant land is a small fraction of the cost of fully developed properties.

      To restate TG’s earlier comment: The incumbent Twp Committee members have been screwing the non-developer taxpayers again and again all the way up and down Route 9.
